Welcome to Plugged, TNW’s new hardware publication
We’re proud to announce the launch of our gear, gadget, and hardware site, Plugged!
While there are more brilliant bits of hardware being released than ever before, the majority of reviews veer heavily towards either the dull or just an exploration of the author’s lifestyle.
At Plugged, we want to do things differently.
Rather than testing out whether a product is right for us, we want to highlight the type of person it’d be perfect for.
Think of it this way: there’s a bit of hardware that’s ideal for you, you might just not know it yet. And if it’s not for you? At least the review will be fun to read or watch.
Alejandro Tauber – The Next Web’s Editor-in-Chief – delved into this further in his intro piece to Plugged. I’d recommend you go check it out.
As shown in the Plugged introduction video above, we’ve already been creating some work for the site we’re incredibly proud of. So, what better place to highlight some of that than here?
The Hövding
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95_TNoFycng]
We took to the streets of Amsterdam with the Hövding – an inflatable bike helmet – with a simple question: would the Dutch public wear one?
Oh, and whether or not it’d protect us from a trampoline.
The Furbo
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVqklztRUeE]
Dogs have all the luck. Unlimited naps, no rent, and belly rubs on demand.
In this video, we explored whether the Furbo – a dog camera and snack shooter – could be beneficial to people too. For once, humanity might have the upper hand.
The Coravin

The Coravin is a cool gadget. It’s a clamp-like device that sits on a bottle of wine. It then drives a needle through the cork, letting you take out the sweet liquid without ruining the rest. Ideal for vino-lovers who buy expensive bottles.
While this is great for some, what about those who just want a free glass of wine for the shop? Well, we had to find out.
The Somnox
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETQ9u1pP1fA]
Getting to sleep isn’t always as easy as it sounds. This is why a team of Dutch researchers invented the Somnox, a device that helps people who struggle with this drift off.
Basically, it’s a robot with a difference: it wants to cuddle, rather than destroy.
To make sure you don’t miss out on any projects like these in the future, make sure you go and follow Plugged on Twitter. Until then, we’re excited to make this journey with you.
Source: The Next Web