The World In 2024, Burning With Political Unrest, Conflicts; The Uncertain Future We Are Crafting For Our Children
As we voyage through 2024 with half of the year gone, the world seems increasingly teetering on the brink of widespread chaos, with political unrest and conflict flaring up in several regions. The present turmoil not only threatens the stability of the present but also creates doubts over the future we are building for our children - where are we headed, and what future are we creating?

We have reached almost the twilight of 2024, the world is consumed in a series of political and social upheavals that threaten to reshape the very fabric of our societies.
From the streets of London to the corners of conflict zones, the fires of unrest are burning fast and furious, casting a dark shadow over the future of humanity; these major unrests are currently shaping our world, and it forces us to question where we are headed and what future we are crafting for our children.
The Flames Grow Higher, A Global Overview
In recent months, political unrest has swept across many regions, driven by a variety of factors including economic instability, corruption, and demands for greater democratic freedoms.
The Middle East, A Region On The Edge
Some analysts have described the Middle East as a region on the edge because of its vulnerable and somewhat precarious position in the global system of states.
The Middle East remains volatile and the escalation of the Israel- Hamas conflict continues as the region risks becoming involved in an all-out war.
Sadly, the violence has already provoked deterioration in relations with the neighbouring countries and resulted in massive human suffering as civilians always pay the highest price for the conflict.
What makes this conflict dangerous is the possibility of conflict involving more regional powers and escalating into instability, which is a fear that many have both for the Middle East and the world.
Concerning issues of human rights abuses specifically referring to that of Gazans and how the Israeli government has been handling the region, there has been an upsurge in the protests.
Likewise in Lebanon, due to a poor economy and rampant corruption, the entire nation has gone on strike, making the country all the more unstable that was already on the edge.
2. Latin America
In Latin America, for example, Venezuela or Nicaragua is experiencing a very acute crisis.
In Venezuela, there are protests against the current ruler Nicolás Maduro due to the economic crisis; at the same time in Nicaragua, people are discontent with the current president Daniel Ortega.
Therefore, and consequent instability in both nations has resulted in awful humanitarian disasters and refugee influx.
Eastern Europe
But again, things are also not rosy in Eastern Europe; Polish and Hungarian governments have been dealing with a lot of protests over some controversial judicial system changes and perceived erosion of democracy.
These countries’ regression in terms of democratization and the growing authoritarianism cause both external and internal discontent.
Russia, Ukraine
The Russia-Ukraine conflict that started in 2014 due to Russia’s annexation of Crimea and a full-scale invasion in February 2022 is one of the most ongoing and challenging crises of the current generation.
The consequences of continued hostilities or aggression are not only between Ukraine and Russia anymore but ripples that have affected the international society by threatening or worsening stability, security and humanitarian situations.
Myanmar Is A Nation in Turmoil
Asia also has its share of problems; Myanmar’s decline persists as the military regime fails to hold power amid uprisings and protests after the military coup in February 2021, the crisis escalated where millions of people fled and close to 19 million need humanitarian assistance.
This has however been compounded by natural disasters including cyclones which have effectively doubled the tribulation of an already distressed populace. Unfortunately for Myanmar’s children, the future appears to be grim with the infrastructure, economy and social fabric of the country destroyed.
Bangladesh, Burnt
Bangladesh faced one of the most severe political crises in the year 2024 which was characterised by various protests, increasing violence and an unexpected escape of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina from Bangladesh.
Some of the most affected countries in Africa today include; Somalia, Mali and Namibia to mention just but a few.
Extreme weather disasters aggravated by climate change and armed conflict with al-Shabaab militants have put millions of Somalis in a critically vulnerable state that requires humanitarian intervention.
However, Mali is calamity due to the start of the UN peacekeepers’ pullout which has triggered apprehension of the new fighting between government troops and Tuareg rebels.
On the other hand, Namibia is experiencing one of the worst dried-up seasons in recent times, the situation is pathetic, a large number of the people in the country are in abject poverty, with very little access to food.
Western Democracies,
The United States, Internal Strife With Global Implications
Even in more mature democracies, new sources of instability are emerging, within the United States, for instance, the political divide has escalated significantly and professionals have predicted that the 2024 presidential election could be violent.
This same concept of domestic terrorism and political violence is not only a threat to the stability of the United States but the entire world since it is the world’s superpower; instability in the U.S. could worsen world conflicts and violence.
The Threat to Humanity
These fires of unrest are not mere figures of speech; the smoke that rises from them is a culmination of the catastrophic threats that have the potential to impact the very core of human beings.
Growing authoritarianism as well as the weakening of civil society, remain a threat to basic human rights and freedoms.
The conflicts and insecurity threaten the lives of millions of people, destroy the economies of the affected countries and promote the violation of rights.
This has been compounded by the fact that many governments continue to fail to provide the basic needs of the people, especially in tackling fundamental issues such as inequality, corruption and lack of accountability hence compounding the problem thus leaving societies in a state of turmoil.
Also, these conflicts are not isolated but rather affect the entire world, in a manner that is evidenced by economic sanctions, refugee issues, and tension among nations that disables the whole stability and security worldwide.
World In Flames, What Lies Ahead?
As we stand at the crossroads of escalating conflicts and their effects on society, the question to be answered is- where are we going?
The direction the world is taking points to – state politics will remain unstable, societies will remain divided and the rich-poor divide just as likely to widen; the fire of unrest, thus, is highly likely to rage on in the absence of any concerted efforts towards changing the same factors.
In matters concerning our children, the future seems to be rather unpredictable.
Today’s youth may grow up in a world that has to face the outcomes of the contemporary wars – a world with enclaved and violated human rights, agencies’ democratic influence reduction, and social tensions.
The Last Bit, while the world goes up in flames, and the smoke from it billows on the horizon, the crises that our world is experiencing today – there is constant danger of climate change, the assertion of authoritarian rule, and more, the problems are not only huge but are global.
The fires threaten to suffocate the very humanity inside of us, our empathy, solidarity, and evolution along with the destiny of the coming generation(s).
The question is – will we be capable of putting out these fires or will they continue to burn and spread throughout the world that we live in?
This particular year of 2024 is arguably the most volatile and the decisions made today will hugely impact as to whether there is a world to look forward to for the generations to come.