Stop Testing The Patience Of The Citizens: What Governments Across The World Must Learn From George Floyd’s Death Protests In Minnesota

The death of George Floyd has started a revolt across the world.
Floyd, a 46-year-old black man died after pleading for help as the police officer used force to pin him down. In Minneapolis, 30 people gathered outside the police station and threw rocks. The temporary fence which was in front of the police station was destroyed fully. The police responded with tear gas, beanbags fired.
The protesters entered the police building and ignited fires. The police building was in danger of exploding. 500 soldiers were going out to protect life and preserve property. More than 170 businesses were looted and damaged. Plenty of fires were set up. It is also said that there was a shooting near a pharmacy. The riots turned to deadly with various properties being looted and at least 15 fires were intentionally set up in areas.
Donald Trump tweeted later at night saying that he cannot look at America like this. There is a lack of leadership and zero control over the city. At the moment, the National Guard has been activated to help the city and maintain peace.
This whole scenario is going on in the United States where the government has not taken up a decision yet regarding who was at fault and what punishment must be given. This is a clear case of racism where one white police officer killed a black person. What are the governments doing all across the world? It is the 21st century and people are out on the roads because the justice system does not make them satisfied. Public lynching is happening without any probe. The people want to see the criminals being prosecuted.
For the past few days, there is no place in the area where people aren’t burning houses. Why can’t the governments of the world work in accordance to the people?
A war-like situation is looming over our heads and the people in power are not doing anything. There is a lack of communication and no channel for compromise when it comes to the government and the people. these issues of discrimination have bought racism to the United States of America.
Videos have surfaced about the protest where we can see white and black both the people protesting against one heinous crime which has happened. There is no question about one’s color but there is a question about humanity. If the people of the United States of America can unite and fight together against the government because of one practice that went wrong, so can the people of India.
Our Country
In India, various things are going wrong at the moment. From the number of coronavirus cases going high to the number of relaxations being offered in the lockdown to the treatment of the people. All these issues are just accumulating and one day the people will burst. The government must not underestimate the power of the youth. If the people of the states can come together and fight for a cause, so can we.
If we look at the condition of the migrant workers, earlier they were not allowed to go home, they were not being fed. Later when the trains were announced for them to go home, there was a lot of controversy regarding the ticket price. And the icing on the cake here is that the trains did not reach their final destinations, they were misguided. what is happening?
Apart from this, people are sitting in homes and are using up their savings. No real-time relief packages are being given to them but publicity is being fed to the entire world. There will come a time when the people will react and they will react in such a way that the government will remain defeated. If the people can protest for days about the citizenship act, they can also protest regarding the inhuman practice is going on right now.
Just because the people are sitting in their houses as they are scared of one disease, this does not give the government the right to mistreat people.
Revolt like situation
If the people of our country start revolting because of the issues which are prevalent in today’s time, there will be no end to this. The government will not be able to control it just like it is not able to control the infection rate right now. The government is also not able to feed the people with food. The government is also not able to transport the people to their homes after two months of fake promises. all that is being done right now during the turbulent times will cost a lot in the future.
And the most important part of this is that thousands and crores of money has been deposited into a fund which was supposed to help the people during these times. People are still contributing to that fund but where is the money being used? people were scared and people were not known to what is happening. During those intense moments, they donated for the fund not even realizing how it will be used and where it will be used.
Virtual protests are going on regarding the migrant worker’s crisis. Some are beating thalis in protest and they are seeking wages and ration. Some of them are throwing stones at the police because the police is the only representative of the government in front of them. This situation will prevail until the time the people in power do not take appropriate action and stop ill-treating the people. This country is not just made up of the rich people, the poor have a stake in it too.
The people can unite when the infection is over. This situation will be uncontrollable and the government will not even be able to come and look after themselves. There will come a time when the water will go beyond the saturation point and the vessel will break. This breaking point is hazardous for everyone but also necessary because the government is not doing anything right. This is a call to all the governments in the world who are mistreating people during the times of pandemic, this is a call for help and for humanity.
Laws are made for the people by the government which is elected by the people. It is high time that the people in power realize that they are in power because of the youth of the country. Just because there is no option left with the people and they cannot raise their voices physically by coming on the roads due to the pandemic, it does not mean that they are satisfied with the situation going on right now.