Railway Ministry begins an investigation against Oracle following SEC order 2022.

Railway Ministry begins an investigation against Oracle following SEC order 2022.
The ministry of railroads has opened a probe into claims that the Indian division of technology company Oracle set up slush funds to give bribes totaling over $400,000 to employees of a railway public service enterprise (PSU) in 2019.
The revelation comes after States (SEC) Securities and Exchange Commission penalized Oracle $23 million for removing the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by making up slush funding to pay government diplomats in the United Arab Emirates, India, and Greece (FCPA).
Indian Railways has been made aware of and started an exploration into the SEC decision in the Oracle matter, according to the ministry. A senior railways source told Business Standard, “This is an inquiry by Indian Railways; at this time, no other enforcement sectors are involved.” The ministry has contacted Oracle and the United States SEC in an effort to identify the party at the situation.
Twelve PSUs fall under the purview of the ministry of railways. Ministry officials could not confirm the identity of the company involved in the situation. The Freight Corridor Corp of India Ltd (DFCCIL), in response to inquiries from the paper, stated that it “did not engage in any contract connection with Oracle India for the period under consideration (2016-19) or subsequently.”
The United States regulator said that Oracle India employees had engaged in “an inappropriate discount scheme” in conjunction with a 2019 transaction with a transportation company owned by the railway ministry in an order on September 27.
According to the SEC ruling, “$330,000 was funneled to a corporation with a history of paying SOE officials, and then another $62,000 paid to a company controlled by the marketing workers responsible for the transaction.”
As per Charles Cain, the FCPA Unit Chief for the SEC, “the formation of off-book kickbacks inevitably gives rise to the problems that that money may be spent unlawfully, which is exactly what has happened here at Oracle’s Turkey, Dubai, and India subsidiaries.”
Sales officials from Oracle India allegedly stated in January 2019 that a specific contract would fail without a 70% discount on the agreement’s software element. Intense competition was used to support this assertion. The sanction was given by a French employee who was in charge of authorizing the urge without the need for any of the facts or documentation to back it up.
The publicly available procurement website of the Indian state-owned enterprise (SOE) showed that Oracle India had no rivals because the SOE needed the usage of Oracle technologies for the project. According to a spreadsheet kept by one of the sales officials participating in the transaction, the SEC ruling stated that $67,000 was the “buffer” that could be used to pay a particular Indian SOE official.
The SEC stated that Oracle committed to stopping and desisting from breaking the FCPA’s anti-bribery, detail and records, and effective internal controls prohibitions without acknowledging or disputing the SEC’s findings.
SEC censures Oracle
In a decision dated September 27, the US regulator stated that Oracle India employees had participated in “a big discount scheme” in connection with a 2019 proposal with a transportation company owned by the railway ministry. In accordance with the SEC ruling, the transportation company that Oracle India’s sales reps did business with was mainly owned by the Indian Railway Ministry (“Indian SOE”).
Due to severe competition from other equipment manufacturers, the transaction’s sales team noted in January 2019 that the proposal would collapse without a 70% reduction on the software side of the agreement.
The company needed a French-speaking employee to approve the urge because of the size of the discount. The employee accepted the cut without asking for more justification. The Indian SOE had mandated the use of Oracle technologies for the project. Therefore, Oracle India had no rivals, according to material in the study.
The transaction’s sales staffer maintained a spreadsheet that showed $67,000 to be the potential “buffer” that may be used to pay a specific Indian SOE officer. “Around $330,000 was funneled to a company with a record of bribing SOE officials, and then another $62,000 was given to an entity owned by sales personnel who were accountable for the transaction,” the SEC decision stated part.
During Union minister Piyush Goyal in 2019, Oracle paid a bribe of more than US$400,000 to employees from a structure by the Indian Ministry of Railways. This shocking information is included in the agreement Oracle reached with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over paying approximately US$23 million in bribes to sectors in India, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act forbids US businesses from paying bribes overseas. This no longer appears to be a major obstacle with the option of charge settlement. In 2019, Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation, using Larsen & Toubro to be the middleman, paid bribes for contracts in Chennai and Pune.
The SEC states in the Oracle situation that one of the sales staff involved in the proposal “kept a spreadsheet that suggested US$67,000 was the ‘cushion’ available to make a payment to a certain Indian SOE officer potentially. This order was issued on September 27, 2022.”
A total of about US$330,000 was transferred to a company with a history of bribing SOE officials, and an extra amount of US$62,000 was transferred to a company under the authority of the sales officials in charge of the proposal.”
The Indian Railways Ministry owns Indian SOE, a transportation firm.
The SEC claims that the Oracle India sales team allegedly destroyed an excessive discount plan in conjunction with a situation with the Indian SOE in 2019. “The sales team involved in the project presented in January 2019 that without a 70% reduction on the agreement’s software part, the proposal would fail due to the competition from other manufacturers of original equipment.
Oracle required a worker located in France to finalize the urge because of the limit of the discount. The Oracle designee approved the proposal without asking for more supporting documentation from the sales representative. The use of Oracle goods for the project was forced by the Indian SOE, which, according to the judgment, “stated that Oracle India had no competition on its publicly available procurement website.”
According to the US SEC, Oracle violated the FCPA’s prohibitions between 2016 and 2019 when its companies in Turkey, the UAE, and India “established and used kickbacks to bribe foreign sectors in return for business.”
Oracle was penalized by the SEC for the foundation of slush funds. According to the SEC, Oracle made up the allegations in 2012 that the company had formed side funds worth millions of dollars that could have been used for illegal activities.
According to the United States regulator, workers of Oracle subsidiaries with different offices in India, Turkey, and the UAE exploited the discount programs and phone marketing reimbursement reimbursements to support slush funds maintained at Oracle’s sales channels in those countries from, at minimum, 2014 through 2019.
In contravention of Oracle’s corporate policies, “the slush monies were used to bribe government diplomats and provide other incentives, like funding foreign officials’ attendance at technology conferences across the world.”
The Securities and Exchange of India (SEBI), the Financial Markets Authority of Turkey, and the Emirates Commodities and Markets Authority supported the SEC’s inquiry. As per Charles Cain, who is the head of the SEC’s FCPA branch, “the formation of off-book kickbacks inevitably gives rise to the problems that that money may be used unlawfully, which is exactly what happened here and at Oracle’s Turkey, UAE, & India subsidiaries.”
Throughout every aspect of a company’s activities, “this matter underscores the crucial need for robust internal accounting controls,” he continued.
The court determined that, in some moments, workers for the Turkey subsidiary paid for the officials’ families to travel to California or accompany them on side trips to international conferences. Oracle agreed to “pay roughly US$8 million in the forfeiture and a US$15 million penalty” without “admitting or disputing the SEC’s conclusions,” according to the US regulator.