Powerful Tips For Your Child To Grow With Benefits of Gaming in Lockdown

For most of the kids, it’s very difficult to focus on tasks at a stretch. If they are spending only a few moments focusing on any task, do not scold them as it’s very natural because being a kid they have a lot of curiosity, energy and are always cheerful. But in the case of studying, concentration is indeed a major part, otherwise, they will not be able to complete their home tasks and ultimately will do worse in exams.
Most children start to mature
While mature people can easily adopt different exercises for improving their concentration levels, but it’s quite difficult for a child full of curiosity at a younger age to remain focused on any particular task at a stretch. But, as a natural process, they have to increase their concentration power on important tasks by adopting special strategies. We shall discuss here some strategies that your child needs to carry out for completing home works without being restless, but more concentrated and interested. But before that, we should know the reasons for the concentration issues in children as compared to adults. When a child considers a task as not interesting, they quickly shift their attention to something they find interesting in their way, unlike adults who have to complete the tasks assigned by hook or crook.
Some useful tips to improve concentration power and focus on children:
Let them play games that need focus
There are many games available on the internet and market that needs critical thinking ability to solve. These concentration games for children are great to help them build and strengthen the child’s ability to focus at a stretch on a particular problem. You can search these games online or in your nearby toy store for some brain exercising games. By providing kids with games that need planning and use of memory and thinking ability, you can help them to have an interest along with a dose of concentration and focus for a longer period.
Slice the bigger tasks into smaller ones
A larger task requires more concentration and attention, so it would be a good initiative to divide the same task into the smaller task. The same idea could be applied for doing homework, house tasks, or for learning new skills. It is easier to focus when, after doing small projects, it leads to the completion of a major project, gives your kid a feeling of progress and movement. A comparatively bigger task requires time, dedication, and focus, which might seem intimating and overwhelming, but deep inside our mind can grow reluctant to tackle. So a smaller task seems easier to solve and there is less resistance.
Reduce the concentration interrupters around your kid
While doing homework, it is not a great idea to watch TV, because this would distract the attention of homework. Sending messages can also interrupt concentration. It is recommended not to read or send text messages or use mobile phones while studying. As parents, it is your job to ensure an environment where your child can learn or carry out their tasks with almost no distractions. This measure can make kids getting engaged in activities they don’t like generally, as is difficult to keep them from even tiny distractions away. Television, loud music, noise, and cell phones are distractions for a child. Keep them away from reading messages or surfing the internet while studying. This step can help improve concentration in a child as the interrupters are reduced.
Teach your kids to complete tasks within the time limit.
Make sure you set a time limit for your child to complete a given task as this would help your child to complete the task within the time limit and will save time for other daily chores. But make sure that the time limit is to be set in a way that it’s neither too short nor too long as this could make them restless. Setting reasonable time limits could affect their ability to focus on a particular work. 15 minutes or 20 minutes of the time limit will keep them focused on the work and their attention will not distract too much. However, longer time limits may promote less attention and distraction and the purpose of this precaution could be defeated. Thus, it is recommended to set short time goals for better concentration.
- Provide Enough Physical Activity
Kids are full of potential and curiosity with life. In order to help them discover additional potential energy, you should make a proper routine of playtime that includes some physical activity, like playing, running, or some sports, between study times. It helps in focusing better, offset boredom, and reduces restlessness in the child.
- Feed them greens & healthy food
There’s a direct link between having healthy food and how well a child can concentrate. There are different food habits and routines that help increase a child’s concentration power. Consuming junk foods or sugar-rich foods could make a child sluggish while protein-rich foods such as almonds, eggs, and meat have the ability to increase concentration levels! A very interesting study at the University of Ulster, UK has shown that eating toast and baked beans for breakfast increases awareness. Experts are saying that consuming green vegetables and fruits can increase the antioxidants in the body which in turn will boost your kid’s brainpower.
- Naps after school can boost concentration!
Let your child have adequate naps & breaks to refresh the mind & boost concentration. Research has shown that many children are able to concentrate better after twenty minutes of power nap after school or in the afternoon. Also, a good nights’ rest is very essential for the smooth functioning of the brain
What helps them to have a static engagement?
Concentration, like many other life skills, can be improved automatically from the beginning. These above tips and tricks will help your kids cause not only in improving concentration but also strengthening the relationship between you and with your child.
Gaming activities which can help your kids to power through the focus
You may not realize it, building concentration in a child is harder than it appears to be. In today’s world, many distractions make it impossible to concentrate on one thing for a long for a child. The situation worsens with easy access to smartphones or laptops that can cause distraction. So, what can you do to boost up the concentration level of your child?
Play is the ultimate work of children! Here is a list of 6 mind-blowing games for your kids that will help to improve their concentration power. Games come with a rule or a specific structure that helps to grow self-regulation skills such as cognitive flexibility, inhibitory control, and working memory within your children. As they do have to listen and remember the instructions and have to pay attention thoroughly, gaming activity can surely help your kids to focus more. If you want to strengthen your child’s ability, first start with a simple game, then gradually incorporate rules, variations, and extra challenges.
- Puzzle:
No matter what’s the age of your child is, odds are, they do like puzzles. It has a profound impact on your child’s overall development. It helps to develop your child’s critical-thinking skills and problem-solving skills, as these both are crucial to achieving mastery of other skills later in life. It also helps children with memory, pattern recognition.
Depending on your child’s age level, you can choose a different variety of puzzles that can be more appropriate in helping your kid to grow their cognitive skills. The several benefits of these games are; it helps to boost-
- Concentration
- Spatial Awareness
- Shape Recognition
- Topic-Specific Knowledge
- Fine Motor Ability
- Hand-Eye Coordination
- Problem Solving Skills
- Language
- Memory
- Self Esteem
- Social Skills
- Hide and Seek:
This is one of the most common games that have been played universally by all the kids of any age group. This game helps to improve the analytical skills of children. The game helps them to analyze little things like sound, the slightest activity in the surroundings, and more. The direct and indirect strategies come with this game further help in the child’s brain development. Hide and Seek game hits all of the pillars like:
- Working Memory
- Task Initiation
- Organization
- Planning and Prioritizing
- Perspective Taking
- Flexible Thinking
- Impulse and Emotion Control
- Fostering Independence
- Practicing Courage
- Work Through Separations
- Treasure Hunt:
This game comes with a clue in terms of pictures and tokens that need to be checked to find out the final treasure. This game also requires the physical activity of your child. This outdoor game can be best played in areas like playgrounds, gardens, parks, etc. You have to give hints and clues to your children to reach the treasure. Through this game, your kids will improve comprehension power. Here are few benefits of getting your kids involved in a Treasure Hunt;
- Improved patience
- Paying attention
- Team Work
- Exercise
- Imagination
- Self-confidence
- Creativity
- Word Hunt:
Kids love to play interactive games and because they are such a terrific resource to teach kids. Parents and teachers have begun using various online word hunt games to teach. Word hunt is one of the wonderful games that help kids remember new vocabulary words.
Learning new vocabulary skills is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to using word games for a teaching tool. Kids can improve their spelling and reading skills as well. Word hunt game is a way to focus on spelling study on patterns within words. Here are 9 reasons why word hunt game is an important activity for your kid to become interested in. It helps to;
- Improve and practice spelling
- Grow and extend vocabulary
- Improve the child’s working memory
- Improve your child’s work pace
- Encourage and improve problem-solving skills
- Foster persistence
- Assist with improving test-taking skills
- Pictoword:
Counted as one of the favorite games among kids, Pictoword is a game where a word has to be found using the given images as hints. Some guessing games are also present where the players are asked to guess celebrities, cartoon characters from various TV shows. This game mainly helps in boosting brain ability by improving the identification skills and also improves the social knowledge of children. These types of brain games are beneficial for kids at the age of three or above. This puzzle game experience is easy to adapt and play. The game experience is pretty simple; players can enter a guess and can keep trying until they get it right. The puzzles in the game are not too complicated for kids, so they should be able to solve many.
- Lumosity:
The game; Lumosity has been designed scientifically and known to be the best game that you can play with your children to enhance their mental skills. Neuroscientists and Neuro- physical researchers came up with this app to effectively boost their concentration levels and to think faster. It has near about 60 tasks that are meant to identify your child’s attention, problem-solving skills, flexibility, and memory reaction time. This game is smartly designed with the fusion of science and arts that gives you a fun-filled experience and helps your toddlers to learn fast. Just a session every day with this app can help your kid to enhance the concentration levels a lot.
It is a way to induce curiosity on your child’s mind
Games increase a child’s awareness, imagination, cognition, and patience. And the best thing about it is that they learn new things while they are even not aware that they are learning! The above are a few most beneficial games that you can play with your child or his/her’s friend group. Pretty soon, your kid’s observation skills and memory powers will be improved, which will surely help him in the future!