Rti about pmo tweet promising 10 lakh jobs in the next 1.5 years
Application for seeking information under section 6(1) of The Right to Information Act, 2005
Following up to date & duly typed information is required regarding the following
Particulars of Information
The information is required in reference to the tweet on the official twitter handle of PMO India made on 14-06-2022 at 9:27am as per link https://twitter.com/PMOIndia/status/1536558426352123904?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1536558426352123904%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.india.com%2Fnews%2Findia%2Fmission-mode-10-lakh-govt-jobs-to-be-filled-in-1-5-years-tweets-pmo-deets-inside-5452092%2F
The following details are required.
- What is the criteria of recruitment under the said mission.
- Procedure to apply for employment under this mission.
- What will be the required education qualification for recruitment.
- Which authority/department/ministry will overlook the candidate selection process.
- When will the selection procedure start?
- What type of employment will be granted and in what field/area.
- What will be the salary range under different areas of work?
- Will the jobs be given in only government sectors or in private sectors as well.
- Will there be any benefits post retirement?
- What is the highest and the lowest post at which a person can be recruited under this mission.
- Will this position/job be permanent or ad-hoc.
Kindly furnish relevant supporting documents in favor of your responses.
If the above sought information is not available in your office, kindly forward my application to the concerned public authority, as per section 6(3) of the RTI Act.
I state that all the information sought does not fall within the restrictions contained under the act and to the best of my knowledge it pertains to your office. Kindly provide the asked information in typed format.
I assure that I will not allow/ cause to use/ pass/share/ circulate/ display the information in any manner which would be detrimental to the unity and sovereignty of India.