Coronavirus is shifting its base to India from China via US

If we analyze the situation of the pandemic, there is one thing that one can infer from it. The virus started in China and move to the United States. With thousands of coronavirus fresh cases being reported in our country every day, everyone is scared of what will happen in the future. Will India become like the United States of America or China?
When we compare China and India, the one thing which is similar in both of them is the population. According to various studies, the virus originated from China and disrupted the United States so that China could be the world leader. India can never surpass China because the technological advantage China holds over our country is massive. Since the pandemic, countries have started boycotting China and a few companies are moving their base to India. Will the virus disrupt India so much that India won’t be able to handle this industrial pressure and China will be the end resort of the companies? All these assumptions are there and there is no critical analysis on them. But there is one thing which is very important to understand right now that the number of cases in India is on a surge and with the lockdown relaxations being imposed, people are going out and because of that the number of cases is increasing.
It is often said that the virus originated from the wet markets of China. In mainland China, there are about 82,000 confirmed coronavirus cases. About 4600 people have died. India has already crossed the number of cases in China. Industrial production in China fell down by about 14% in January and February. The drop in production is huge. This did not even happen during the SARS outbreak or during the financial crisis in 2008. The companies imports decreased by about 4% and the exports dropped by 17%. The manufacturers in China are experiencing a full-blown issue. First of their own lockdown and second with regards to the drop in demand from customers. The same is happening in India. Unemployment is at the highest rate and the economy is in chaos like the USA and China. The path of the virus is showing uniformity.
Yet, China is a place where the coronavirus is almost invisible now. It has disappeared from the country and the country is back on track working towards its development. India surpassed China’s number about six days ago. Mumbai is the worst-hit city in the country with the majority number of patients. The government of Maharashtra claims that the cases are increasing day by day because of the increase in the number of tests happening. There are special teams that are formed to survey the zones in Mumbai who are the worst hit. People are being isolated in different places set up by the government.
After affecting the Chinese, the pandemic entered the United States of America and disrupted it completely. Out of the 5 million cases which are reported in the world, 1.5 million of those cases are in the United States.
When we talk about the United States of America, the trail being followed by the coronavirus cases is massive there. The Trump administration said about 15 days ago that one lakh Americans would die of the pandemic. The Trump administration says that they cannot have a closed country. If they have a closed country, there will be no country left. The Trump government has been criticized for blaming China and not managing their own nation. They have gathered a significant amount of evidence that COVID-19 emerged from a Chinese laboratory. Hospitals in the USA are running out of ICU beds, there might be a second wave of Coronavirus there.
The economy of the United States of America is also having a downfall. The global leader may not be the global leader after all. United States of America became the hub of the coronavirus when it started reporting thousands of cases daily and also a few deaths. If the cases keep on increasing in India, doomsday is not far away!
When we talk about India, India went into total lockdown when the number of cases was very less. In the speeches it was said that if the country does not handle the first phase of the lockdown of 21 days, the country will go backward by 21 years. Since that day various lockdowns have been imposed and currently we are at the fourth lockdown going on in our country. With this lockdown came various relaxation. The flights will start operating, the trains are working and the shops and offices are open now. Isn’t this quite absurd?
When we had cases in single or double-digit the whole country went into lockdown, but right now when we have thousands of cases being reported every day the country is going for relaxations. Coronavirus might be the new hub of India after targeting China and the USA. And we are sorry to say this but India does not have infrastructure as good as China or the USA.
India does not have as many hospitals, neither does it have the technology to build hospitals overnight. If the number of cases go as up as the United States of America, there will come a time when people will start dying at their homes because enough doctors and hospitals are not available.
The Prime Minister said that this is a curfew, the economic cost will be paid but it is the responsibility of everyone. Later on he also said that panic buying will only increase the number of cases and not solve the purpose of the lockdown. But if we open our eyes and look at the situation going on right now, the economic issues have already entered our country, and unemployment is at the highest rate. Since the shops are opened now, people are out in the markets buying their essentials and once also some non-essential goods. The cases are on a surge but our country is going for relaxations. What is this state?
How is the trail of the virus going to be? From China to Italy to the USA to India? WHO has regarded the United States as the new epicenter of the pandemic. Is India the next one in line? This is a case of serious discussion. Till the time a vaccine is not developed people are advised to stay inside and stay safe.
You need to take care of your own self and not follow all the relaxations which are given by the government. They are just given to give a boost to the economy, people are at stake here so they need to fend for themselves.
Studying the pattern of the virus has actually implicated that soon the virus will take over our country and lead to massive destruction.