
Kualto doesn’t just count your money, it forecasts your financial future

Say what you want about Millennials, but the facts prove they’re a tight-fisted little clan who keep a sharp eye on their money. Kids born in the 1980s and 90s prefer online shopping — but more than 90 percent use coupons and look for bargains. Most would rather buy generic than drop extra cash on a name brand. And it’s a good thing they’re so vigilant…because those $6 pumpkin spice lattes and $10 avocado toast orders add up pretty darn fast.
Oh, we kid Millennials — but you gotta admit, they’re on the right track when it comes to watching their expenses like a hawk.
You can take a page from the financially militant with help from Kualto, the cash flow forecasting app that’s focused on whipping lazy wallets and purses into shape. With this limited time deal, you can also get lifetime access to Kualto’s accounting power for just $39.99, a millennial-friendly 83 percent off.

Kualto doesn’t just add up your expenses for the week — it’s a forecaster that can actually project out your cash flow up to three years in advance. Kualto takes the macro approach to budgeting your money, showing how cash you spend today impacts your finances tomorrow, next month, even next year and beyond.
Enter repeating expenses and income, then set up bill reminders so due dates don’t sneak up.
Want to plan for a vacation eight months from now? Kualto can help you set that budget point and monitor whether day-to-day purchases are eating away at your goal. Soon, your mind will be able to focus on important topics that don’t tie in to your bank account.
A lifetime of Kualto service is usually a $240 value, but getting Kualto right now slashes that price all the way down to only $39.99.
Source: The Next Web
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