
Is India Next on the U.S. Deep State’s Hit List? Inside the Big Tech Conspiracy

The connection of big tech with the U.S. deep state has become one of our time's hot topics, evoking a profound effect on world politics. What was being circulated in whispered tones through conspiracy theories has gradually attained increased credibility, even among insiders and critics. Wrapped over this web is the shocking axis that decrees not only the political fate of small countries like Bangladesh but even attempts to influence the democratic process of a robust democracy called India.

Zuckerberg’s Admission and the American Deep State

A bombshell confession by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has revealed that big tech firms camouflage themselves with a false front of neutrality and innovation to make themselves willing accomplices in carrying out the interests of the American deep state. The “deep state” is understood here as a shadowy network of intelligence agencies-à vis the Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Department of State, among other secretive parts of government operating beyond popular control but having immense influence over national and international affairs.

However, Zuckerberg’s admission underlines something more important, the extent of cooperation between these tech giants and American intelligence agencies. This is a partnership cultivated over the years, not one in which corporate interests coincide with the government’s. Instead, it reflects a systematic plan by the American deep state to utilise technology as a conduit for exercising global influence, espionage, and, where practical, regime change.

Bangladesh: A Case Study in Deep State Manipulation

One of the most blatant examples of this deep state manipulation is that of Bangladesh. The story of Muhammad Yunus, the Nobel laureate and founder of Grameen Bank, provides a hair-raising illustration of how the American deep state orchestrates political upheavals in smaller nations to secure its strategic interests.

A series of emails released by WikiLeaks indicates that Yunus has been in close contact with high-ranking officials in the U.S. government, particularly during Hillary Clinton’s Secretaryship in the State Department. These correspondences have revealed that the U.S. supported banking ventures in Yunus and implored him toward a political role in Bangladesh. This endeavour started as early as 2007 and has been characterised by relentless American interference seeking to project Yunus as a pivotal political figure in Bangladesh.

This is a long-term strategy that climaxed when Yunus was appointed to head Bangladesh’s interim government following its military coup, organized with the assistance of the American deep state. This isn’t very certain regarding the validity of Yunus’ political career and what that says about Bangladeshi sovereignty.

Therefore, the Bangladesh case shares many features with other instances where the American deep state manipulated political outcomes in foreign nations. It follows the same lines as in the Cold War, the U.S. perpetrated coups and propped up dictatorships across both Latin America and the Middle East, advancing its geopolitics. An added level of worry in the Bangladesh case is big-tech companies’ participation therein by providing the needed infrastructure and data analytics to monitor, influence, and control the country’s political narrative.

India: The Next Target of the American Deep State?

The question is whether India has become, or will be, the next target in this continuing saga of profound state interference. Recent developments tend to indicate that the American deep state, in tandem with big tech, is complex at work to interfere in Indian politics. This seems to have been getting more active since Prime Minister Narendra Modi went to Moscow and braved Western pressure to distance himself from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Meanwhile, the American State Department has scaled up its operations in India in coordination with the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi. According to reports, American diplomats have engaged in several meetings with opposition leaders, including those with a history of aligning with U.S. interests. These meetings, taking place across multiple states, form part of a broader strategy to undermine the Modi government and create a political environment propitious to American influence.

Apart from these diplomatic manoeuvres, workshops for Indian social media influencers have been held by the American Embassy. The euphemistically termed “impact level work” has been designed to promote a pro-American narrative among Indian influencers. The aim is precise by influencing the influencers, the American deep state intends to shape public opinion in India and steer it in a direction that goes with U.S. geopolitical interests.

This is nothing but an old strategy that leverages the power of social media to change political outcomes. As Facebook and Twitter usage fired up protests throughout the Arab Spring, toppling governments, similar plays are now in force in India, their levels and layers more sophisticated, involving funding, training, and networking key opinion shapers who influence public discourse on issues of great concern.

The NGO Congress Ecosystem, a New Ally for the American Deep State?

Yet another disturbing feature is the growing alliance of the American deep state with the NGO Congress ecosystem in India. The pattern of U.S. support was earlier confined to pro-U.S. parties like AAP. However, it appears there is now a change in the strategy due to altered political equations in India.

The deep state might be backing the NGO Congress ecosystem as a well-thought-out move to build a broader coalition to fight the 2024 general elections against the Modi government. Such a coalition of NGOs, civil society groups, and opposition parties is being groomed to counterbalance the ruling BJP.

The implications of this alliance are profound. By supporting the NGO Congress ecosystem, the American deep state is essentially trying to engineer a political realignment in India. It aims to weaken the hold of the BJP on power and facilitate a regime that would be more amenable to U.S. interests.

The President recently drew strong reactions from his detractors after he berated some NGOs for trying to defame him and his administration.

Thus, the so-called vulnerability of EVMs becomes one of the essential stories of the American deep state and its allies in India. Opposition parties, already nursing this controversy, join the larger enterprise of de-legitimizing the Indian electoral process.

The EVM controversy is a domestic issue with enormous international implications. In questioning the integrity of India’s elections, what is being done is that the American deep state and their Indian allies are laying the ground for a possible challenge to the 2024 general election outcome. It mirrors a strategy elsewhere in the world where the U.S. has sought to undermine the credibility of elections as a way of justifying intervention or support for opposition movements.

EVMs in India have been repeatedly tested and validated by independent experts. The sustained campaign against these machines was based on misinformation and fear-mongering to create doubt in the electorate’s minds. Where this doubt is sufficiently widespread, it could even precipitate a crisis of confidence in the democratic process-à-vis-a-vis foreign intervention or, at the very least, placing considerable pressure on the Indian government from abroad.

Big Tech and Its Impact on Shaping India’s Political Discourse

In particular, big technology companies coming out of the United States are thought to have a crucial role in shaping India’s political debate. Consequently, Facebook, Twitter, and Google have emerged as the main conduits of information flow and opinion building in constructing a political narrative.

Of course, the influence of these platforms is not limited to organic content created by users. There is also an increasing amount of evidence that these companies actively manipulate algorithms, censor certain content, and promote particular worldviews in line with their corporate interests-and consequently, those of the American Deep State.

One of the most flagrant examples of this manipulation is the selective censorship of content critical of the U.S. government or its allies. In the last couple of years, there have been numerous suspensions and shadow-bans of Indian accounts posting content that dares to question the pro-American narrative. Such censorship is usually justified with several pretexts, such as combating misinformation or hate speech. In reality, it is intended to suppress any voice of dissent and retain control of the narrative.

Moreover, there are accusations against significant technology companies that they have allowed their platforms to be used against misinformation campaigns targeting them. Such campaigns, often conducted and guided by foreign elements, create divisions within Indian society, undermine public institutions, and erode social cohesion. A denial of this sort has led to an unparalleled polarised and fractured political landscape in Indian democracy, vulnerable to every external manipulation.

Historical Precedents, American Interference in Other Democracies

The interference by the American deep state in Indian politics is part of a longtime pattern of U.S. intervention in the internal affairs of other nations, particularly those with strategic importance.

The U.S. masterminded multiple coups, assassinations, and regime changes throughout the Cold War era in Latin America, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. They were justified in the spirit of containing communism and safeguarding American interests but often yielded results of long-term instability, rising chauvinistic dictators, and human rights abuses.

Perhaps the most infamous case of American interference is the 1953 Iran coup, in which the CIA and British intelligence engineered the ouster of Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh. Mossadegh had nationalised Iran’s oil industry. He was replaced by Shah, who ruled with an iron fist: a pro-Western dictator who brutally suppressed his people and allowed corruption to run rampant. It sent Iranian democratic development not only backward but also nurtured the seeds of the 1979 Islamic Revolution that brought anti-American forces to power.

A very similar scenario happened in Chile in 1973 when the U.S. government supported the military coup that overthrew democratically elected President Salvador Allende. The military regime then established a dictatorship under General Augusto Pinochet, who was responsible for unprecedented human rights abuses. Notwithstanding, America continued to support his government because he was seen as aligning with American interests.

These historical parallels help us understand the dangers of the American deep state’s interference in the internal affairs of other nations. It has brought devastating consequences, including political instability, social unrest, and long-term damage to democratic institutions in its victims.

The 2024 Indian General Elections

The stakes could not be higher as India prepares for the general elections in 2024. Not only will the future of Indian democracy be determined, but so will the country’s sovereignty in the face of foreign interference in these elections.

It would be expected that, helped by big tech and their allies within, the American deep state would go all guns blazing with disinformation campaigns, social media manipulation, pressures from the diplomatic channels, and covert support for opposition parties to influence the result of the elections.

These are challenges that the Indian government, civil society, and the electorate should remain watchful about. The integrity of the electoral process has to be preserved, and the influence of foreign powers must be curtailed. The 2024 elections should stand as testimony to the resilience of India as a democracy, not a showcase of how external forces can undermine its sovereignty.

This deep nexus of big tech and the U.S. deep state has presented a genuine and immediate threat to the sovereignty of independent countries like India. The revelation about American interference in Bangladesh and increasing evidence of a similar strategy being enacted in India should act like a helpful wake-up call for all those who believe in democracy and independence.

It thus becomes incumbent upon India to remain alert against such external threats. The general elections in 2024 will be the severest test of this country’s capability to defend its democratic institutions from foreign manipulation. By resisting the profound influence of big tech and American states, India can ensure that the route to its future is charted by the will of its people and not by a foreign power’s design.

It is, after all, not one election or one government that is in contest in the fight for India’s sovereignty; it is a right for the self-determination of a nation to choose its path, free from foreign interference and control. It is a battle India cannot afford to lose, not only for democracy but also for the people’s future.


Sehjal is a writer at Inventiva , where she covers investigative news analysis and market news.

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