The growing popularity of the Indian channel has also given rise to a new phenomenon which is known as the ‘YouTube Revolution in India’. This is due to the growing number of Indian Internet users having access to the internet. This increases the number of people who can view the Indian YouTube channels and in turn, this raises the total number of subscribers base of the channel.
The most popular form of communication on the internet is the video and many of the Indian Internet users are now watching video clips in the comfort of their own home. In recent years, the growth rate of Indian video sharing sites has been remarkable. The growth rate of the Indian websites like YouTube, Vimeo and Metacafe has been extremely fast. This rapid growth is due to the fact that Indian entrepreneurs have been investing in advertising over the past two to three years.
The increasing number of the subscribers has led to a huge increase in the number of the videos uploaded to YouTube. Uploading videos that are easily viewed by the public is the best way to promote and advertise products and services. The success of the YouTube channel has led to the emergence of hundreds of channels in the last two to three years. The growth rate of the Indian websites has been extremely fast. The total number of the channels which are present on YouTube can be known by the calculation of the average views per month and this data can be seen for every individual channel. The top Indian channels have an average of more than twenty thousand subscribers.
TOP 5 Youtube Channel Types
The educational channels are the ones that have the maximum number of subscribers. This is because these channels offer the content in an interesting and easy way. Education in India is getting very popular day by day and people are increasingly using the internet to get information on the different subjects. There are many companies who are providing English courses in India. These tutorials are provided by educational channels. Many colleges also use YouTube to upload the lectures and lessons on their websites.
The third section in the list of the top Indian channels is the news channels. News is the most sought after content on the internet. Many news channels are available online and provide updates on current events. The news category in the YouTube contains the full video and text of the report which is being reported. The news categories can be based on a variety of topics, including politics, sports and weather.
The fourth category is the Business oriented YouTube channels. This includes the discussion forums and interactive learning platforms that help in enhancing the knowledge of the people from different areas of the country. These channels have a subscriber base of more than one hundred thousand.
The fifth category of the Top Indian YouTube Channels is the educational channels. Educational channels offer different educational content to people from different countries, such as India, USA and China. Educational content can be downloaded free from the website on educational related topics such as music, language, history, etc. The educational videos can be recorded segments or they can be uploaded in the full length version.
The last section of the list includes the Punjabi music record labels channels. The content on these channels include Punjabi songs and music. This is another form of entertainment which has been spreading its wings with great vigor in the present times. This channel activity is intended to promote Punjabi music in the western hemisphere.