Framar Founder Maria Gallo Shares the Secret of Her Success

They say nothing worth accomplishing ever comes easy, and no one understands that better than Framar founder, Maria Gallo. From an early age, she was a self-starter who displayed immense leadership skills and a determination to build things from scratch. She knew deep down that in order to succeed, she needed to take a chance on her dreams, and with that, Framar was born.
When asked about the secret to her success, Maria said, “There’s no shortcut. From day one, I was involved in every aspect of our operation, from designing the products, to understanding how the best aluminum foil was made. I had to juggle multiple roles and responsibilities within the business, all while trying to raise four kids at home. Anybody who wants to be an entrepreneur needs to be clear that it’s never easy, but if you can find that ideal balance, it will all be worth it”.
She further added, “I was lucky enough to get incredible support from my family, especially my husband, whose experience as a hairstylist helped lead to the development of some of our most innovative products. He pushed me to grow and to improve our processes”. “I see the brand being launched in new countries all across the globe and it makes me so incredibly proud. We still have a long way to go but the important thing to remember about success is that it never happens without perseverance and commitment. There will be days when you will feel overwhelmed, but the will to persevere will ultimately make all the difference”.