
Cloud Hosting in India for Startups and Web Developers

21st century is the landmark for millions of innovations, out of which one is Internet. Everyone knows about internet, it helps you to shop online, play games, chat, connect with friends, listen to songs, watch movies, transfer money via online banking.
But how does all this happen?
Internet is basically a network through which we transfer data and information from one place to other, but the place where we store all this data is called as hosting. 
This could be of multiple types like shared hosting, cloud hosting, VPS and dedicated server.
In today’s world where we want every information to be available with just a click, hosting plays a very important role in making your information and business reliable and always available. 
Just imagine, you want to transfer the funds to a hospital for some medical emergency and your bank website is not working, you want to make the payment for booking your trains and the reservation website is not working?
There are millions of companies providing hosting services but the reliability is just negligible.
Cloud hosting is one such hosting which comes with unmatched facilities with a very pocket friendly price.
Cloud hosting services provide hosting for websites on virtual servers which pull their computing resource from extensive underlying networks of physical web servers. It follows the utility model of computing in that it is available as a service rather than a product and is therefore comparable with traditional utilities such as electricity and gas.
Broadly speaking the client can tap into their service as much as they need, depending on the demands of their website, and they will only pay for what they use.
It exists as an alternative to hosting websites on single servers (either dedicated or shared servers) and can be considered as an extension of the concept of clustered hosting where websites are hosted on multiple servers. With cloud hosting however, the network of servers
that are used is vast and often pulled from different data centres in different locations.
Practical examples of cloud hosting can fall under both the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) classifications.
A typical cloud hosting offering can deliver the following features and benefits:
Reliability; rather than being hosted on one single instance of a physical server the website is hosted on a virtual partition which draws its resources, such as disk space, from an extensive network of underlying physical servers. If one server goes offline, it dilutes the level of resource available to the cloud a little but will have no effect on the availability of the website whose virtual server will continue to pull resource from the remaining network of servers. Some cloud platforms could even survive an entire data centre going offline as the pooled cloud resource is drawn from multiple data centres in different locations to spread the risk.
Physical Security; the underlying physical servers are still housed within data centers and so benefit from the security measures that those facilities implement to prevent people accessing or disrupting them on-site Scalability and Flexibility; resource is available in real time on demand and not limited to the physical constraints/capacity of one server. If a client’s site demands extra resource from its hosting platform due to a spike in visitor traffic or the implementation of new functionality, the resource is accessed seamlessly. Even when using a private cloud model the service can often be allowed to ‘burst’ to access resources from the public cloud for non-sensitive processing if there are surges in activity on the site. Utility style costing; the client only pays for what they actually use. The resource is available for spikes in demand but there is no wasted capacity remaining unused when demand is lower. 
Responsive load balancing; load balancing is software based and therefore can be instantly scalable to respond to changing demands If you are a Startup or a Web Developer and looking for a scalabale cloud solution, look no further. Check the MilesWeb Cloud offering powered by Jelastic PaaS at
You can also refer the below mentioned video for more details:-

A good news for Startups and Inventiva readers, that want to try cloud hosting service at MilesWeb for free – 30 days free trial is available with no credit card required as well as with a possibility to upgrade any time.
If you are reading this article, MilesWeb is giving away Rs 3000 in credit which can be added to your cloud account.
A startup working in the field of AI, big data, Healthcare, IOT, Retail blockchain or fintech, all are eligible for the free trial and credit.

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