
HubSpot Growth Suite- Is this Investment Application for Business Owners Worth the Deal?

Today starting a company is easy, but gaining customer’s attention difficult. With such high competition in the business world, getting the audience to want your products is a task. Through strong marketing, maintaining a good reputation in the market, and managing their Customer Relationships, companies can genuinely gain more and more clients and see their company grow.

Customer relationship management or CRM is a strategy to maintain good relations between a company and its clients. CRM system is a tool used by companies that focuses on improving relations with not only customers but suppliers, vendors. This system is used by companies that provide services like sales, contact management, marketing, or recruiting. When in search of a sound CRM system HubSpot is one of the best platforms out there.

About HubSpot

Hubspot is the most significant platform for Marketing with more than 5,000 customers and 91,022 Companies. It is an established and well-reputed software product since 2006 and was founded by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah.

It helps companies gain new customers, contact them, improve or maintain relations,  email tracking, company reports, attend to their every query systematically, and gain customer loyalty. It leads to the smooth sailing of companies’ operations.


  • CMS – Content Management System membership
  • Customer relationship management system
  • Bundling of various services in one place
  • Marketing
  • Email tracking
  • Efficient functioning due to having a central system of CRM for all the services

Plans and pricing

  1. Marketing Hub –helpful for marketing and make marketing campaigns.


  • The free plan they provide basic chatbots
  • 50$ plan includes adds and emails for


  • 800$ plan adds features like calls to action, call support, SEO, and content strategy.
  • 3,200$ a month plan provides the whole package of YouTube integration, analytics report, CMS membership.


  1. Sales Hub- a plan designed for the sales team like email templates, call support, meeting schedule, email tracking.


  • The free plan includes good yet limited use of email tracking that only for 200 emails, call facility, but no for more than 15 minutes.
  • 50$ a month plan includes call facility extended to 8 hours, email tracking, conversation bots.
  • 400$ a month plan adds features like phone support, salesforce integration, and 300 sales automation workflows.
  • 1200$ a month is a package of English call transcriptions, 1000 playbooks, and predictive lead scoring.


  1. Service Hubs- provides customer service where we get live chat, meeting conversations, ticketing, etc


  • The free plan gave live ticketing, chat, email, meeting link per month.
  • 50$ a month plan adds email templates, conversation routing, meeting schedule
  • 400$ program a month combines, add salesforce integration, customer feedback, call support
  • 1200$ a month plan provides add custom reporting, reporting goals, 1000 playbooks and excepts multiple currencies


  1. Growth Suite- where all three plans are combined with one free user for 113$ a month, five free users for 1200$ a month, and ten free users for 4200$ a month.


  • A CRM system software company for all types of companies
  • All services like marketing and sales are brought together to work efficiently
  • Unlimited customization
  • Has free plans
  • Easy to use and understand
  • Flexible pricing
  • Customer support


  • Not fit for a large scale company
  • Loads of configuration required
  • The free plan is limited
  • Expensive monthly fees

What is Growth Suite?

In September 2018, HubSpot’s annual Conference, Growth suite, was introduced to the world. This system provides a bundle of all three plans -sales, services, and marketing all in one place with a discount of 25%.

Growth suite plan doesn’t only combine all the three services but also provides for all types of companies with different levels right from starter for a start-up, Professional for a well-reputed, and Enterprise for highly successful companies.

Levels provided

  1. Starter

The starter edition is suitable for small scale and startup companies. It adds conversational routing, emails, and meeting link and schedule features. For 113$ per month.


  • Basic email functions
  • 1000 email templates, meeting links lead to efficient Sales
  • Prospectus features
  • Suitable for a small company with teams with multiple duties



  • The prices for their plans are pretty high
  • High competition among CRM system software providers
  • Essential email function no automated responses

This edition is suitable for developing or growing companies wanting to improve their sales and marketing strategy but is also already using emails, blogs, social publishing as in these terms, the products it’s limited.

  1. Professional

This edition is for companies that have been in the market for a few years. This edition efficiently brings all the services, especially marketing tactics in one place like social media marketing, blogs, SEO content strategy, and video hosting. It comes with a price of 1,275$ per month.


  • It gives a feature to access previous interactions with the customer even while contacting them.
  • Can simply report
  • Better workflow and bond and communication between teams as all use the same CRM system


  • Difference between starter and professional edition isn’t significant
  • For larger companies, its implementation may be difficult
  • It may be costly for providing just 1000 contacts.

Suitable for any type of organization, whether it be manufacturer, hotel, and caterer. Using this developing organization will be able to connect better and engage with clients and grow.

  1. Enterprise

This is the best edition that Growth Suite has to offer. This is aimed more towards more reputed and established organizations’. It is designed for big set companies who want a more systematic system with more flexibility without complicating the process.

In marketing, one can get more advanced reporting and company reports and predictive lead scoring.

In sales, we get 1000 playbooks with the company’s best performing sales. Along with the given features, they also get additional features like quote approvals, tracking, and e-signatures. This comes with a high price of 4,200$ per month.


  • Flexibility
  • Improves operational efficiencies
  • Advanced Integration
  • Only a few software companies can compete with Hubspot’s enterprise suite.


  • Implementation needs expert knowledge of Hubspot
  • It has a high price of 4,200$ per month, which is pretty expensive for monthly use.
  • Established teams may be a little stubborn or resistant to adopt and learn from a new platform especially the enterprise edition,

It might be said to be expensive even for high scale companies, but with features and services like that of the enterprise suite its worth is justified

Review for HubSpot Growth Suite

Hubspot is more like an investment for companies. It helps them to better connect with customers and suppliers, helps their marketing, managing teams work smoothly and its products and features ready for all types of business, whether it may be a small scale business or a huge company. It has transformed various companies and helped their business achieve great success.

Hubspot’s Growth suite gives users four in one package with three services for marketing, sales, and service operations. It provides services from startups to high-end companies. 

What does the review say?

Yes, Hubspot’s growth suite is definitely worth your money. Any company whether it be a big or a startup should have this software CRM system, and this will not only allow the company to be systematically able to handle all three sales, marketing and operation services department but also due to the simplicity and easy to understand design and systematical features the employees working will work more efficiently and smoothly.

HubSpot’s growth suite is a must-have for a companies growth.

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