
Financial Aid of Rs. 1000: An Insult to the Victims in Manipur

Ethnicity-related conflicts have been a regular point of headlines in Manipur. The number of issues stemming from ethnic communities regrettably hinder the region’s growth. The many issues leave a deep scar on society’s already stunted development. Socio-economic issues, loss of lives, and homelessness are just a few of the many results of such unrest. In such upheaval times, the government must act as a driving force towards taking control of the situation and offering aid and support to those in need.

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May 3, 2023, saw a loss of nearly 100 lives in the tragic clash of two ethnicities in Manipur. The brutal event forced around 50,000 natives to flee their homes for a safer place to live. Various government-run relief camps have been set up across the state, providing refuge to the homeless. Despite the gravity of the seriousness of the situation, the Chief Minister’s actions stark serious concerns contradicting the very essence of a responsible government.


In oblivious insensitivity, the Chief Minister announced a pitiful financial aid of Rs. 1000 to the victims. With this gesture, he casts a shadow of mockery upon citizens and those gravely affected. The so-called ‘financial aid’ is a grim insult to the struggles and pain endured by the people of Manipur. The already mortified victims are left with another burden of an unaddressed visible crisis. The meager sum of Rs. 1000 would barely meet their needs. In such times of crisis, it is on the shoulders of the government to serve with an empathetic hand to restore hope despite the distress.

Heedless Aid to Human Suffering

The degree of suffering faced by the people of Manipur reflects an image where they can only see themselves go deeper into the void of hardships that the riots have forced upon them. The irretrievable loss of loved ones to death, the deep cavity of homelessness, and monetary losses are only a few of the many problems that demand an empathetic response from the government. The common man is already burning in the fire in an economic world with high inflation, recession, and escalating costs. Such hollow gestures merely act as salt on the common man’s wounds.

Manipur riot 2023

The thousands of victims who once saw a dream to live in a safe and secure space, both socially and economically, now only see a mirage of development and a respectful living. An empathetic leader does not set boundaries in times of crisis. The victims deserve more than mere tokenism. Rightful attitude of the government with a genuine concern to help them rebuild a new life, recognizing that the struggle for survival will be a long journey that demands constant support.

Aid to mock citizens’ struggles

The CM’s pitiful act signifies the insignificance of the struggles, hardships, and sufferings of the victims in the thoughts of the government. Their grief feels weightless in front of the betrayal they face from the leader they chose. Turning a deaf ear is not what is expected from a government that failed to take control of the state’s ethnic conflicts on time. The token money is a mere symbol and a big red flag for the citizen’s trust. It insults the people and their indomitable trust in the government.

Making a mockery out of people’s resilience and indomitable spirit, the hollow idea of the CM is evidence of the government’s disregard for the lives of the country’s citizenry. A sum of Rs. 1000 can barely fulfill the very basic needs of an individual.

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This short-term financial assistance is inadequate, considering the losses thousands of victims face. The government must take serious initiatives to help those who cannot think of everyday life again. As a society, we must refuse to give negligence as an option to our so-called leaders who fail to acknowledge the profound gravity of victims’ sufferings.

Concerns: Political or Genuine?

The highly calculated action signifies the dearth of serious concern regarding the welfare of the people. Insensitivity in the act of wrongful timing indicates an intention of political inclination or politicking. The corridors to power, where policies are made only to benefit the citizens, are seen diverting from their very focus on welfare to political targets. The shallow display of empathy seems to align with the air of political agendas conveniently. The victims deserve to question the motive and ill-suited timing behind the inadequate aid.

Manipur chief minister N Biren Singh providing financial aid to victims.

In such times of turbulence, people yearn for leaders who work for the welfare of the citizenry, rise above self-interests, commit to the welfare of the people, and, above all, understand the gravity of their responsibility. It is alarming to see the priorities of a CM whose state is facing a turbulent time. The focal point of welfare seems to have shifted to one merely symbolic in its attitude. There is a dreadful need for our country to have leaders who embody the traits of an empathetic and committed leader. The complete picture is a solid reminder to have a vigilant citizenry that demands an accountable and answerable government.

Inadequate Aid and the Struggle for Existence

With the contradicting idea of restoring what has been lost in the unrest, the pitiful sum of Rs. 1000 makes the victims drown in disappointment. In this inconsiderate world, the victims are tied to the vicious cycle of helplessness and poverty. The harsh reality that hits these victims is that life from now on will be an endless struggle for survival. As a progressive society, the upliftment of the vulnerable sections lies much above wealth and material motives. It is a justified right of the victims to have a compassionate and committed leader who does not turn a blind eye to their circumstances.

For instance, an LPG cylinder costs more than Rs. 1000, and a litre of milk costs Rs. 57; these two examples of the very basic needs to live a dignified life itself exceed the pitiful sum of Rs. 1000. There are many more such examples that prove the inadequacy of the financial aid offered by the CM of Manipur to the victims. Such a move reflects the bogus intentions of the government.

The thoughtless idea of the CM to offer financial aid to the victims of the Manipur Riots 2023 appears to be a terrific snub to the spirit of human dignity. The pitiful financial aid is close in comparison to feeding on breadcrumbs. The government’s insensitivity also gets reflected in their directive of ‘no work, no pay.’ The victims of the unrest, who fled from their offices in search of a safer space, were denied payment of their salaries until they returned to the offices. Such an outlook of the government must be opposed since they failed to have the situation under civil control.

The Chieftains must take another look at their responsibilities. The core of the agenda must be the welfare of the people. They must ensure a selfless and dedicated approach that embraces the nation’s needs while ruling out any political aspiration.

It is daunting to witness how the executives of the government compromise with the welfare of their people in a chase to pursue their personal agendas and political gains. In the hold of recession, when every penny counts, the tokenistic gesture reflects insensitivity. The victims, many of whom include the ones who lost family, homes, and livelihood, deserve a government that recognizes their struggles and acknowledges their suffering. The CM and his administration must open their eyes to see the gravity of their failure and pay heed to their responsibility for welfare with commitment and compassion. A society that preserves human dignity is a society that grows. 

Akshita Tiwari

A passionate Business Journalist delivering content that keeps you informed and helps you increase the horizon of your thoughts.

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