Origin of Covid-19 has been a topic of debate
Science related to Covid-19 – Origin of Covid-19 has been a topic of debate, comparing it to previously faced pandemics and endemics to subjecting it to a Bio-warfare Technique to slow down the World Economy for vested interests. Covid-19 turned out to be most infectious disease with high and low transmission rate, people infected with Covid virus are subject to experience mild to moderate respiratory illness. Covid-19 has been a very unpredictable affect over the health of people, young or old, one can die or recover even without complete medical care.
An advisory by WHO and state health institutions since the breakout has been issued which includes respiratory etiquette, to mention few-
- Coughing into flexed elbow.
- Masking and double masking- with the waves and variant’s transmission rate.
- Hand washing and use of sanitiser and disinfectants.
COVID-19 waves– that was the cause of death all around the world, from ALPHA to OMICRON, the infection is said to get smatter along with the waves and looks out for opportunities in mass gatherings, close spaces for increase its transmission. Gathering without proper precautions has caused a lot of vulnerable people especially older one’s going through severe covid-19 respiratory illness.
Vaccines play a major role for this unpredictable event that took place, bringing to notice how vaccination drive in many countries has been slow. Either the government has taken the health hazard lightly or people are full of myths when it comes to taking up vaccination. Of all the things it has been globally realised how important a strong health institution is, in any state, nation and grass root level.
POST COVID-19 RECOVERY ALSO LONG COVID– Covid-19 has not only affected the countries economically, politically, socially but it has affected the people in society Psychologically & Physically. The affects cannot be generalised since the study of variant’s and affects varies person to person.
Multi Organ Failure associated with the SARS-COV2 a receptor of the same in lung, heart, kidney, testis, liver, lymphocytes and nervous system was confirmed. The Multi organ failure has been characterised by acute lung failure, acute kidney injury, cardiovascular disease. Organ failure maybe the result of increased level of inflammatory mediator levels, endothelial dysfunction, coagulation problems, and infiltration of inflammatory cells into the organs are all contributing factors.
The most serious symptom of COVID-19 is pneumonia, which is characterised by cough, fever, and shortness of breath, chest pain, dyspnea, fatigue, and a bilateral diffuse interstitial pattern on an x-ray chest image. This suggests that COVID-19 does not have a distinct clinical feature that distinguishes it from other viral respiratory diseases.
Pneumonia is an infection that causes inflammation of the air sacs inside the lungs. Pneumonia causes the patient’s lungs to fill with fluid, making breathing difficult. Some of the most common symptoms of pneumonia include shortness of breath, chest pain, and chills. “During pandemics, viral pneumonia has been particularly aggressive. If not treated aggressively, these viral lung infections can progress to adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which can lead to death “According to a study published in the journal Radiology on February 1, 2022.
Other symptoms of COVID-19 pneumonia include nausea, body aches, headaches, loss of smell and taste, congestion, sore throat, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and heavy sweating, according to reports. “Around 15% of COVID-19 cases are severe. That means they may require oxygen treatment in a hospital. Approximately 5% of people have critical infections and require a venogram “ilator,” according to a WebMD report. “COVID-19 pneumonia can affect anyone, but it is more common in people aged 65 and up. Those aged 85 and up are the most vulnerable” report adds.
People aged 60 and up accounted for roughly 70% of deaths during the Covid third wave, which was 15% higher than the fatalities in the second wave. The 45-60 year old age group was responsible for 32% of deaths in the second wave. In the third wave, 49 of the total of 70 victims were over the age of 60. While 16% of the total victims were between the ages of 45 and 60, 11% were between the ages of 19 and 44.
When Delta was the circulating variant in the second wave, there were more deaths among the elderly. The Delta variant was more virulent and lethal, attacking the lungs directly and causing respiratory issues as well as multi-organ failure. Deaths occurred in all age groups during the second wave. The third wave, which was fueled by Omicron, only affected the throat and caused a mild fever. Comorbidities and old age were the most important factors in all deaths, with Covid serving as an afterthought. It is difficult to say how much of the Covid illness contributed to the death of a heart patient.
However, unlike in the previous wave, Covid was not solely to blame for the deaths. Renal disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, hypothyroidism, asthma, acute respiratory distress syndrome, bronchopneumonia, and chronic liver disease are among the victims’ major chronic health conditions that caused severe Covid impact on many.
Disease’s like Hypothyroidism , are in itself taken lightly but should not be as they directly affect metabolism and the functioning of different body parts. With over 400 million COVID-19 reported cases, even a minor risk of long-term complications associated will have a significant impact on patients and our healthcare systems. Understanding the magnitude of this impact, as well as the specific organ systems that can be affected by COVID-19 post-acute sequelae, is critical information.
Every disease and one’s immunity level to underlying diseases adds up with the infection or harm to immunity caused by the SARS-COV2. This leads to multiple organ failure in severe cases, in depth research and awareness is required on Health status of people around the globe.
The awareness of one’s own health plays a crucial role here to make the long term Covid implications less severe and in case of severe cases already well enhanced research and vaccination plays a greater role. COVID-19 may hasten what was already on its way if we had tendencies that were on their way, or it may cause new injuries that the body must then deal with. So we were learning that COVID-19 can cause coagulation problems, and it’s possible that it creates new, thickened blood, which can then lead to cardiovascular disease or other problems.
Scientists have warned about letting our guards down, The Omicron variant did not arise from the Delta variant. It originated in a completely different branch of the virus’s family tree. We also don’t know how pathogenic a new variant will be because we don’t know where it will come from in the virus’s family tree.
It could be less pathogenic, but it could also be more pathogenic. The Mortality rate might increase and the cause can be multiple organ failure is health and the lifestyle is taken lightly. Vaccines provide immunity against the infection but 100% immunity cannot be guaranteed as the mutations vary.
With the waves incoming and different mutations being identified it’s difficult to come out with pre-infection vaccine or medication, people with underlying diseases are also restricted to take certain medicinal salts during treatment that can trigger the existing diseases and cause severe harm, E.g- EPILEPSY is one of the neurological condition which can trigger partial or full seizures.
Yes, the multiple organ failure is possibly to increase depending on not just the variant’s emerging in accordance with the waves but also the existing disorders and diseases. To mention along with, people in the rural areas around the globe and countries like Afghanistan dealing with humanitarian crisis may face higher mortality rate because of weak health institutions and lack of awareness.