Covid-19 Cases Rising Rapidly- Lockdown Or No Lockdown, Indian Government In Confusion Whether To Save Indians Or Indian Economy

In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of COVID-19 a pandemic. Since then, all countries have been fighting against COVID-19 and taking preventive measures to reduce it. Some countries were able to reduce the number of infections, but several countries faced a second and third wave of COVID-19. In India, the number of cases has started increasing again and WHO is expecting the 4th wave of Coronavirus. In January 2022 , India reported 2.35 lakh new COVID-19 cases in just one day.
Initially, almost everyone followed social distancing protocols and wore masks, and took the necessary precautions to prevent the virus from spreading. However, as the number of cases fell, many people stopped following the rules and regulations and resumed back to their daily routine.
“Pandemic fatigue” is also one of the main reasons why people have stopped following the rules and regulations. In the initial days of the COVID-19 pandemic, patients and close contacts were quarantined to prevent the further spread of the virus. But then, as the number of infected people increased, it became very difficult to track people down and quarantine them.
Negligence has played an important role in increasing COVID-19 cases. Awareness programs should be conducted again to encourage people to take preventive measures. Rural areas should be given first priority and need to be protected from the virus because a lack of proper healthcare services in rural areas can result in severe infections and loss of life.
India should not impose a lockdown again because the outbreak of the pandemic COVID-19 all over the world has disturbed the political, social, economic, religious, and financial structures of the whole world. The world’s foremost economies, such as US, India, China, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, and many others, have crumbled because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Besides, stock markets around the world have been pounded and oil prices have fallen off a cliff. As a result, the world is currently experiencing the most difficult economic situation since World War II. For ordinary people, there has also been a huge real risk of losing their jobs, as the shutdown of companies shows that companies will not pay the workers and laborers , so they will have to lay them off.
The stock market has been severely impacted by COVID-19 as the US stock market is down thirty percent. The impact of COVID-19 has drastically affected the economic structure of the world because businesses are not getting their profits. Therefore, most businesses and companies are closing. Many nations are going through a recession and the collapse of their economic structures is an indication of the staggering situation for them in this regard.
Almost 80 countries have already applied for financial assistance from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). There is also uncertainty and unpredictability regarding the spread of the coronavirus. COVID-19 has already become a reason for the closure of several companies, shops, and businesses. The Indian economy has been hit hard by the current global crisis fueled by the coronavirus (COVID-19). Already the Indian economy has collapsed. If another lockdown is imposed, India will have to face terrible consequences.
The Indian government is torn between saving Indians and saving the Indian economy.
The Indian economy has completely collapsed and is devastated. The government of India is taking the major important decisions that are to save the country from the spread of the coronavirus, which is a health emergency. Saving innocent lives is one of the major concerns of the Indian government. The second is to save the economic structure from the economic crisis.
Nations across the world are facing serious impact and terrible damage to their economies. Although India has managed well and taken preventive measures to reduce the COVID-19 virus from spreading. But saving the lives of innocent people is also a major concern as this dangerous virus is affecting everyone in the world. India has to invest more in healthcare and proper treatment and care should be given.
To save people, the government should take strict actions and “social distancing,” “wearing masks,” and “maintaining hygiene” should be followed, etc. Concerning the serious and worsening conditions all over the world, nations need cooperation and coordination among themselves, including the help and maturity as well as sensible behavior of people, to effectively fight against the coronavirus. Otherwise, because of the globalized and connected world, the wrong actions and policies taken by any state will have a severe impact on other countries as well.
This is not the time for political point-scoring and fighting with each other; rather, it is high time for states to cooperate, coordinate, and help each other to defeat this fatal pandemic first to save the global economic and financial structure.