How Coronavirus-19 Epidemic Is The Only Right Time To Judge The Governance Power Of Modi Government

The havoc coronavirus is spreading rapidly all over the world. The pandemic has resulted in huge destruction worldwide by infecting 1,699,676 people and the deaths caused by the virus are more than 1 lakh now.
The pandemic has taken over into more than 180 countries across the world including countries like Italy, America, Spain, Germany, France, England, etc. these countries are believed to have one of the strongest economic scale and healthcare facilities and still the spread is non-stoppable. Definitely, this global crisis has become a tool to judge many factors in a country such as a country’s medical service, economic growth, and unity of people.
Every coin has two sides; just like a coin COVID-19 also has sides. It can never be forgotten that how distress the situation have been during the times of coronavirus and how much destruction it has caused in the entire world, but apart from this, the outbreak has also been useful in testing many things. Be it medical and healthcare facilities, the patience of people, concern of the government, international relations, economic growth, etc.
How coronavirus tested the medical services of a country?
In a country like Italy where the number of coronavirus infected people was touching the sky, Italy is known for its second-best medical and healthcare services. The coronavirus crisis has tested the medical services of the country; there was a shortage of ventilators and PPE. The doctors became helpless and hopeless and at last, the patients were on the streets as there was a shortage of beds in the hospitals.
How it judged the relations between India and America?
Not only medical services or economic growth but COVID-19 has also been a tool from which the internal relations of the other countries with India are being judged. As we all know that coronavirus outbreak is a global crisis, more than 180 countries have become prey to. Every country who has good diplomatic relations with each other is thinking 100 times before helping the other country.
Because this is not a single country’s problem like an earthquake or tsunami for which on country could send help to the other country in respect of having good cooperative relations, the issue of coronavirus outbreak is a global issue in such a situation expecting help from other countries is difficult. But guess what it is not difficult for the “world leader” Prime Minister Narender Modi.
On April 7 American President Donald Trump said that if India does not allow export the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine to the US, there might be retaliation. As the drug has been identified by the US doctors as the possible treatment for the COVID-19 and India manufactures 70% of the world’s supply of hydroxychloroquine medicines. It is always believed that a leader is the one who always thinks about its people first when a life-threatening situation like this occurs, but here our leader provided 29 million doses of the medicine to the US.
Did he not even once think about his people, that what if the stock of medicine became short in treating the COVID-19 patients in India? I think Mr. Prime Minister has not heard of the quote that one should always place on own mask first before helping others because the safety is in our own hands.
How the outbreak is testing the patience of people in India and the governance of the Indian government?
On the 24th of March, the government of India announced 21 days of lockdown in all the 29 states of the country due to the increasing cases of the coronavirus. Today it has been 19 days since the country is in a complete lockdown, now people are waiting desperately for the lockdown to get lifted.
But the drastic increases in the number of coronavirus cases since last few weeks indicates that the wait could become longer, and rise in the number of cases in last few weeks has been noticed because of the Tablighi Jamaat Markaz that took place in Nizamuddin, more than 2100 people were found participating in the congregation. Around 50% of the overall cases verified in India are of people related to Tablighi Jammat. Before this incident took place and came into eyes the lockdown was assumed to be lifted after 21 days, but now the situation has become worst as the total number of COVID-19 positive cases in India has reached 7,600 and the death toll has crossed 200.
Now, talking about the economic slowdown in the country as the coronavirus has not left any part of the country untouched. In a mere 19 days, there has been a total loss of 12 lakh crores. The coronavirus outbreak has drastically staggered the Indian economy, be it big companies or a small startup everyone is facing an injury caused by the virus. There is around 60% of the decline in the growth of the small scale sectors. Industries like the hotel, tourism, automobile, pharma, aviation, media, and entertainment, etc. have seen a decline of 40% in their growth.
After the lockdown, the production process has almost become non-existence and the low production is affecting the growth of primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. The lockdown has affected the unorganized sector the most as there are people in this sector who have lost their jobs, became homeless and migrated from cities to their home town as there is no work left for them in cities.
How the Indian government is stuck in a difficult situation?
Even, after being so strict about the rules and regulations of the 21 days lockdown across the country, there were some factors which led to its failure such as the lockdown was declared without any premonition, thousands of migrant workers gathered in masses and left to their respective home town, and the last but not the least congregation that took place in Tablighi Jamaat Markaz.
Noting the rise in the number of infected people due to COVID-19 in India and also taking into consideration the effects of extending the lockdown, Definitely, The Indian government is stuck between a situation of trench and well. Because from both sides the recovery is very slow.
What if the government extends the lockdown?
If the Indian government extends the lockdown there might be a chance that the coronavirus could be taken control off, but the further extension of the lockdown will put the Indian economy in the coma, as this will definitely, bring the economy in depression. The entire occupational structure will be adversely affected as all the three sectors will fail to reach their highest potential point.
The extension in the lockdown in India will bring the Indian economy to a level where the Indian government had to struggle each day with food and medical supply without any revenue-generating sources. Rise in unemployment by 50-60% in all the sectors, hunger in the country because of the low level of production.
What will happen if the lockdown is lifted?
On the other hand, if the lockdown is lifted, all the anxious people who are desperately waiting for the lockdown to be lifted will be gathered in groups and will move out of their houses to do their work and to meet people, more social gatherings will take place. Lockdown has been essential for containing the spread of the coronavirus.
The people cannot simply return to normal after the cases are on peak. If the lockdown will be lifted there might be chances of increases in the number of COVID-19 cases and the numbers in India could cross 1 lakhs easily. The coronavirus will create Euphoria in the country if the government will lift the lockdown.
Thus, the coronavirus crisis is taking a test of governance of the Indian government and has given it a difficult situation, where the Government has to make a big decision whether to save the economy or whether to save the lives of people. Definitely, it is the right time for the government to prove itself. The coronavirus is the right tool to test the governance of the Indian government, that it is the most suitable for the people of India.
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