Coronavirus Alerts: 9 Days To For The End Of Lockdown 4.0: Community Transmission and HCQ.

With more than 6600 cases recorded in the last 24 hours, this is the highest jump of COVID-19 cases in India. It is the second day in the week when the cases have gone above the 6000 mark. Union Minister for civil aviation said that he does not understand the need to quarantine domestic air passengers once the flight starts on Monday. he claims that if the Aarogya Setu app shows green status, why should the passengers quarantine? The huge amount of chaos being created in the government shows what will happen in the near future.
State Wise Report
Various states have put restrictions on the passengers coming through trains. The government of Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Assam and Jammu and Kashmir have said that the arriving passengers will have to quarantine. Social distancing is the need of the hour and that the only way through which we can come out of this dead hole. The Delhi Haryana and Delhi Uttar Pradesh borders are in the hands of the state government and they will look into it. The number of international flights will increase in the coming days.
In Madhya Pradesh, the MLAs are allowed to travel with their identity cards. They can also travel in the red zones with the help of their identity cards.
There has been a sharp spike in the cases in Karnataka and Bihar has entered the top 10 states for COVID-19. The death toll in Delhi has also gone up. Maharashtra still has the highest number of cases.
Use of HCQ
HCQ has been a total hit during this time. India has sent its HCQ to various countries and has been recognized for that. Thorough research has been done about the usage of the HCQ drug. No specific benefits for the same have been found out but India continues to use it till date. The drug is being given to patients who are showing symptoms of the infection. It will now be given to all the asymptomatic healthcare workers who are involved in the treatment of COVID-19 patients.
Some roads in the national capital are jammed with traffic because of the relaxations which are offered in the lockdown. This is happening all during the time when the number of cases is increasing in thousands. The total number of containment zones in the city has also increased.
According to the analysis which is done by various agencies, it shows that the virus outbreak is confined to a limited area. As of 23rd May, the virus is largely confined to 5 states. 95% of the COVID-19 deaths being reported are from 10 states and 70% from 10 cities. Fewer than eight people per lakh of the population in India has been infected comparing it to the global average of over 60 people per lakh.
Community Transmission
Community transmission is the biggest propaganda of today’s time. A leading virologist, Shahid Jameel said that the lockdown will no longer help India, community-driven containment, isolation, and quarantine strategies have to be brought into the scenario. He again criticizes the government about the testing date. Our testing rate is the lowest in the world he says that we should deploy both antibody tests and confirmatory tests. This will help the country in brief analysis and will help in opening up the economy. He claims that community transmission started a long time ago. The government is just hiding it. he claims that the ICMR’s own study showed that 40% of the patients did not have any history of overseas travel. If this is not community transmission then what is? he claimed that building trust amongst the people along with being honest is the most important factor right now. Public health problems cannot be dealt as a law and order problem. The country must unite and act as one instead of putting accusations on parties.
He claims that India will not reach a stage it reached for Spanish flu because the country is much more developed now. At that time the scientist hadn’t even seen what a virus looked like.
Experts have said that the vaccine development is at an early stage in India. The research and development sector is contributing a lot for the vaccine but still, no conclusive results have been found out to date. The PM cares fund has decided to allocate a hundred crore for support of the coronavirus vaccine development. Finally this fund is being put to use in one way.
Looking Ahead
The days coming seem to be filled with fear and anxiety amongst the people. The cases are increasing like wildfire. Markets are jammed with people and community transmission is taking place according to various reports. Social distancing measures are not being followed. What will happen to your country repeat of the United States or China happens? India does not have an appropriate infrastructure for hospitals and healthcare. The distress upon the healthcare workers can be seen even now. Doctors and nurses are being affected. They are not being treated in the right way. This is not the way warriors of the war are treated. Where is India heading to? With thousands of cases coming up every day, no new initiatives are being passed, rather trains and flights are being operated in the name of self-reliance.