
Canada Expels Indian Diplomats Amid Explosive Allegations. Are Trudeau’s Allegations Against India A Desperate Political Move?

As tensions continue to swell, the diplomatic ties between India and Canada have reached a major escalation, with the two countries expelling six Indian diplomats from Canada. The tit-for-tat follows the controversial move by Canada to expel six Canadian diplomats, including the Indian High Commissioner, Sanjay Kumar Verma, moves believed to be linked with some allegations against India for allegedly being involved in the assassination of Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar. Based on both conditions, this article looks into the background of the tensions, the events that led to the expulsion, and even implications on their bilateral relations, including an overview of the geopolitical context involved. It has already been a bad year for Canada's relationship with India, and as far as diplomacy and international politics goes, things can't get worse than this. The expulsion of six Indian diplomats by Canada in October 2024 marked a new low in the already tense relationship between the two nations; the move came after New Delhi had expelled six diplomats from Canada.

The crisis has been fed by allegations that link India with the assassination of one of the prominent leaders of the Khalistan movement, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, in Canada. Since the two countries are connected with a long and historical engagement with each other, within their circumscriptions on diplomacy, recent developments in the relationship do the opposite: break down trust and cooperation, and the implications could be far-reaching.

Background: India-Canada Relations

India and Canada share friendly diplomatic relations for over seven decades, with a relationship extending into economic cooperation, trade, education, cultural exchange, and more. On either side, both countries have considerable numbers of immigrants residing in each country’s territories, and specifically on the Canadian side, a large Indian diaspora, including a considerable Sikh population.

Still, these relations have never been friction-free, especially in the context of the Khalistan movement.

The Khalistan movement is a separatist campaign in favour of the creation of an independent Sikh state within India. It has had some of its champions among some Sikhs residing in Canada. The Indians have seen it as a threat to territorial integrity and national security; Canada, on the other hand, has been very consistent with its principles of free speech and political expression that enable peaceful advocacy for this cause.

India has always maintained that the government of Canada has accorded Khalistani activities on its soil, a trend that Canada believes to be part of its democratic psyche. The political gap has never been bridged between the two nations, and it has driven the present inflammable balance between them.

Assassination of Hardeep Singh Nijjar

A killing in June 2023 outside a Sikh temple in Surrey, British Columbia, of an outspoken Khalistan advocate, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, turned out to be a flashpoint for India and Canada.

He was that person India’s authorities had been tracking for a long: he was a Canadian citizen whom Indian authorities accused of involvement in terrorist activities. India stated that Nijjar had been involved in violent incidents related to the country’s separatist violence and branded him as a terrorist under the country’s law. Nijjar’s murder was a crime, as viewed locally.

But things became even more sensational after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made that bombshell announcement before Parliament in September 2023. That followed his declaration that Indian security agencies abetted his assassination. Such a claim was shock-inducing because it seemed that a foreign government had gone about carrying out an extrajudicial killing on Canadian soil.

India promptly dismissed the allegations as baseless and absurd. It demanded that no legitimate evidence ever existed on the Canadian side to back the charges levelled against India, which were political.

The Diplomatic Fallout Starts Kicking In

The diplomatic relationship between the two countries really began to fall apart after Trudeau’s declaration. Expelling an Indian diplomat by Canada was retaliated within no time, and from India’s side, a Canadian diplomat was also expelled, and the first of a series of tit-for-tat escalation measures was the expulsion.

By October 2024, the tensions had boiled over. The government took out six more Indian diplomats, this time with a High Commissioner, Sanjay Kumar Verma, and pointed to concerns about public safety and continuing intelligence gathering from the security agencies. According to Canadian officials, it’s because of a larger pattern of foreign interference targeting the South Asian community in Canada.

It was drastic, though very much in need, according to Canada. According to Mélaniecountry’snada’s foreign minister, the country cannot be a place to give room for foreign agents to operate on its soil, especially those posing a risk to its citizens. At the heart of this is a statement by Canada that India was conducting covert activities that endangered the safety of individuals on Canadian soil.

Retaliatory measure: India, on 15 October 2024, expelled six Canadian diplomats, including Acting High Commissioner Stewart Ross Wheeler. In its defence, it said the accusations were baseless, and the expulsions had been an appropriate response to what New Delhi considered an unwarranted challenge to its diplomatic dignity.

What does this bode for India-Canada relations?

Diplomatic expulsions have often been treated as the most grave actions any country can undertake except stopping diplomatic relations. True enough, India and Canada did not sever diplomatic contact, but mutual expulsions by both countries do indicate that the erosion of trust is at quite an advanced stage.

A very robust economic relationship exists between India and Canada. So, these two countries were in talks over a free trade agreement even before this incident of Nijjar killing took place.

In actuality, the free trade deal talks between the two nations were held last September, a few days only after allegations surfaced against Trudeau. This diplomatic spat might freeze negotiations indefinitely, causing both parties to miss growth and economic requirements. India is one of Canada’s very important partners in sectors such as technology, education, and manufacturing, and that strained tension might damage these collaborations for a longer period. One of the reasons Canada has used to justify its actions recently is public safety.

One, the country claims there have been instances where Indian agents focused on victimising South Asians, a list including Sikh activists as well as those espousing pro-Khalistan advocacy. Today, as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police reports, authorities are considering other harassment that are ongoing, as well as threats that have a link to Indian operatives.

For Canada, it is always important to ensure the safety of citizens, including those who support controversial political causes. Canada happens to house one of the largest Sikh diasporas in the world, and many Sikhs in Canada have supported the Khalistan movement or exercised concern with regard to human rights issues in India.

These tensions between Canada and India will split this community for sure and could worsen easily if not rectified by resolving these diplomatic issues. This may give some confidence to the Sikh diaspora in Canadian soil about getting some support from the Canadian authorities and will give them the strength to stand tall against the Indian government; on the other side of the coin, it may instill fear in them that they would be persecuted by the India who are in power.

The strained relationship between India-Canada also have broader geopolitical significance. Drama plays quite an important role on the global stage for both countries: India with its profound significance as a scion of the Indo-Pacific, while Canada with its proximity to the United States and, therefore, integral to NATO. In other words, tensions between these two countries might seriously complicate relations between their side with other allies and partners.

This regression in bilateral relations between India and Canada can further transform the nature of their geopolitical axis within the current international order, as the former remains quite important despite the fact that the main powers, namely, China, the U.S., and Russia, continue to be important.

India has fashioned its relationships with countries like Japan, Australia, and the U.S. through the Quad-Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, whereas Canada aligns closely with its fellow Western nations while rebuilding its set of international priorities by, for instance, strategically reconsidering its future relationships with India, Asia, and other regions. Were These Actions Justified?

Whether the step taken by either Canada or India was justified or not depends, to a large extent, on how one views the situation.

From the Canadian Standpoint

It has every right to defend its citizens from interference, foreign or otherwise, and its democratic values of free speech and political advocacy.

These allegations were based on what his government termed “credible evidence,” and Canada argues that no foreign government must be allowed to target or harass its citizens, be they advocating for causes considered illegal or controversial elsewhere in the world, such as the Khalistan movement.

For Canada, it has become a compulsion to expel Indian diplomats to maintain its national security and to draw out the point that foreign interference will not be tolerated. The human rights and sovereignty figure is the central figure under which the Canadian action has taken place in this diplomatic case.

India View

The actions of Canada have been perceived in India to be an unwarranted and politically motivated onslaught on its sovereignty.

India blames Canada for being soft on Khalistan sympathisers for quite some time now, and from the Indian point of view, nothing has been done sufficiently to check the activities of these terrorists identified by them.

The Indian government says it has nothing to do with the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar and that these expulsions of its diplomats amount to part of a smear campaign against its government.

The traditional response undertaken when this threat is made by another country has been India’s threat retaliation for that by expelling Canadian diplomats. India feels it has been wrongfully blamed without any viable proof, and that Canada makes this a political case to handle the wrongdoing in their own state.

Future Consequences

Government of Canada

It is highly unlikely that the long-existing diplomatic standoff between Canada and India will lose steam soon. Both nations have taken very hardened stances, and neither does seem willing enough to yield without a significant surrender.

This ousting could be followed by a long time during which the two countries would somehow limit their engagement through diplomacy. It will seep into everything from trade to cultural exchanges, and it will take years to undo what these recent events have wrought.

However, that will surely test the mettle of businesses in both the countries and keep them uncertain. Both Canadian firms operating in India and Indian firms doing business in Canada can become casualties or get caught in the storm of heightened diplomatic tensions relating to possibly disrupting the flow of commerce.

This means Indians living in Canada and the Canadians living in India will face hassles and issues while obtaining visas and other involved consul services. This can be problematic for students, professionals, or families who require smooth diplomatic relations while crossing to the other country.

This stretched relationship between Canada and India will spill over into their political alliances with other countries as well. For example, how this issue is viewed in the United States, in Europe, and among other powers of the world will be quite important in casting their future diplomatic engagements.

At least for now, India and Canada are engaged in perhaps one of the most serious showdowns between the two nations as a diplomatic tussle escalates. What began as alleged killings in connection with the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar has turned into a full-fledged crisis, with both countries expelling diplomats and trading charges over foreign interference and political manipulation.

The deadlock in the core issue speaks of a basic disagreement regarding the Khalistan movement and the diaspora’s both sides of the border.

It will be interesting to note whether India and Canada come out of this tight spot with meaningful dialogue or if this diplomatic split widens further. Meanwhile, the dismissal of diplomats, suspension of visa services, and retraction of trade talks serve to remind the rest of the world just how vulnerable a situation international relations can become when entwined with politics, ideology, and issues of national security. 


Sehjal is a writer at Inventiva , where she covers investigative news analysis and market news.

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