A Review of Germany and Japan: A New Change in Foreign and Defense Policy

A look at Germany and Japan: A change in both foreign and defence policy
Western nations and their allies rapidly reevaluated their defence and diplomatic policies regarding Russian aggression. Germany and Japan are among them. Because both countries have a long military tradition and were defeated in World War II, they have a shared history.
As a result of the occupation and reparations, their armies were dissolved, and only a few tiny regiments remained with a strictly defensive mission instead of a regular fighting force. Both states’ security was highly reliant on the presence of US military bases.
Due to Germany and Japan’s leadership roles in their respective areas, their military and defence doctrines are likely to be reevaluated.
The German state had been reluctant to adopt a robust foreign policy following the defeat of Nazi Germany and divided under the Cold War. The low level of defence spending resulted from the country’s pacifist policy. With an economic advantage rather than a military one, it has led Europe under the European Union.
Germany and Russia’s ties must be examined in depth. The German government has always been fair to the Soviet Union and Russia because of its shame over the atrocities and crimes committed by the Third Reich in Eastern Europe and Russia. Despite the ideological tension of the Cold War, former Chancellor Willy Brandt defended Ostpolitik, opened doors, and recognised Eastern Europe and East Germany. Today’s Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, was once a beloved figure in Germany. Few foreign leaders have fluently addressed the Bundestag in German, and he is one of the few. Conservatives admire his adherence to traditional Christian teachings.
Additionally, the two countries’ economic ties are of paramount importance. Germany relies significantly on German gas and oil, with the Nord Stream 1 pipeline directly importing German gas from Siberia. Even though its economy is heavily reliant on Russia, this relationship is frequently portrayed as a geopolitical blunder. As a result, the primary element may constrain Germany’s political narrative on Russia.
Compared to the United States and the United Kingdom, the German government only provided 5,000 helmets to Ukraine. Germany didn’t change its defence strategy until the beginning of the war. At the NATO summit, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz pledged anti-tank weapons for Ukraine and a significant boost in the country’s defence spending.
Although the initiative to promote regional security came in late, its implications should not be ignored. Germany’s foreign policy has changed dramatically in the last 80 years, and Scholz’s new defence policy reflects that shift. As part of the effort to keep Germany economically stable, the country’s energy dependence is also being examined. There has been a sea change in Germany’s global status due to the conflict in Ukraine.
Since World War II, Japan has been the United States’ most important ally in the Pacific-Asia region. As a result of hosting multiple American bases abroad, the country’s defence strategy was significantly dependent on the United States. Even while American military funding and deployment abroad decreased under Trump’s “America First” agenda, Japan increased its assertiveness and leadership in international affairs.
The commission of a helicopter carrier, which functions in a comparable capacity to an aircraft carrier, and the empowerment of the self-defence force under former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe are violations of Japan’s post-war peace agreement. Over the past decade, Japan’s military strategy has taken on a more active role.
In addition, Japan and Russia are embroiled in a territorial conflict. Even after Japan surrendered in 1945, some Japanese islands were taken over by Soviet forces. However, even after the Cold War, the Soviets and later Russians retained control of a few islands. The Japanese government maintained its position that it was illegally occupying Japanese soil and should be removed.
As a result of the war, Russia’s assets were frozen, and economic sanctions were imposed on its leader and banks. A bulletproof vest was also given to the Ukrainian military as support.
As China became a superpower, Japan’s involvement in regional security began to rise earlier than Germany’s. The Diaoyu Island conflict with China and other historical reasons sparked a rift between the two countries. Japanese authorities are prepared for a future battle between Taiwan and China, a situation similar to that between Russia and Ukraine.
So to better defend itself, it led to a more aggressive stance when it came to armed wars. Despite the Ukraine crisis, the United States has stayed focused on its geopolitical shift from the Middle East to Asia to oppose China’s rise. Therefore, soon, Japan will continue to take on more responsibility for regional security and protecting Western interests.
Germany and Japan have been fighting for a long time, and they lost in World War II. Both countries’ security was very important because the US had military bases in both of them. People in Germany are ashamed of what happened to people because of the Third Reich’s crimes. The German government has always been fair to the Soviet Union and Russia because of this. Gas and oil from Germany are very important to Germany. The Nord Stream 1 pipeline brings gas from Siberia directly to Germany.
It used to be that Germans loved Vladimir Putin. Today, he is the leader of the country of Russia. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that Ukraine would get anti-tank weapons from Germany and that the country’s defence budget was going to get a big boost.
Germany didn’t change its defence strategy until the start of the war, which is when it did. Japan has been the United States’ most important partner when it comes to Pacific-Asia. Japan and Russia are fighting over land, and Japan is ready for a fight between Taiwan and China at some point in the future. Despite the Ukraine crisis, the United States is still trying to stop China from becoming more powerful in the Middle East and Asia.
Soon, Japan will keep taking on more and more of the responsibility for regional security and Western interests. There is also a territorial dispute between Japan and Russia.
edited and proofread by nikita sharma