Modi Ji and BJP
The Modi Ji reign had the chance to conduct extensive change since it was given a historic mandate by the people. Instead, this developed into a government with ambiguous goals and imprecise legislation.
The Modi administration’s accomplishments are a point of contention.
Rewriting of the Rafale deal
When pressed with questions, the administration decided to criticise the opposition and invoke privacy laws which the French president had already refuted in an interview with an Indian channel. Without adhering to the prescribed procurement procedure, Modi and his allies altered the terms of the agreement to buy less amount of planes for three times more money.
Questions were raised about the Rafale dispute since a private entity was chosen to be an offset partner, this party lacked any qualifications in this area other than some relation to Sir Modi.
Enslavement of certain sections of the media by Modi Ji’s government
Certain media outlets have been enslaved, and they now renounce any criticism of P.M. Modi Ji and the BJP president, no matter how unjustifiable. If a channel is uncooperative, it is blocked down for 24 hours, its headquarters are raided, or the so-called ‘misbehaving’ journalists are enigmatically forced to take a leave of absence or are fired.
Messed up foreign policy
While Modi Ji travels to other nations and continues to claim that Indians had no respect in the world before 2014 and that they now enjoy the highest respect in the world, China has an access point in Sri Lanka, and significantly huge interests in Bangladesh and Pakistan, the failure in the Maldives Indian workers are no longer granted visas due to India’s disastrous foreign policy.
Up until five years ago, India held a dominant position in the subcontinent and was frequently consulted on domestic issues. But now a small island nation like the Maldives feels strong about rejecting India, while Sri Lanka and Nepal have no problems cooperating with China. It is evident that this influence has diminished as a result of a foreign policy with no discernible goals other than to support the cult of personality around the Prime Minister.
The tax system was rushed into effect, which hindered in working of companies. Complex filing, various rates on different things, and complicated structure.
The BJP’s refusal to admit this is incredibly conceited. Maybe GST stabilizes itself with time but it has already caused damage
Planning Commission reports
They examined government programmes and provided an update on the situation. With that gone, you are left with no option except to accept the information provided by the government. NITI Aayog, which is essentially a research institute and PR agency, lacks this responsibility.
Electoral bonds
In essence, it makes corruption legal and enables corporations and foreign governments to just purchase our political parties. There is simply no way to prove ‘an agreement of one thing for the other thing’ with an anonymous instrument if a corporation offers to give you an electoral bond for Rs 1,000 crore in exchange for passing a particular policy that would result in no prosecution.
Failure of schemes and failure to acknowledge
- Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana,
- Make In India,
- Skill Development,
- Fasal Bima and the list goes on.
Modi Ji’s refusal to recognise the farmers’ misery and unemployment, labelling any actual issue as an opposition gimmick.
The rise in petrol and diesel rates
Taxes, typically comprise about 55% and 60% of what customers pay at the pump for petrol, are the main cause of more expensive gasoline and diesel.
Even though crude is cheaper, Modi has attributed the sharp increase in fuel costs to his predecessors. He said that the middle class would not be as burdened now if past administrations had prioritised lowering the nation’s reliance on energy imports, according to PTI.
Media operation- Running news channels that are owned by BJP leaders
The idea that Hindus and Hinduism are in peril and that Modi is the only way out has been entrenched in people’s thought processes. Muslim, National-Antinational, India-Pakistan, and polarising emotions divert the public conversation from concerns and rationality. Other than people’s perspectives, nothing hardly changed Hindus are leading the same lives similarly to date that they have been already living for a long period of time.
Write against the government and you’re anti-National and Religious disharmony
With this designation, legitimate criticism of the government is silenced. If criticised a little more the tag comes a little further as anti-Hindu as the trend went on and with the support of a more clueless young population the spark has now become fire becoming one of the causes of the hindu Muslim barrier.
Farmer’s struggle
During the Modi administration, farmer suicides significantly increased, the demands of a minimum support price of + 50%, and the BJP provided a version in its final budget that no one found acceptable. Parallel to this, the Modi administration indiscriminately imported wheat and pulses, which caused the cost of indigenous products to soar. Add to this the horrible notion of altering the Land Acquisition Act of 2013 to forcefully seize farmer-owned land.
Less than a mile from the parliament, the children of the farmers who committed suicide organised nonviolent demonstrations, and it didn’t bother BJP Government deigned to acknowledge them.
Riots in Gujrat
Government statistics show that 2,500 people were injured, 223 more people went missing, and 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus were deceased.
Inter-communal violence reached extremes during the Gujarat riots of 2002, resulting in the burning of trains and the loss of numerous lives. On February 27, 2002, a group of around 50 returning pilgrims from the Sabarmati Express were assaulted, and railway cars were set on fire. Following this, there was another round of unrest in other regions of the state, which resulted in the deaths of Muslims.
Riots in India
According to the legislation, anybody who immigrated to India Muslim immigrant will not be subject to the same rules, as a Hindu, Christian, Jain, Buddhist, or Sikh before 2014 and came from Bangladesh, Pakistan, or Afghanistan are, the latter are eligible to apply for Indian citizenship.
The enactment of citizenship legislation, which many say openly discriminates against Muslims and might undermine India’s secular principles, is what initially prompted the turmoil.
Critics claim that Modi’s ascent to power was based on religious polarization, inciting anti-Muslim animosity and repressing opposition. The legislation, according to the administration, is a charitable measure designed to provide safety for Hindus who have experienced discrimination in neighbouring Muslim-majority nations. But many observers have viewed the motivations as evil given the long history of discriminating speech and deeds by Modi
In order to remake India as a Hindu nation rather than the secular one specified by the constitution, as was the case before Modi came to power in 2014, his administration started implementing what many saw to be a Hindu nationalist agenda.
Modi Ji certainly did not do well with the economy, the demonetisation moment should hold the upper edge of any list due to its utter failure and the extensive economic damage it caused. It has the unique distinction of having failed on each of its declared aims (countering the funding of terrorism, phoney notes, and black money) while eradicating employment, and is now taught as a cautionary story in business schools abroad.
Raids of CBI ED
they are being utilised for political objectives, but even if they aren’t, there is still a great worry that if people speak out against anything Shah/Modi-related, these institutions will be unleashed on them. Dissent, a crucial element of democracy, will be put to death by this.
Article 370
The Kashmiri people were estranged from the rest of India by this government’s poorly thought-out engagement strategy, and for that, they should be given credit. Due to the volatile circumstances, by-elections in the district of Anantnag had to be postponed for the first time since 1996. Curfews that lasted for eight months ruined the local economy.
According to experts, people’s silence over the significant developments in Kashmir should not be disregarded. Hard and fast changes have been made, including the repeal of Article 370, the division of the state into two, the downgrading to a union territory, amendments to the domicile law, the delineation of congressional districts, the notification of “strategic areas” for army use, a six-month political impasse followed by a pandemic lockdown, and a connectivity embargo. All of these actions are stoking public resentment, which will eventually explode into a catastrophe. At this moment, New Delhi would have a difficult time managing the ensuing situation.
falling employment
You can tell the government hasn’t succeeded in creating employment when it needs to change the way it calculates GDP to make its figures look erroneously higher, when there is unprecedented capital flight, and when businesses turn to external lenders to finance their operations.
Modi Ji and BJP
The Modi Ji reign had the chance to conduct extensive change since it was given a historic mandate by the people. Instead, this developed into a government with ambiguous goals and imprecise legislation.
The Modi administration’s accomplishments are a point of contention.
Rewriting of the Rafale deal
When pressed with questions, the administration decided to criticise the opposition and invoke privacy laws which the French president had already refuted in an interview with an Indian channel. Without adhering to the prescribed procurement procedure, Modi and his allies altered the terms of the agreement to buy less amount of planes for three times more money.
Questions were raised about the Rafale dispute since a private entity was chosen to be an offset partner, this party lacked any qualifications in this area other than some relation to Sir Modi.
Enslavement of certain sections of the media by Modi Ji’s government
Certain media outlets have been enslaved, and they now renounce any criticism of P.M. Modi Ji and the BJP president, no matter how unjustifiable. If a channel is uncooperative, it is blocked down for 24 hours, its headquarters are raided, or the so-called ‘misbehaving’ journalists are enigmatically forced to take a leave of absence or are fired.
Messed up foreign policy
While Modi Ji travels to other nations and continues to claim that Indians had no respect in the world before 2014 and that they now enjoy the highest respect in the world, China has an access point in Sri Lanka, and significantly huge interests in Bangladesh and Pakistan, the failure in the Maldives Indian workers are no longer granted visas due to India’s disastrous foreign policy.
Up until five years ago, India held a dominant position in the subcontinent and was frequently consulted on domestic issues. But now a small island nation like the Maldives feels strong about rejecting India, while Sri Lanka and Nepal have no problems cooperating with China. It is evident that this influence has diminished as a result of a foreign policy with no discernible goals other than to support the cult of personality around the Prime Minister.
The tax system was rushed into effect, which hindered in working of companies. Complex filing, various rates on different things, and complicated structure.
The BJP’s refusal to admit this is incredibly conceited. Maybe GST stabilizes itself with time but it has already caused damage
Planning Commission reports
They examined government programmes and provided an update on the situation. With that gone, you are left with no option except to accept the information provided by the government. NITI Aayog, which is essentially a research institute and PR agency, lacks this responsibility.
Electoral bonds
In essence, it makes corruption legal and enables corporations and foreign governments to just purchase our political parties. There is simply no way to prove ‘an agreement of one thing for the other thing’ with an anonymous instrument if a corporation offers to give you an electoral bond for Rs 1,000 crore in exchange for passing a particular policy that would result in no prosecution.
Failure of schemes and failure to acknowledge
- Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana,
- Make In India,
- Skill Development,
- Fasal Bima and the list goes on.
Modi Ji’s refusal to recognise the farmers’ misery and unemployment, labelling any actual issue as an opposition gimmick.
The rise in petrol and diesel rates
Taxes, typically comprise about 55% and 60% of what customers pay at the pump for petrol, are the main cause of more expensive gasoline and diesel.
Even though crude is cheaper, Modi has attributed the sharp increase in fuel costs to his predecessors. He said that the middle class would not be as burdened now if past administrations had prioritised lowering the nation’s reliance on energy imports, according to PTI.
Media operation- Running news channels that are owned by BJP leaders
The idea that Hindus and Hinduism are in peril and that Modi is the only way out has been entrenched in people’s thought processes. Muslim, National-Antinational, India-Pakistan, and polarising emotions divert the public conversation from concerns and rationality. Other than people’s perspectives, nothing hardly changed Hindus are leading the same lives similarly to date that they have been already living for a long period of time.
Write against the government and you’re anti-National and Religious disharmony
With this designation, legitimate criticism of the government is silenced. If criticised a little more the tag comes a little further as anti-Hindu as the trend went on and with the support of a more clueless young population the spark has now become fire becoming one of the causes of the hindu Muslim barrier.
Farmer’s struggle
During the Modi administration, farmer suicides significantly increased, the demands of a minimum support price of + 50%, and the BJP provided a version in its final budget that no one found acceptable. Parallel to this, the Modi administration indiscriminately imported wheat and pulses, which caused the cost of indigenous products to soar. Add to this the horrible notion of altering the Land Acquisition Act of 2013 to forcefully seize farmer-owned land.
Less than a mile from the parliament, the children of the farmers who committed suicide organised nonviolent demonstrations, and it didn’t bother BJP Government deigned to acknowledge them.
Riots in Gujrat
Government statistics show that 2,500 people were injured, 223 more people went missing, and 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus were deceased.
Inter-communal violence reached extremes during the Gujarat riots of 2002, resulting in the burning of trains and the loss of numerous lives. On February 27, 2002, a group of around 50 returning pilgrims from the Sabarmati Express were assaulted, and railway cars were set on fire. Following this, there was another round of unrest in other regions of the state, which resulted in the deaths of Muslims.
Riots in India
According to the legislation, anybody who immigrated to India Muslim immigrant will not be subject to the same rules, as a Hindu, Christian, Jain, Buddhist, or Sikh before 2014 and came from Bangladesh, Pakistan, or Afghanistan are, the latter are eligible to apply for Indian citizenship.
The enactment of citizenship legislation, which many say openly discriminates against Muslims and might undermine India’s secular principles, is what initially prompted the turmoil.
Critics claim that Modi’s ascent to power was based on religious polarization, inciting anti-Muslim animosity and repressing opposition. The legislation, according to the administration, is a charitable measure designed to provide safety for Hindus who have experienced discrimination in neighbouring Muslim-majority nations. But many observers have viewed the motivations as evil given the long history of discriminating speech and deeds by Modi
In order to remake India as a Hindu nation rather than the secular one specified by the constitution, as was the case before Modi came to power in 2014, his administration started implementing what many saw to be a Hindu nationalist agenda.
Modi Ji certainly did not do well with the economy, the demonetisation moment should hold the upper edge of any list due to its utter failure and the extensive economic damage it caused. It has the unique distinction of having failed on each of its declared aims (countering the funding of terrorism, phoney notes, and black money) while eradicating employment, and is now taught as a cautionary story in business schools abroad.
Raids of CBI ED
they are being utilised for political objectives, but even if they aren’t, there is still a great worry that if people speak out against anything Shah/Modi-related, these institutions will be unleashed on them. Dissent, a crucial element of democracy, will be put to death by this.
Article 370
The Kashmiri people were estranged from the rest of India by this government’s poorly thought-out engagement strategy, and for that, they should be given credit. Due to the volatile circumstances, by-elections in the district of Anantnag had to be postponed for the first time since 1996. Curfews that lasted for eight months ruined the local economy.
According to experts, people’s silence over the significant developments in Kashmir should not be disregarded. Hard and fast changes have been made, including the repeal of Article 370, the division of the state into two, the downgrading to a union territory, amendments to the domicile law, the delineation of congressional districts, the notification of “strategic areas” for army use, a six-month political impasse followed by a pandemic lockdown, and a connectivity embargo. All of these actions are stoking public resentment, which will eventually explode into a catastrophe. At this moment, New Delhi would have a difficult time managing the ensuing situation.
falling employment
You can tell the government hasn’t succeeded in creating employment when it needs to change the way it calculates GDP to make its figures look erroneously higher, when there is unprecedented capital flight, and when businesses turn to external lenders to finance their operations.