Xiaomi phone blasts severely injuring a 13-year-old boy living in Mathura while he was playing games

Our lives have become centered on mobile phones. It has become one gadget at work for users with professional to personal needs. But how safe are these mobile phones and can phone manufacturers confirm user safety from hazardious incidents?
Xiaomi, the largest Chinese mobile phone manufacturer has made it to the news. This time, the case revolves around a thirteen-year-old boy residing in Matura, Uttar Pradesh.
But what went wrong while using the mobile phone that the kid had to meet an ill fate?
Mobile phone explosion has been a common phenomenon in recent times. While the critical factor for such blasts can be attributed to internal defects or a rapid increase in the temperature of the devices, there could be other factors responsible for such cases.
The kid residing in Uttar Pradesh was brutally injured during the mobile phone blast in Mathura. He was playing on the phone when the case happened. The incident took place in the Mewati district of Madhya Pradesh.
When his father was interviewed, he mentioned that he gifted his son a mobile phone, the Xiaomi brand to help him with his studies.
His son was playing a game on his mobile. After a while, they heard a loud sound from the room. They rushed, and on entering the room, they saw their child lying on the bed in an injured condition.
The child’s clothes were burnt and his chest was covered with wounds. It took a moment for the parents to understand the situation, and seeing the mobile phone lying in the room with broken glasses, it became evident that the child was injured by the explosion caused by the mobile phone.
The kid was immediately taken to the hospital, where he is being treated.
Every aspect of our lives has started revolving around mobile phones, be it studying or sports. In such a scenario, having a mobile phone is a compulsion for children.
While providing mobile phones, it is advised to parents to monitor their children at regular intervals. But, this advice turns out to be restrained for the children. What should parents do, and who is to be blamed for such a situation- the parents for handing out a mobile phone to a minor or the mobile brand Xiaomi for having issues with the mobile phones that have caused such a massive explosion?
Previous cases of phone blasts in Xiaomi:
Xiaomi has been involved in many such cases before. In September 2022, a woman lost her life after her smartphone Redmi 6A exploded. On further investigation, it was found that she has kept the device near her, after which the explosion took place. The pictures shown from the reports revealed that the front panel of the mobile phone was destroyed, and the smartphone’s back panel displayed a burnt and swollen battery.
Apart from Xiaomi, many other brands have been associated with such defects involves the famous brand OnePlus. Last year, OnePlus made it to the headlines when a user claimed that his device (OnePlus Nord 2) has exploded, while he was talking on the phone. The blast caused severe injuries on his face.
Another incident reported that the device blasted while it was on a sling bag on a motorbike.
There could be many reasons associated with a phone blast.
After reports of numerous blasts from Xiaomi phones, the company immediately announced that they were replacing the batteries. The blasts were pointed to the utilization of lithium-ion batteries in Xiaomi phones. The users must put careful observations while utilizing their mobile phones. While there are many reasons, however, the accurate reasons for mobile blasts can not be pointed out.
But one of the integral reasons can be using third-party chargers. Third-party charges can result in overheating mobile devices, which increases the chances of explosion. If the phone has been dropped on a hard surface, there are maximum chances of battery leakage, which could impose a risk as it contains highly flammable substances.
Charging mobile devices continuously or for longer hours can be threatening as well. Prolonged charging should be avoided at any cost.
Mobile manufacturers should undergo stringent safety measures and conduct thorough testing before releasing a device. This must be done to ensure that people do not lose their lives because of a device.
edited and proofread by nikita sharma