Who is George Soros – The Undemocratic Philanthropist? Why Has He Turned His ‘Undemocratic’ Attention To India, And What Does He Gain By Instigating Instability In The Country?
India has grabbed international attention for the last month; first came the Hindenburg Research Report, which took aim at the Adani Group, and now it is the turn of none other than the Prime Minister of the country - Narendra Modi. George Soros, perhaps one of the most controversial figures in the world, is also called by Forbes as the "most generous giver", yet Soros is not a philanthropist at all. Instead, his main aim is to further his 'objectives' at any cost. Known as the agent of chaos who funds regime changes, is he out to topple the government, eyeing the stock market perhaps? What is Geroge Soros's India agenda?

Geroge Soros, the 92-year-old philanthropist and billionaire hedge fund manager, is mincing no words regarding the Adani group fiasco in the aftermath of the sensational outing of the Hindenburg research report that led for its stocks to bleed and significant brunt to its reputation; now Soros has put his attention on Narendra Modi and in doing so India.
Speaking at the Munich Security Conference on February 16, 2023, the Hungarian-American billionaire said that Narendra Modi “will have to answer questions from foreign investors and in parliament”.
The above statement is a loaded one considering India and its economy are relatively stable compared to what is happening on the global level with many developed economies.
Also, India has, through the last few years, been consistently working towards emerging as a favourable destination for foreign investors.
The growth outlook for India remains strong for the FY23-24; hence a statement such as that made by Soros on Narendra Modi having to answer questions from foreign investors and that too in parliament is – a well-loaded pointed statement that is designed to cut deep.
However, this is not the first time that Soros has taken to pointing out flaws in the ‘working of the country’; in 2020, at the World Economic Forum annual meeting at Davos, he pronounced that India had faced a severe setback where a democratically elected PM, Narendra Modi was poised to create a Hindu nationalist state, he spoke about Kashmir as a semi-autonomous Muslim region, where millions of Muslims were being threatened and deprived of their citizenship.
The Advocate For Democracy
Through the years, Soros sees himself as the champion of democracy worldwide and therefore has ended up financing various political movements in eastern Europe and former Soviet republics.
In fact, when it comes to American history, he is the biggest funder of the Democratic Party and backed the presidential bids of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden with millions of dollars.
However, for Soros, who is the advocacy of democracy and speaks about the alleged deprivation of Muslims in Kashmir, has no guilt when it comes to causing misery in several Asian countries by being responsible for triggering their economic collapse by betting against their currencies.
George Soros had no qualms about accepting the fact that he has one agenda – making money and admits that he has no guilt and does not ponder on the social consequences of what he does; this statement of his alone gives an unmistakable picture of this man and how he may have operated through his 92 years on this planet!
India, Adani And George Soros
Since money is the one thing that George Soros swears by, irrespective of the fact that he is generous with his money, it won’t come as a surprise if, at a later date, it comes to light that the Adani Fiasco may indeed have George Soros behind it after all.
While there is nothing illegal about the short selling of Adani group shares, short sellers taking a punt, many may have made some serious money on the bleeding Adani Stocks. In contrast, several may have also lost a significant chunk of money.
India, Narendra Modi And George Soros
George Soros, the man who has the power and resources to cause significant mayhem in the corporate business sector and churn major governments worldwide, has found his new target.
Narendra Modi has caught the attention of Soros, and how so –
- Soros alleges that Modi and Adani are close allies, and hence their fates are closely intertwined.
- Going further with his theory, Soros has also made some questionable predictions; according to him, Adani’s fiasco may weaken Modi’s position significantly.
- And the basis of the same is the Hindenburg Research Report (which he may have very well ordered)
Will George Soros Be Able To Breach India?
The master manipulator of the global order, as Soros is called, is quite an apt title for him; why?
He has an estimated net worth of an immense $6.7 bn to his name, and this is not all many opine that this figure could be more since he gives vast amounts to charitable causes.
Amongst the many charitable causes that Soros donates to, there is one that will catch the eye – the furtherance of democracy; what does this mean, and how is this objective met?
It is met through what is called – The Open Society Foundations – an organization headquartered in New York, conducting active programmes in almost 60 countries and gives significant donations to parties and organizations that are aligned with its ‘objectives’ and ‘mission’.
Now, what might these objectives and mission be, you ask? Take a look –
- Israel – the only democracy in West Asia, the OSF grants donations to a number of institutions or NGOs that deny the very legitimacy of Israel.
- Palestine – the OSF funds groups that have been declared terror organizations by the US, EU, Canada and Isreal.
- Hungary – his native land, passed a law called ‘Stop Soros Law’ to prevent funding to OSF organizations that support illegal entry of undocumented migrants. (on Hungary’s part, the govt maintains that it is safeguarding its national security interest).
The fact is that there is a very thin line between pushing for reforms through a system but undermining a nation’s sovereignty by influencing its decisions is much more devious.
Hindenburg Report, India and George Soros
Soros said the Hindenburg report would lead to a ‘democratic revival’ in India; perhaps Soros forgot that India is already a democracy, or maybe when he talks about the revival of democracy in India, he only means and limits it to a particular group or religion.
How Soros, indeed!
The more extensive work of Soros through OSF is to ‘liberate’ the world of ideas they consider ‘obsolete’; it works for and towards changing political realities in a given country or the world, which by the way, are suitable or in line with their ‘principals’ – how is that furthering democracy?
How Soros Made His India Plan?
In January 2020, Soros set up a $1 billion fund for higher education institutions that would enable students to build up resistance toward growing nationalism – Jamiya Miliya, anyone!
In June 2018, Amnesty International received a 137 Euro grant from the OSF to repeal a law Ireland passed.
Hence, it is safe to establish that through OSF, Soro searches and targets educational institutions to push his agenda(s) forward, which is predominantly to oppose any nationalistic fervour that young people might have toward their respective countries!
This is not all; Soros also pushes his agenda through media houses; he uses his power, money and influence to shape narratives pushed and peddled by media, take this Soros allegedly has ties to more than 30 predominantly liberal news outlets. These include The Washington Post, The Associated Press, NBC and ABC, and since 2003 he has supposedly spent over $48 bn.
Conclusion: Geroge Soros is a dangerous pseudo-democracy spinner who wants entire countries to fall in line with his vision and objectives, hardly a democratic value but rather a dictatorship approach.
What’s more, he can topple the currencies and economies of countries without a single iota of consciousness or guilt.
Soros is a shrewd businessman and a philanthropist, but only for those causes that suit and promote his ideals. His interest in India can only have one agenda – to make money and cause instability within the country!