Putin reveals at the SCO Summit 2022″Russia has not deployed its full forces and has plans in mind”

At SCO Summit in Uzbekistan, the Russian president, Vladimir Putin vowed to press his attacks on Ukraine despite recent military retreats made by the country. In addition, he had to answer the concern of the allied Asian countries regarding the invasion.
The war in Ukraine is raging for seven months. Given the recent gains made by Ukraine on the battlefield, the Russian troops are currently retreating.
Now the main question is what move will Russian President Vladimir Putin take to surpass Ukraine?
Reports made in recent weeks have shown that Ukraine has made significant profits in the Northeast region. It was also reported that the Russian forces retreated from several main areas.
Putin says,” Russia has not deployed its full forces.”
Vladimir Putin has responded to the retreat by saying the plan of Russia’s special military operation is not subjected to any change. The general staff has made the decisions in the course of the operation, and their main goal is the liberation of the entire territory of Donbas.
They are working towards their goal despite the attempts made by the Ukrainian army to counter the offensive operations in Donbas.
The Russian army is moving at a slow pace. But, gradually they are occupying new territories.
Speaking after the SCO summit in Uzbekistan Putin added that the Russian forces are not in a rush. The Russian President is seeking to test the waters with his Asian allies. However, he has not received any strong assurances during the meeting organized at the Shanghai cooperation organization meeting, which ended on Friday.
In the meeting, Russia and China declared a no-limits partnership. Beijing has now raised concerns over the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
At the same summit, Putin answered China’s unspecified questions and concerns about the war between Ukraine and Russia while acknowledging President Xi Jinping’s undivided support for the conflict.
Xi has shown support for Russia’s main interest but also asked for stability in the world’s affairs.
The quick retreat of Russian troops this month from Ukraine’s northeastern region, which was occupied early in the war, along with the rare public reservations expressed by the main allies led to the challenges which put Putin in a difficult spot. Both India and China have maintained strong ties with Russia and have remained in a balanced position on the conflict.
In addition, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has even said to Putin that today’s era is not an era of war. He has further added that democracy, diplomacy, and dialogue impact the world. How can the world follow the path of peace in the coming days? He was keen on knowing Putin’s viewpoints regarding world peace and raising concerns about the important problems of food security, fuel security, and fertilizers in the face of the world.
Meanwhile, Putin’s statements regarding his plan in Ukraine have immediately led to speculation that the Russian forces are setting up a new defensive line in the northeastern region of Ukraine. The British Ministry has assumed that the line may lie probably between the Oskil river and Svatove.
Maintaining control of this zone is critical for Moscow because the region is transited by one of the few main resupply routes. Russia still holds control in the Belgorod region. Adding a defense in the region was likely.
Putin’s statement has arose speculations among the Pentagon’s Intelligence chief, who stated that Putin’s next step will have a huge impact on how long the conflict will last.
The war has created internal pressure in the military. Some of the supporters are calling to scale things up in Ukraine. Some of the local peasants have even demanded charges of state treason against Putin. They have cited reasons to support their statement implying Russia’s military losses in Ukraine and the damage to the Russian economy due to sanctions imposed by the Western economies.
Putin is currently in a difficult spot considering the domestic and geopolitical compulsions. And the big question persists, “What would be Putin’s next move?”
edited and proofread by nikita sharma