Apple, Google, and Microsoft in Forbes Top-100 Valuable Brands

Apple, Google, and Microsoft in Forbes Top-100 Valuable Brands
Forbes has released the list of world’s top-100 most valuable brands for FY 2019. According to this list, Apple has become the world’s topmost valuable brand with a valuation of $ 241.2 billion (about Rs 18 lakh crore). In the last year, Apple’s valuation has increased by 17%. But sadly, there is no Indian Company that made it to the Forbes List in 2019. Despite India’s emerging role in the world economy, no Indian Corporation could be featured in the most influential companies in the world.
Google with a 24% rise to second place
Google has been second in the Forbes Top-100 Most Valuable Brands. Forbes valued Google at $ 207.5 billion (Rs 1.5 million). In the past year, Google’s valuation has increased by 24 percent. At the same time, Microsoft has been the third valuable brand with a valuation of $ 163 billion (Rs 12 lakh crore). Microsoft’s valuation has increased by 30 percent. The top-100 most valuable brands are valued at $ 2.54 trillion. Last year, the valuation stood at $ 2.33 trillion.
More than 50 US companies in the top-100
The Top-100 Most Valuable Brands include over 50 US companies. Talking about the top-5 valuable brands, these are all big tech companies. This includes Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook. The valuation of these five companies is estimated at $ 817.3 billion. The valuation of veteran social media company Facebook has fallen by 21 percent in the last financial year. Despite this, Facebook has managed to find a place in the top-5 most valuable brands.
20 companies in top-100 from the tech sector
According to Forbes’ list, 20 companies in the top-100 most valuable brands are associated with the tech sector. The financial services sector ranks second with 14 companies. The top-100 comprises 11 companies in the auto sector and 8 in the retail sector. Netflix (72%), Canal (42%), and Amazon (40%) were the top gainer brands this year. Facebook (21%), Wells Fargo (16%), and Mercedes Bank (14%) were the top loser brands.
Not a single Indian company in the Top-100
Not a single Indian company is included in the Top-100 in the Forbes list. Volkswagen, the 100th company included in this list, has been valued at $ 7.9 billion (Rs 59 thousand crores). If this valuation is compared to market capitalization, then many Indian companies are ahead of it. The market cap of 47 companies listed on BSE is more than 59 thousand crores.
India’s economy is emerging in the light of COVID-19 when big corporations are initiating joint projects. With the hope of making India the next land of opportunities, the Indian Corporations are putting their best foot forwards by investing in their homeland. If not this year, the newly shaped economic scenario would take Indian Corporations to the Forbes List in the nearing future.
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