
Over 160000+ website tests conducted on Lambda Platform in One Year

26th Sept 2018, Lambda Computing Inc. a globally acclaimed cloud based website testing company today said that over 160820 number of website tests were conducted on their platform in a span of just one year. These tests were conducted by over 19000 users across the world.
“We at LambdaTest always imagined an environment where website testing is no more a complex and time taking task. Since our inception, we have worked relentlessly in making our vision come true and today we are proud to announce that we have eased the life of over 19000 customers across the world who are happy to use our platform for making their website pixel perfect.” Said Mr. Asad Khan, Founder & CEO of Lambda Test.
LambdaTest started functioning in April 2017 and since then there is no looking back. In a short span of one year the company has taken the testing industry by storm as its proprietary technology is something required by each and every web based company around the world.
In a span of just one year lambda has received tremendous month on month growth of 45%. Every day thousands of Users from 132 countries login on Lambda Platform to check the compatibility of their website which makes us the best.
Pricing & Availability:
LambdaTest offers a try before buy offer where all its features are offered free of cost to all for sixty minutes divided in 10 minutes session per login. User can also avail uninterrupted services at as low as $15 per month on a subscription basis.
About Lambda Test
LambdaTest is cross browser testing platform where user can test their web applications across 2000+ different browser and operating system combinations. Users get on demand access to the browser environment of their choice to test their app for compatibility. Each environment is running on real machines with real operating systems and real browsers. The company also offers the feature of taking automated full page screenshots across all 2000+ environments to quickly test the layout, check in a single click how your website will look across 36 different devices, and compare design and HTML images. In addition, the LambdaTest platform also has single click integration with popular project management and enterprise tools like Jira, Asana, Trello, Github, Gitlab, BitBucket, Slack, and Visual Studio Team Services. We are a one year old startup with a user based of 19000 developers and testers who are actively using the platform.
For more Information contact:
Asad Khan
Founder & CEO

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