
Brutal Pandemic – 5 Hardships faced during these tough times.

The corona pandemic affected life drastically leading to hardship in the lives of people. The pandemic outbreak occurred rapidly without giving time to people to save for their needs. Though many still uphold, there were hardships for the commonwealth. Different people experience different types of troubles. For many, it was due to their laxatives. Among all, the most important and common problems faced by the majority were as follows:

Inadequacy of food due to the pandemic

The basic and the most important thing that was needed by everyone was food. In the initial days of the pandemic, there was a shortage of food. Which created havoc among the people. It was most likely to be seen in slum areas where people were dying of hunger. In addition to this even numerous places were facing the problem of shortage of basic food amenities which was of utmost importance.

Many were unable to afford the food due to a lack of money. Even some were unable to reach the places due to suspended transport moment as there were many whose houses were away from the main food corners. Due to the high demand for food, there was not enough production for it to meet the population’s needs.




Mental and physical health.

As the cases were increasing day by day the condition of people’s health was diminishing. There was terror in the minds of many even though normal fever was a sign of danger, people battling with other diseases and illnesses were not able to meet their doctors and consultants. The situation was worst, elderly people who were already suffering from various problems were not able to go and have their routine checkups. The corona fear was strolling all around.

Social distance apart people affected their mental health. Apart from corona, many people died with only the fear of it and the fear of losing their kith and kins. This ultimately resulted in affecting mental health. Old people who were employed to be social and spend time with their companions were far from each other, they could not meet each other.

Children who spend their leisure time with other companions subsisted to stay at home. The outdoors was thoroughly banned. Children have to stay at home and engage themselves with other activities which were not as enjoyable and refreshing as the outdoors were. Women were exhausted with their households as they didn’t have anything else to do.


mental health


Loss of employment

To meet our daily expenses we need earnings, the sudden outbreak of the pandemic led to a nationwide lockdown which ultimately resulted in the loss of jobs and their earnings. It continued both in big cities and small towns. Many companies cut down their employees and it was an obvious situation for daily wage workers who earn daily to fill their stomachs.

Approximately 50% of the population were marked unemployed during the pandemic which increased the unemployment rate to a greater extent. Millions of workers are asked to work reduced hours or no hours at all. The most severely hit people were the daily basis workers as there was no alternative for them to do which affected them mentally and physically.

The highly educated people were also affected as their salaries were cut down to 50% but working hours remained the same. As The income decreased during the pandemic the expenses continued to be the same there was no cut-down on the spending. without earnings, it was formidable to afford the food also. Even the high running businessmen faced a sudden decline in their business.


loss of job


Incapability to pay rents and bills.

As earnings were minimum and spendings was more so it prevailed as a challenge to pay the rents and other bills. The people were not able to meet their basic amenities. It was difficult to cope up with primary things so paying and ordinances were still secondary.

The pandemic bumped adversely. For people owning their own houses was still a relief but for people with rented homes, it was really difficult. Electricity bills were coming out in the same manner as before but there was not enough money to pay for them. Even people cut down their spendings. The savings that people have were being used and in the initial days, there was no hope of getting any financial help and assistance from anywhere. As the county also has gentle and kind-hearted people so many of the landlords exempted the rent for some months but not all.

education loss


Educational loss 

The most important part of our life is education. The pandemic hit the students very adversely. The online system was a new way for students. About 40% of students drop their education in 2020 due to online systems and financial crises. Many urban parents were not able to cope up with the new advanced system of education.

As the income was not there many parents drop off their kids from schools and colleges. Many parents were not able to find a proper way of teaching their students. Many parents also opposed the concept of distant learning. There was also a huge conflict with the school fees. People were demanding free fees or up to 50% compensation on fees. Those who could afford continued with this method but many did not.

This ultimately affected the students as many bright students have to drop off due to financial crises. Many could not understand the new model of education. Students could find a mentor for them, there were issues like network problems, availability of portable devices, management issues, financial issues; these were the most common issues besides others.

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