Indian educational sector challenges that must be overcome for better growth and development

The existence of a proper education system that provides effective learning is an important feature in the lives of students and people of all age groups. It is a procedure that helps an individual get a hold of knowledge, values, skills, ideas, and several other important habits which they need to have in their life in order to become successful and valuable in the near future.
The implication of education in one’s life does not only build his or her educational qualifications but also provides a proper understanding of the way of living, carrying a personality, socializing among the people, and raising the economic bar of a country.
Keeping all this in mind the Indian constitution also terms this as one of the rights of the people of India naming it as the right to education. Education is of utmost importance in the lives of people who wish to succeed and be independent with thoughts and decisions in their future. It not only teaches one about the happenings near them but also allows them to explore the various sectors of society including possession of a proper skill set which will allow them to socialize and keep up with people with confidence.
Overcoming challenges with education as the weapon
India is a very large country in terms of population and can grow its economic stability and powers if it considers education as the main focus point. The educational sector is one of the major aspects that could help India turn into an economic superpower and build off the necessary projects that are required for welfare in general. We are all aware of the fact that India’s top challenges consist of poverty which enables the people of richer sections to oppress those in the minor. This difference could only be overpowered by the gain of knowledge through education.
An individual who has access to education would probably succeed in building the necessary skills and capabilities in order to succeed in the future. This right to education would allow him/ her to survive the hardships in life and gain employment opportunities for boosting up his/ her economic status. A classroom is a place that treats every individual equally and similarly provides knowledge to all, it is the students who decide the level up to which they use that knowledge in life.
The necessary existence of willpower in students to implement knowledge in their lives
Education does not only require the resources to be employed in order to gain knowledge but the presence of all three: body, mind, and soul, which allows the student or individual to put in every ability that he or she possesses in the process of gaining knowledge and thus becoming a better personality in his or her future. Educational qualification poses importance in employment and other job opportunities as this is the major criteria focused upon by the employers to hire the employees.
The inaccessible understanding of the importance of education for the life of individuals and development of the same is considered the major challenge or issue faced by the education sector especially in countries like India. Overcoming these challenges is quite difficult but could prove to be a turning point in the lives of people and the country as a whole is carried out successfully. There are a lot of additional challenges that India needs to overcome in terms of education to become more successful and developed, some of which are also discussed in the next section.
Major challenges faced by the Indian educational sector
- Lack of knowledge among the minor section
This is one of the major challenges that India faces while we talk of education. Education could only exist if an individual or group of people are willing to be a part of it. However, the minor section of the society or the one struck by poverty avoid indulging in the education policies as they do not see the importance of it. They employ their children in factories and other areas where they work in order to gain more money and basic livelihood necessities.
There is a great need to spread awareness among the poor people about what wonders education can do if practiced and followed appropriately. The knowledge of available schemes in order to reduce the cost of education or the existing provisions to provide free education is also important in order to motivate them to send their children to schools and be a part of the educational system effectively.
- Insufficient capital and funds available
There is a great lack of funds that must be employed in the educational sector in order to boost its efficiency and capability. Though there are several forms and types of taxes which are collected in order to employ the same in educational policies, the proper implementation remains unfulfilled.
The proper channelization of the funds and capital related to the education sector in India is very important in order to provide the requirements to each and every sector without discrimination.
- The expense of higher education
The higher education that includes colleges and other institutions in India have fee structures that are quite costly and a major portion of the Indian population is inefficient to pay the same. The students who have the capability and skills to excel in the field through education are restricted several times due to the financial conditions of their families.
The fee that is charged by the private institutions in providing MBA and several other degrees is extremely high and unaffordable by the maximum population. Education has now turned into a business that is established in private institutions in order to only gain profits and revenues instead of having a motive of providing knowledge and skills to the needy or dedicated students.
- The abandoned native languages
There are high chances of students dropping out from higher educational institutes because of the lack of language knowledge that the subject expects them to learn. Subjects like science require knowledge and understanding of the language English wherein the native language of Indians is usually Hindi, thus depriving several students to be a part of it.
- The existence of brain drain
This is a common problem faced by India where capable, skillful, and knowledgeable students who are competent in several fields are unable to find employment opportunities that match their expectations and they thus shift their focus from employment opportunities in India to those in foreign. This leads to the loss of effective and meriting students who could make future leaders and would have possibly taken India to greater heights in terms of economic development.
- The lack of skillful teachers or staff
This is again a very prominent and well-known issue that is caused in the present education system of India. There are several instances where the teachers who are appointed do not have specific educational qualifications or understanding of what is needed in that specific profession.
There have also been instances where the colleges appoint recent graduates as the professors with them who have almost no experience or understanding of the profession that they are into. This leads to the lack of knowledge that the students have to suffer in the greater run.
- The existing quota system in India
India has a provision of quota for the weaker sections of the society to abandon discrimination in India and provide an equal opportunity to all the students in terms of learning. However, this instead of doing good to the weaker sections has done a greater level of disparity to the general category students who have the required knowledge and skills for a specific sector but are deprived of appointment due to unavailability of quota.
It is usually seen that the people with almost no knowledge are appointed with several firms with great salaries but the ones with required knowledge skills and understanding face unemployment due to the reservation that is provided. This leads to despair amongst the students and they face several struggles in life despite working hard during their educational years.
Education is for all and leads to a better nation
In conclusion, the only thing that comes to one’s understanding is that higher education of any sort is extremely important and significant in the lives of people and especially students who are the future of a nation. If an individual or a specific section of the society is deprived of this right to education it would create a considerable amount of negative impact on the entire country leading to loss of human resources and skills that they possess.
Education must be considered as a factor of utmost importance in the growth of a country and personality of an individual which has the potential to take each and everything to greater heights of positivity. A country must understand its challenges in the education sector and implement policies or rules in order to overcome them. The abolishment of such challenges or drawbacks is extremely important in order to figure out a smooth process in the education system and thus make the most use of available skills, knowledge, and understanding that one might possess.
Edited by Tanish Sachdev