
‘Israel is a tumor which needs to be removed’, Ali Khamenei speaks bitterly.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Friday spoke bitterly of Israel and bluntly called it a tumor. At the same time, he has also endorsed sending weapons from Iran to Palestine. It indicates the international politics to be dominating in the area of creating more capital through the trade of weapons. Does Iran is playing around the words and serving different purposes for its survival?
Opposition to Israel is a major issue in Shia-dominated Iran. The Palestinian and Lebanese armed groups opposing peace with Israel have received Iran’s support. Iran has not recognized Israel to date.
According to sources, Ali Khamenei said, “The rule of the Jews in the area is like a tumor that has become fatal and canker. Of course it will be decimated one day.” Khamenei said this in an online speech on the last day of Ramadan.
Though the Jew-Palestinians crisis has been destroying the land for a long time ago. As Jews were allotted lands that belonged to Palestinians, resulting in the revolts and protests by Palestinians. The war continues to rise between the suppressed and suppressing party.
International responses
The United States, the European Union, and Israel have reacted strongly to Iran’s remarks. Israel’s Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned Iran, “The same forces will threaten to destroy Israel.”
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo rejected Khamenei’s statement, calling it a hateful and anti-Semitic comment. He said that these things do not match the tradition of tolerance of the common people of Iran.
European Union Foreign Policy Chief Joseph Borel said that Khamenei’s remarks are completely unacceptable and also a cause for concern. Palestinian groups help with weapons
However, Palestinian armed groups such as ‘Hamas’ and ‘Islamic Jihad’ operating in Gaza have been appreciating the money and arms support from Iran.  But before Friday, Khamnai had never publicly confessed that Iran supplies weapons to these armed groups.
Khamenei said, “Iran realizes that Palestinian fighters have only one problem and that is the lack of weapons. With the will and help of Allah we planned and changed the balance of power in Palestine and the Gaza Strip of Jewish enemies. They can stand up against attacks and beat them. “
Though the hate rising for Jews looks questionable because historically speaking, many parties were involved that took the human rights of Palestinians, this includes the Israel government in itself and other Jewish organizations. The complexities arising from history, thus, affect the present situation of Israel, it remains a subject to comprehend very carefully.
Israel’s Defense Minister Benny Gantz said, “There are many big challenges before Israel. Khamenei’s statement makes it very clear.”
Benny Gantz wrote on Facebook, “I cannot advise anyone to take our test … We are ready to face any kind of danger.”
What else did Khamenei say?
Iran’s supreme religious leader said much more in his address on Friday besides making a statement against Israel.
According to some sources, Khamenei said on this occasion, “Freedom of Palestine is our Islamic responsibility. The aim of this struggle is the independence of the entire Palestinian territory and the Palestinians have to return their country. America wants the government of the Jews in this area The presence of the people should be made a normal thing. The pro-American governments of some Arab countries are preparing the situation for this. “
Every year Iran celebrates ‘Quds Day’ on the last day of Ramadan to support the issue of Palestine. This tradition has been going on in Iran since the 1979 revolution. This is the first time in the last 30 years when Khamneni, as the Supreme Leader of Iran, was addressing this occasion. However, he has been consistently saying that the issue of Palestine is the biggest problem of the Muslim world. This year Iran had postponed rallies related to ‘Quds Day’ due to the COVID-19 epidemic.

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