Indian Judges Making Fool Of Public, HC and SC Not Able To Categorize Private Vehicle Under Private Or Public Property, Harassing Common Citizens In The Name Of Covid-19 Pandemic But Election Rallies Going On Freely. Is The Law Same For Everyone?

Indian Judges fooling the people
Since the video of the Delhi couple, Abha and Pankaj, has been released on social media, people have expressed different opinions regarding the incident in Delhi on Sunday.
As seen in the video, Delhi police stopped the car in which the couple was traveling and asked them for the reason that why they are not wearing the mask. The couple started misbehaving and abusing the police. Abha even said in the video that “why should I even wear the mask in the car? What if I want to kiss my husband?” Delhi police officials have mentioned that they did not even have the curfew pass. Nobody could travel in the city during the weekend curfew imposed by the state government.
Delhi police have now arrested the couple from the Daryaganj area for violating the COVID-19 protocols set up by the judiciary. It is alleged that the couple, identified as Pankaj Dutta and Abha Gupta, live in Patel Nagar. Cases registered against them under sections 188, 34, 51B DDMA, 353, and 186 of the IPC. But this both the supreme court and the high court have given different statements regarding whether you should wear a mask in your car while traveling.
The supreme court of India had passed a law the previous year that wearing a mask is not compulsory as people who live in the same house are always in contact with each other, which proves pointless to wear masks in the car. Whereas, Delhi high court has made it compulsory to wear masks while traveling the car and challans for those who fail to do nothing but just fooling the citizens. Now the question arises, whom should the public follow?
Supreme court vs. High court: Whose laws should the public follow?
A huge confusion has been caused among the public regarding whether they should wear the mask in their cars while traveling or not by India’s top-most judicial institutions– the supreme court and the high court. The supreme court of India had passed a law in April last year that wearing masks in your car, which is considered your private property, is not compulsory, and hence you won’t be able to pay the fine for the same.
This caused a huge relief in the citizens as there is absolutely no sense in wearing masks inside your car! When people of the same family, who lives together under the same roof, eat food prepared by the same person and share the same space are traveling by car, the spread of the virus is as equal as it will be at their homes. Then the people would also be needed to wear masks at their homes. But again, that does not make any sense.
This is simply the harassment of the public to extort their money in the form of fines and challans. There is no clear set of rules set up by these judicial systems, and their stupidity is making the public suffer. As a public, now we are confused about who’s the order they should follow the highest judicial authority of India- the supreme court of the state judicial authority, the high court? Even if we want to follow the supreme court order, the government will still try to extort our money as the supreme court passed that law the previous year. We can see how well developed the Indian judiciary is and how concerned they are about the citizens of India.
Can’t the two top-most judiciary institutions of our country dispute this matter and give a clear lead to the public? This is nothing but a mere plan by the government that is leading to their financial loss!
Public confused: Is their car a public or private property?
The juggling between the statements by the courts has made the public confused about their personal properties also! The supreme court had explicitly mentioned that your car is your personal property, and hence it is your choice if you wish to wear a mask inside your car. Last year, we saw that the police beat the citizens and even charged vast amounts of fines if they were found not following the COVID-19 protocols and wearing masks. This is making fun of our constitution in front of the whole world and fooling its citizens who are harassed every day in the name of law and judiciary.
The supreme court of India, on April 16, 2021, under the NDPS (Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act), declared that private cars and vehicles are not public property. Hence, any actions done in it by the owner and other people will be responsible by the owner itself, and he shall be produced in the court for the same. This is another bizarre yet confusing statement by the court wherein they contradict the High court’s order.
Recently a man was charged under the NDPS act because, without his knowledge, and his friends were carrying drugs in the car. As the supreme court already declared the private vehicle as private property, he is now responsible for the actions of his friends and will be booked for the same. Is this the seriousness of the Indian judiciary? Is this the respect of the citizens of this country? On the one hand, election rallies are being held in full fledge without imposing any fines. On the other hand, this is how the citizens have to pay a fine for illogical and stupid laws.
Delhi vs. Kolkata and Assam situation: Does the virus affects Delhiites only?
The current situation in the country is totally contradicting and confusing. When the people in Delhi are made to follow such strict COVID-19 protocols are charge fines and challans for their welfare only on the other hand, in Bengal and Assam, where elections are going on, people are seen not wearing masks and not following any social distancing. Also, the news channels are not covering the COVID situation there. The ministers daily arrange some rallies where thousands of people gather, which increases the chance of COVID-19 spread.
BJP has announced that no more than 500 people would be allowed in the election rallies in Bengal. But in other states and cities like Delhi, only 20 people are allowed in the funerals, and 50 people in the weddings and the rest of other gatherings have been banned. So since when the election rallies became more important than the life events of the people? Why is there such a vast difference in the maximum limit of people in both states? Is the government playing with the citizens for their own purpose and benefits?
On April 17, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had addressed a public meeting in Nigha in Asansol. On the same day, he urged Kumbh Mela to be a ‘symbolic Kumbh’ only because of the worsening Covid crisis. At his meeting in Nigha, however, crowds of people who had come to see the prime minister did not follow any form of publicity, and many there also removed their masks.Do supporters of these rallies not be afraid of the virus and believe that such rallies should continue until April 26, the last day of campaigning in the ongoing Parliamentary elections?