The plaguing scenario of Indian Politics reflects the massive domination of Narendra Modi’s supremacy. Moreover, it has shown how our nation’s party system is collapsing under the conflicting approach adopted by the current regime. How astonishing is this fact that Indian politics, which gets diversified across 136 crore people, are being mishandled by an authoritative power? The exclusive C-Voter Mood of the Nation survey confirms the grip of the unassailable power.
Often, the legacy of a supreme leadership gets defined on how it deals with a crisis. While we discuss Prime Minister Narendra Modi‘s second anniversary of the mandate, the presiding of the mass deaths and the knuckling of the vaccination policy reflects glimpses of Indian political adroitness. Will the Covid-19 pandemic’s stalling leave its deteriorating impressions on Indian politics?
Well, likely under the current regime. India is ravaging the fret of the surge of the second wave of the novel coronavirus, and as Narendra Modi completed two years in charge of the second term on May 30, it’s time to reflect on his approach on the dwindling. The party’s leaders hailed the achievements and the expressions of the government. But does it comprehend the whole dilemma? Probably, not!
The worse might be over with a reduction in infections and death rates, but the argument on everyone’s lips is whether PM Modi will weather the storm and come out roaring or hide in the sheds as he has always done. These crucial moments will decide whether the Indian policymakers have adhered to their oath or not. Recent efforts to recoup the tarnished image have devised that the Bhartiya Janta Party and the RSS might have huddled up to discuss their prospects for winning the elections in Uttar Pradesh next year.
No wonder that regaining authority is vital in the captivation of the Centre. However, it might not be trouble-free as many Indian diplomats believe. The pandemic’s fallout has fabricated irreversible damage to the government’s reputation as they have broken their long-standing promises. Hearsay swirling asserts that the administrative restructure might be on the cards to address the citizens’ agitation.
The repercussions of losing its hierarchical advantage in India’s most populous state will be massive, and that’s why the BJP government can not afford a nemesis in the Hindu heartland. The distress that some of the bizarre decisions have had on our consensus is appealing and worrisome. It threatens the pole position retained by the Centre. Moreover, in recent times, UP has been imperative in holding out the Hindutva agenda, neglecting the interests of various minorities.
The tireless efforts crafted in winning West Bengal reign have had their bearings as BJP came out second best. The giant handlings yet happen in Uttar Pradesh. Has the vendetta of coronavirus being dissipated or tackled with wariness? Until now, the heroics hasn’t worked comprehensively as India’s situation has drastically tormented.
The leadership controls the efficient functioning of the economy and disseminates damage control or overhauling change in the ruling exoneration. Indian politics has revolved around benefitting the nation’s interests, but it has wavered towards self-satisfaction and greed ever since Narendra Modi took charge.
He has so far caparisoned the mantle of a reclusive, authoritative leader trying to divulge a transforming picture of India. But the once-in-a-century pandemic has exposed the underlying derailings of the Indian contingent. Healthcare systems have been valiantly out of their depth in handling the crisis with utter miscalculations in meeting the actual requirements.
The disappointment of the Indian citizens intensified as the perpetuated vaccination drive lost its grip in midway, and with the Health Department playing their terms on deploying equitable supplies of the doses. The implications of the humanitarian crisis have been catastrophic in India as the government failed to induce any deciphering countermeasures. Moreover, the loss of dear ones and livelihoods can not get weathered despite the narratives of reshaping the incompetence of the Indian government. The opposition’s defaming is relentless, and Narendra Modi has been blatantly attacked for his precarious approach across the domestic and the international press.
The Way Out for Indians and the Government
When the government failed to deliver on the disastrous times, the society stepped up and united its efforts. It was unexpected and adverse, but the recapitulated surge of people gathered optimism across the community. Volunteers spiked their apprehension to delve a spontaneous surge of helping people attain oxygen supplies and other emergency equipment. The Indian resilience got observed in scattered throng ways.
The actual notion of leadership was prevalent in the heroic actions of people who came forward in supplying oxygen, hospital beds, and medicines. If that was not enough for the sake of humanity, they risked their lives to heal and nurse others. So what validation does the government possessed in helping out?
In kosher, leadership is a symbolic sign of inspiring and rallying forces towards achieving a common goal. Great leadership models aspire the masses to bring out a transformation in their approach to life. Indian regime has contradicted every bit of the proposed models by some of the prolific personalities. How bitterly Indians have been thrown to affliction by the current model is disheartening.
The messianic leadership has initiated human suffering and devastated every soul. A democratic nation like India is being turned into a dictatorship model, which should agitate the citizens even more. The periodic supremacy will come to a halt as in India, strongmen and solitary leaders rig apart swiftly after their rise. Trust is surreal, and once it gets broken, it can’t get recouped, and the citizens can be unforgiving to their once-adored inspiration.
PM Modi’s vague could lead him to a meltdown if he doesn’t come out as a team leader following the Covid-19 pandemic. Whether or not he would regard the ailing citizens in the third yet most crucial year of his ruling is up for further debate.