
Improve Your Business Engagement with Email Marketing

When it comes to business and connecting with, and strengthening, your relationship with your clients you need a reach that is far beyond your expectations. Email marketing has proven to be highly successful in engaging with your audience without being overbearing, and annoying to say the least, but simple and effective at the same time.

Growing brand awareness doesn’t need to happen overnight but with the long-term goal in sight, effective and efficient email marketing done right is not as daunting or overwhelming as many people may think. But you do need to ensure you work with the best in the industry to not only get you on the right path but also to offer years of experience on how to execute your vision in a way that does not compromise on quality. If this is something you feel strongly about for your company then Mailrelay – the most sought-after marketing tool to date – is just what you need to make it happen.

Improving your business engagement and doing so with the right firm such as Mailrelay guiding you along the way, the world is only as limited as your imagination and you can soon become a global topic of conversation. Email marketing can do wonders for a business and we have curated the top reasons to show you just how effective it will be, as you move forward into a new future-thinking progression, for the brand. Let’s jump in and see why email marketing is the best and most transformative business decision you will make.

Connecting on a higher level

Information at the ready

Clients will have signed up to receive notifications from your brand and keeping them informed of sales or discounts relevant to their search is something that will not only keep the client engaged but make them feel listened to and valued. Give them the information that they are looking for.

Real-time Engagement

Executing a marketing strategy is all about time and surveys have shown that a staggering 54% of consumers open emails on their mobile devices. This way you can reach them while they are on the go and going about their daily activities. This means you have their attention then and now and don’t have to wait till they get to the office or sit at their laptop.

Measurable metrics

Tracking email statistics is as important as ever these days and you can see the results of a campaign in an instant. Once you have ‘launched’ your product or sales campaign you can check the conversion rates on clicks, deliverables, unsubscribes, and even bounce rates. All these metrics allow you to better tweak and edit your email marketing strategy for increased efficacy.

Cost Effective

It seems like a no-brainer to mention this and yet too many companies are not utilizing this significantly cost-effective marketing tool. You can reach an audience as large or as small as your contact list allows without breaking a sweat, and without breaking the bank too. Win-win.

Target Specific

We have all received those emails that have us thinking ‘What in the world’ and because it was sent randomly and with no thought given to who may be receiving the email campaign. This is a sure way to get clients to unsubscribe because they think the products or brand is not relevant to them. Be sure to target your demographic with appropriate ads and products so they always feel valued and heard.

Improved brand awareness

Outside of social media, brand awareness can still be highly effective. If a potential client has clicked on your campaign or product it means there is already a level of interest and tapping into this through sign-up promotions or discounts, or refining its relevancy even more is going to be what seals the deal.

Timely sales

Making your ‘move’ at the right time can be amazingly effective and a sale is just the thing. Offering a half-price discount for birthdays or early-bird deals on a product a client has had in their basket for a while can give them that nudge they need.

Consumers use email

Up to 91% of consumers use email so why not tap into that market right? Emailing is a mass marketing strategy that ticks all the boxes and when working with quality experts such as Mailrelay that will show you how to maximize this tool you can be sure your business is on the road to great things. But at a fraction of the cost.

Get your brand, company name, and products out into the world through a marketing strategy that is as simple as it is effective. Who said working smart had to be hard?

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