
How new digital transformation technologies will convergence with Self-Service Industry

As the self-service products technology consultant lot of my clients always ask me is there any road map for self-service products Industry in India, especially for self-service kiosks, & ATM industry
With a lot of cashless and digitization initiatives happening in India. I feel India is very much a cash country, Indian people still love cash and it will take some years to change their mindset to use complete digitalization and be cashless country.
Our company Self Service Products & IT Business consulting company was formed in the year 2012 and since have been successful in consulting various global and Indian customers on various technology solutions on self-service products arena.
The company was formed & professionally run by Industry veterans and technologist domain experts who have more than 200 plus years experience in Industry.
Self Service Products & IT Business consulting company provides information technology and business solutions, to all the major market verticals in India & globally in Banking & Finance, Aviation, Retail, Insurance, Healthcare, Entertainment, Hospitality, Hotels, Restaurants, Airlines, Airports, Software Companies, Corporate Manufacturing companies, etc.
Our self-service products technology-based domain-specific business & technology consultation is on self-service product innovation, self-service product compliances certification processes, new product launch, software applications, self-service product pricing, go to market strategies, suggesting new sales innovations, & last mile customer user experiences to name the few
Some of the successful way ahead of time innovative Kiosks, ATMs, Digital Signage, Pos terminals projects were successfully deployed under our projects ideas & deployment implementation. With more than 10 K plus Self Service Kiosks, 5K ATMs, few selected large digital signage & Pos Terminals projects make us the frontrunners in the Industry.
Today’s the prime focus for all business and industries are to cut costs and increase customer’s retentions. The key to success for any new technology is for it to be adopted by the industry as a whole.
According to the latest market survey report, more than 70% of CIOs top priority is AI & BlockChain, AR & VR usage for their business.
Let’s take some examples of latest technologies and their seamless integration with self-service Industry
Today the main usage of AI includes a suggestion to customers is based on their buying history, offers specialized consulting advice and resource for answering common customer queries via chat box, virtual assistants, self-service intelligent speaking robots or kiosks
Today chatbots, virtual assistants, kiosks, robots have evolved to a point where they have developed a level of having human intelligence. As a result, they can offer an emotionally connected experience for their customers who are in the process of making important products buying decisions.
Bitcoins kiosks are already being implemented in certain countries. The perfect use case study for blockchain implementation
Banking Industry in India is already using AI for validating Cheques & ATMs reconciliations.
On the health Industry self-service kiosks are already making in ways in most of the hospitals & pharmacies Patients are using self-service kiosks more frequently at hospitals, & pharmacies to check-in, record health information with archival of their medical history which doctors can view the same instantly thru latest technologies available
Today IOT sensors can be used to track an elderly person’s daily habits and register change. For example, a sensor under a pillow can monitor sleep patterns, A sensor on a pill bottle can keep tabs on how many times the bottle is opened, etc.
Facial recognition biometrics technology in self-service products is increasing in kiosks deployed at cross countries bordering, immigration, visa processing’s, hospitals, jails, airports, automated restaurants kiosks, hotels check-in, airports check-in, parliament checks, and key security events,
Robotic kiosks are being deployed information to assist passengers, providing airports and airlines greater flexibility in managing peaks crowds in passenger flow. Today in some global airports robots are deployed to assist passengers in check-in, print bag tags and transport up to two suitcases with a maximum weight of 32kg
Today most of the self-service kiosks use WIFI to avoid long cabling and other fixed attachments.
Self Service movable kiosks on wheels can roam around using obstacle avoidance technology to avoid bumping into people or things.
Today a kiosks OEM can innovate their product lines using a large capacity glass front vending machine incorporates a touch screen interface panel and chooses to classify the self-service as a retail kiosk and quick ordering kiosks as well as vending machine, 
Payment-accepting kiosks are usually divided into three broad categories: Self-check kiosks, ticketing kiosks, and self-ordering kiosks. Self-check kiosks are dedicated to linking both check-in (registration) and checkout (settlement) activities associated with airline travel, hotel accommodations, events, and meetings. Ticketing kiosks primarily print or transmit information authorizing entry to an event or transportation venue. Self-ordering kiosks primarily focus on goods (and services) at a quick service or family-style restaurant or access to a takeout location or delivery center.
On the Augmented reality, kiosks are inviting customers to try on anything new which varies from clothes, spectacles, makeup, hair designs, jewelry shoes, cosmetics on their personalities and before making the purchase.

On the RFID technology, a lot of kiosks are deployed and deployed in college libraries & schools. RFID uses RFID technology to streamline one facility and improve the customer experiences
A Success deployment of any self-service products starts with an idea followed by mindful of three keys for success: clarity – will customers know what to do; ability – will customers have the ability to use the technology, and motivation – will customers appreciate the benefits derived from the technology to their benefits
Self-service has evolved into a billion-dollar industry & no longer is simply a medium of a channel for selling or delivering goods and services, as it now allows consumers a wide variety of choice in product shopping and method of payment settlement. Given the capabilities of self-service platforms, it appears a convergence of new digital transformation technologies is the road map ahead for the survival of this industry
About the Author
J B Lalla has spent over 36 plus years in sales and business development activities in the self-service Industry.
He has been involved in the self-service technology consulting and currently has his two companies’ self-service products and IT consulting company & Strategicats Both the companies are based out of Mumbai HQ India
He currently consults some of the Global MNCs companies in India on going to market business strategies & various futuristic technology projects.
For the last 36 plus years. He has been instrumental in deploying more than 10,000 plus self-service products terminals across various market verticals in India and abroad.
He has extensive exposure, domain knowledge, and best industry practices around self-service solutions.
Any company needs our expertise or assistance can write to him at,com.
You can even follow his blogs & posts & connect with him on Linked in, Face book & Twitter, Instagram, Google-plus, Skype, etc. His blog page link is @jlalla7on FB
Articles & Publications.
J B Lalla views on the self-service industry had been taken by leading publications and the same is published regularly, his articles on the Industry domain has also been published in various Indian and global publications. The views published in this article are his personal views and sources are data and compilations from various sources stated by business analysts & market research companies

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