
Depression, Anxiety, Aggression After Covid Pandemic Will Be A Bigger Problem To Solve.

The perturbation of Covid-19 has not only transformed our lives for the worse. But once this is over, will we ever be able to get over the anxiety and depression that we have faced all the way? Nothing is certain. Life has been hindering us with the grilling times and is gauging us to know the significance of mental health. There is no playbook for surfacing through Covid-19. Ever since the pandemic hit India, followed by an unprecedented lockdown, the stress levels in India have been on an upward trajectory.

Lifestyle changes during the lockdown had some congenial effects for some, but not so much. According to a study conducted by a Delhi-based health service platform said that the rates of anxiety and stress have risen. The study further revealed that the rates of relapse among the people who have recovered recently from mental health stereotypes have increased.

Once we get edging closer to a dreadful scenario, our anxieties heed to get the better of us on several occasions. The study conducted by the Center of Healing(TCOH) showed that 68.6 percent of therapists reported an increase in the number of people they see; it has been the synopsis ever since the pandemic’s outbreak.

“Everyone’s mental health is getting impacted during lockdown but we wanted to specifically focus on whether stress and anxiety had increased and whether people who were no longer in therapy were experiencing relapses,” said Gurpreet Singh, founder – TCOH.

The contemplating factor about the dilemma has been that the woes of Indian citizens have worsened after the protracted lockdown. Whether it’s because they have lost a job or fear losing one, they’re struggling to piece together money to pay the bills. Another significant precinct that has contributed to mounting up the mental health issues is the anxiety that the coronavirus has emerged about health and safety.

The continuous onslaught of perturbation and insecurity is leading to pronounced mental health issues like anxiety and depression than before. The surveillance reports have shown that the anxiety levels across communities have not been able to combat the hyping pressure attained during the pandemic. The stumbling block of depression and anxiety is too hard to get away from and would be the biggest uphill task even if the coronavirus ameliorates.


Work From Home Fatigue Increased the Anxiety Levels

The Experience of Work From Home was symbolic, and the nostalgia of being close to the families brought happiness to faces. Income, age, and gender had a significant role in how Indians reacted to the shock of the pandemics. The survey found that around 88% of the younger population faced fatigue of being confined at homes. While social life comes to a standstill during the lockdown, work at homes continued full-fledged. The remote-work scenario had led to strategic and structural changes, some of which may get sustained.

However, the Work From Home Fatigue kicked in the consensus of the majority of the population. Fewer than half want the practice to continue. It increased the office workload, which tormented the stress and anxiety levels to reach their pinnacle. Although the household environment indeed made the work convenient, it maximized the working hours. And there wasn’t a systematic schedule that the humans could follow. The post-millennial population had a far more worrying effect of the protracted lockdown than the other set of communities.

Men were congruently as likely as women (around 40%) to agree that work-from-home had brought them new ways of digital harassment. Globally, these new experiences at work and in personal life have raised the anxiety levels since the lockdown. The survey confirmed this trend among urban Indians too. Eight in ten respondents felt some form of increased anxiety. The worry was financial in 60 percent of the cases as people faced the unprecedented problem of unemployment. The loneliness crept in among the younger generation. They were over engaged in their work and missed the essence of the pre-covid life.


Anxiety has increased both in professional and personal space.

Mental health has been a distressing global issue ever since people have become more agitated and aggressive. The anxiety resembles how people discern their mental health. More than 28% of the respondents felt it had worsened in the epidemic period. The data differed age-wise, and there were more perplexions to be noted. The notion was that the pre-millennials were less varied than the post-millennials people. Across gender and communal difference, post-millennial women were most likely to report a deterioration in mental health.

Long headway, we have urged people to get more curious about their human health. People have got so betrothed with their personal and professional space that they have got untethered to constantly signifying mental content. However, only 30% of the respondents in India who found themselves in poorer mental health sought some form of trained professional help such as counseling.

The often-ignored and coherent aspect of the mental health fallout of the pandemic has highlighted the abysmal lack of awareness and access to trained professionals. Socio-cultural changes and the habitual trait perception modulations of the covid-era have had sizeable repercussions. The changes have intensified our problem in the stalwart outbreak.

The Second Wave has Impacted Our Lives into Stagnant and Adverse Thoughts.

In human consensus, the 21st-century generation hadn’t seen such an extravagant and impactful pandemic in their lives. The horrifying visuals of losing their close one heightened their anxieties, depression, and aggression to the authorities due to their lack of promptness and initiative. The levels of agitation increased, and it has extended to such deep cores that people have isolated themselves in the dark.

The younger generation is fretful of being thrown away into isolation and out of their professional jobs. The uncertainty has got the better of individuals; they face far more difficulties recovering from disastrous thoughts and are on the verge of falling back again as the second wave of the coronavirus is surging in full flow. As the new wave commenced, it’s clear that many of the effects could continue spilling over to the family space, office relations, and social life. The second wave has resonated more grievances as the fatality rate increase brought turmoil in the Indian community.

The Unknown Longevity of the Coronavirus is Enhancing the Troublesome Times

Covid-19 cases have had a tormenting toll on the lives of thousands of millions of people, but a few know about the impact it has had on mental health and wellness. The people have been hidden into suicidal thoughts all the way along as they no longer have the zeal to sustain the pressure of losing their loved ones. Eventually, they turn their backs out of happiness and merriment moments and get into the graveyard shift to depression and anxiety.

The prowess of Covid-19 has been the lowest ever in their lifetime as they face uncertainty over their financial future, and whether they would be able to get through this virus safely. Complex diseases that bring along different prognoses and are associated with a scarcity of medical wellness and protective equipment have led to the imposition of policies that restrict the soundness of individuals. Substantially piling upon these factors, an increasing financial burden will contribute to troublesome emotional sorrows and a ramification risk of psychiatric problems.

The anxiety has settled its place like a confining knotted-down storyline in our lives, and it is not going away even after the pandemic. The symbolism of lack of transparency over life and future has kicked in depression, anxiety, and aggressiveness. The aggressive behavior has been mostly due to the anguish against the government for not comprehending the demands of the citizens. Lately, the citizens have been crying out in pain and agonizing over death due to a shortage of oxygen in the hospitals.

The government’s strategy has been involved in perplexing the situation even more. They have constantly reiterated about adequate supply in the hospitals while the hospital authorities have reported a lack of oxygen. Meanwhile, people have lost their lives and accordingly the aggressive nature kicked back in their acquaintances who have strived with the concerned individual.

The Rat Race for Combating Such Ailing Condition: The Bigger Picture

When will the coronavirus end? The question is perhaps the most surfed argument on the web. Although, even if that gets figured out and we are out of the pandemic with full flow, the long-standing battle of our fight against depression and anxiety will reach a steeping low. Depression is a desolating feel which stops you from being content in your normal activities. The rat race against such disastrously affecting notions should be the focal point.

Our recommendation is that people should step ahead and come out with their problems to the counselors, and the health care personnel who can better understand our mental health. Over the years we have perceived, during times of crisis, self-care is often difficult to maintain. Many of us are busy keeping the fires in our lives from spreading, and we lack to follow the requirements for a healthy yet peaceful lifestyle. The problem would become the biggest concern in the history of the pandemic, and certain aspects need to be integrated rigorously into our routine. During challenging times, or at the time of distress, finding ways to be grateful can cope.

Rehearsing mindfulness meditation has gained worldwide fandom as a peculiar pathway in dealing with depression, stress, anxiety, and agitation. It is the view of many renowned and influential counseling experts across the world. Mindfulness begins with finding a place of content for yourself and regathering your thoughts. While that’s it’s pretty obvious that the person going through so much distress would not crack the ball game initially, gradual efforts could take you a long way ahead.

The pathway to mindfulness is a significant mood changer, and it could eradicate all the stress and anxieties you have crippling through since the pandemic hit hard. All said and done, it would only go away if the grievances of people are given the hope of reverberating their lives into happiness. In India, people’s choices can only be validated by two things if their financial future gets secured. Or they are inculcating health assurance for decades.

If any one of them gets disrupted, then the uncertainty mood kicks in and it later tends to depression. The coronavirus pandemic might get over, but its impact might stay long with the people for years. To combat mental illness various health services need to assure people get the right amount of coverage and the freedom to express their opinion. Another factor that could eminently ease the burden is by providing people, who have lost their jobs with better employment opportunities and generation. The government will have a prominent role model if that needs to happen.

Tanish Sachdev

Tanish seeks new opportunities as a professional content writer and writes on several fundamental topics like businesses and economics. The focal point remains on expressing opinions on critical aspects concerning the economy.

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