China, Acting All Mighty After Starting The Fire!

Gone are the days when wars were about guns and weapons. We have come to a more civilized era. No nation can have a black listing in the eyes of its citizens by giving away its people in the name of a war. Ideologies have changed, people have changed. The ideal issues for world war 3 were very different earlier and now they have changed a lot. These still include a Taiwan scenario and North Korea scenario, but now also involve disputes in the East and South China Seas, as well as potential conflict with India along the Tibetan border.
If there is a condition which forces all the nations to come and fight it off, the United States can likely count on the support of South Korea and Japan. Any war stemming from disputes in the East China Sea will necessarily involve Japan. If events in the South China Sea lead to war, the US can probably rely on some of the ASEAN states, as well as possibly Japan. Australia may also support the US over a wide range of potential circumstances.
China faces a less complicated situation with respect to allies. Beijing could probably expect benevolent neutrality, including shipments of arms and spares, from Russia, but little more. The primary challenge for Chinese diplomats would be establishing and maintaining the neutrality of potential US allies. This would involve an exceedingly complex dance, including reassurances about Chinese long-term intentions, as well as displays of confidence about the prospects of Chinese victory
Technically, there are two possible outcomes of the Corona Virus Pandemic which originated from China. Covid-19 has been the most devastating pandemic of all times. It has killed more than ___ people and has led to major issues throughout the world. It is acting like a huge challenge for governments all around the world. Worlds biggest economies have been in dwindles due to this pandemic. The US economy, the most powerful economy of all times is facing many issues. The number of covid-19 positive patients is soaring high in the states. It is causing a lot of damage to the USA economy.
There have always been political and economic disputes between the top two economies, USA and China over trade as well as military action in the South China Sea. China has walked through the covid-19 crisis and is now coming out of it.
A number of interesting developments in the United States and in China suggest that there is something very strange going on regarding the coronavirus and the US government. We are now hearing from the Chinese government itself, as well as from Chinese social media, which is normally restricted, but in this case, it’s actually seems that people are being encouraged to post the same kinds of questions that were heard from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Geng Shuang, who suggested that the United States military brought coronavirus to China. The blame game has been going on since quite a while related to the pandemic. It is safe to say that no one can be blamed completely without any evidence for the same.
The leading economy is on the verge of falling down and due to that there seems to be someone taking a huge advantage of this entire situation. It is felt that the “dollar” will soon be replaced by “yuan” as china will emerge as the leading economy.
Earlier, a conspiracy theory that generated much curiosity on social media said the novel coronavirus was a bio-weapon that escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, China’s only Level-4 virus research centre. This is situated only 25-30 km from the Huanan wet animal market, which the Chinese very soon declared as the source of the coronavirus outbreak. The fact that the Chinese Government tried to suppress the attempts of the whistle-blower’s (the insiders as well as eight doctors), who tried to warn the public of the pandemic, is rather alarming and didn’t help their cause. There existed a large amount of smoke for this fire!
It seems vague for the common mind to believe that a country from where the deadly virus originated has now recovered from it and is making huge economic deals worldwide. Chinese economy is flourishing like never before, the counterparts have been defeated in a very sophisticated, non-war-like circumstances.
Chinese economy is on a boom phase and is moving forward with no stones left unturned. China is ramping up production of medical supplies and ingredients for pharmaceuticals. One commentary in China’s state media threatened that if China withheld drug ingredients, it could plunge the United States into “the mighty sea of coronavirus.” Chinese workers are already returning to factories, while the United States and European economies are shutting down.
“China has had considerable success in fighting the epidemic, and we want to work with Chinese experts on an international level,” said de Angelis, adding that the Italian and Chinese Red Cross organizations have a long history of cooperation. The first team from China arrived on March 12 in Rome with 31 tons of essential supplies and equipment, including respirators, protective suits, masks and medications. As is customary between branches of the Red Cross in different countries, the Chinese Red Cross reciprocated for the help received from the Italian Red Cross only one month earlier, when Italy sent 18 tons of supplies to Wuhan.
China has also helped hard-hit Spain with medical equipment, and assistance is also expected soon to arrive in France. More deliveries to the EU from China, like 2 million protective face masks, are expected to be delivered after talks between EU commission chief Ursula von der Leyen und China’s Prime Minister Li Keqiang.
However, there are also concerns among China observers that Beijing now has an opportunity to drive a wedge into the European Union. Italy is indeed that first country in western Europe that officially joined China’s “New Silk Road” global economic and infrastructure project.
China is trying to come out of all the blames given to it by taking some corrective actions.
“As our steel and other manufacturers all suffer, when the bottom hits, China is poised to come back in,” said Michael Wessel, a commissioner on the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. “China is now looking at ways of taking advantage of everyone else’s suffering.”
The Chinese airline industry, whose slump in February decimated its massive aviation market to a size smaller than Portugal’s, carriers are slowly restoring flights. Scheduled capacity rose 2.4% in the second week of march from the previous seven days to 9.2 million seats, while all the other top 10 markets in the world continued to decline, according to flight-data analytics firm OAG Aviation Worldwide.
Chinese subway traffic increasing 21% last week, and online sales of large appliances rebounding in both volumes and average prices on a week-to-week basis, according to Bernstein.
China is taking full advantage of the current situation and emerging as a world leader.