
Best Start-Up: Raise Venture Capital with a Perfect Pitch Deck

Start-up is the most crucial and challenging business development stage among the entrepreneurs. First, it can drive the business into success if properly combined with the best resources. Otherwise, the company may lose its balance to grow if there’s a lack of resources.

Implementing a pitch deck is an essential steppingstone in planning and fundraising your start-up business.  A pitch deck is a value-driven presentation about the overall plans of the business. It is more interactive, innovative, and realistic as compared to a business proposal. To know how it works, check out these best pitch deck practices from the experts!

1) Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg financed his dorm room project into a popular social media platform through the help of his venture capitalist partner. Zuckerberg received $500,000 from Thiel to fund this project. How did he persuade Peter Thiel with his business? Well, it’s a matter of innovative presentation of Zuckerberg’s media kit.

The media kit incorporates the company values, SEO traffic, user engagement, online marketing services, and key matrices of Facebook. Thiel invested in this project because he foresees the potential growth of Facebook as a social media site and marketing tool.  

How much did they raise their capital?

  1. $500,000 through venture capital from Peter Thiel

2) LinkedIn

To become a business-oriented community, LinkedIn targeted online users to create engaging social networks related to careers and businesses.

It’s Series B pitch deck might be a bit old fashioned, but its thorough contents provide a strong foundation in managing the business. The predictive value in using the internet and how it influences the users to have a strong impact on its success.

How much did they raise their capital?

  1. $4.7 million through venture capital by Sequoia Capital

3) Airbnb

A web service that allows people to list properties for rent, find suitable accommodation and meet their travel budget. The Airbnb features it all! With a simple pitch deck design, the founders of this company analyzed the common problems among the travelers. It’s the expensive cost of the hotels.

The intro of Airbnb’s pitch deck highlights the technique on how to capture the audience’s attention. The Airbnb solve the problem among the travelers in looking for a decent and affordable lodging. Moreover, it helps the owners receive a high return on their real estate investments.

How much did they raise their capital?

  1. $600,000 through seed funding from Sequoia Capital

  4) Uber

Uber had anticipated the typical problems of the commuters and travelers. Usually, you must familiarize yourself with the vehicle stations and terminal trains before you can take off for a ride.

With Uber’s pitch deck, it focuses on digitizing the ride-hailing issues using mobile phones. You’ll only need to download the app, create an account, and book for a ride. Car hires are typically popular nowadays because it provides privacy and convenience to the rider.

How much did they raise their capital?

  1. $1.25 million through major funding from First Round Capital

5) Castle

Castle is one of the leading web solutions for property owners. They serve as the real estate agents which manage the role of a typical landlord.

The main feature of their pitch deck emphasizes using simple icons, user-friendly interface, and aesthetic designs to draw the attention of the crowd. In this way, it would be easy for the occupants to find a better place to stay.

How much did they raise their capital?

  1. $9.2 million through Series A funding from Index Ventures

6) YouTube

The primary purpose of its pitch deck revolves around the video content management. Google had acquired YouTube during 2006. Hence, the impact of Google’s analytics and SEO also helped YouTube garner the top spot among video content sites.

Sequoia Capital forecast YouTube’s growth as a video content site and thus, it helps YouTube with the funding. Sequoia Capital is one of the industry’s best venture capitalists to date.

How much did they raise their capital?

  1. $11.5 million investment from Sequoia Capital

  2. $8 million investment from Artis Capital Management

7) TransferWise

In terms of the financial remittances, TransferWise now can able to keep pace with the competitors. What’s the distinct feature of their pitch deck? It’s none other than the transparency.

Most of the online remittance services create hidden charges or causes delays in transferring the money from one account to another. TransferWise innovates a solution to maximize the potential earnings of the recipient. It also created a systematic and simplified approach in transferring cash immediately regardless if it’s a domestic or international remittance.

How much did they raise their capital?

  1. $1.3 million through seed funding

8) Fast Office Furniture

Some Australians invest in rental properties or do home office work. They usually search for fast office furniture Sydney supplies ideas to help them find the best furniture for their props.  

With this concept, the Fast Office Furniture s thinks of better service to help the buyers meet their needs. Their brand name itself connotes the purpose of their pitch deck. Thus, their company prioritizes customer satisfaction, quality materials, and delivery services of their furniture.

Being a customer-oriented business is a motivating factor for fund capitalists to invest. Increasing the customer’s satisfaction equates to a higher profit. When a customer feels delighted with the product, they normally provide positive testimonials. Thus, their word of mouth attracts potential buyers for the product.  

How much did they raise their capital?

  1. Funded through owners’ investments

The Conclusion

If you’ll notice, these companies have their commonalities. It’s identifying the customer problems and solving it with a cost-efficient strategy. Forecasting the growth of the business relies on customer relationships. Their satisfaction and testimonies convey a powerful impact on the businesses and fund capitalists.

To raise funds for your business, you need to prove first what your business can do. How can your business help customers? What are your marketing strategies? How will you measure its liquidity, solvency, and profitability? How do you see your business growing after 10 years from now?

You may also download the pitch deck templates from the above companies as your references. By learning all these techniques, you can able to prepare a well-defined pitch deck design.

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