Jean Modification – here is how your sustainable clothing can help you be a part of the sustainability movement

The environmentally conscious measures (phrase change) taken to produce sustainable jeans has become (grammatical) really noticeable. There is an urgent need to not just prevent the large emissions of greenhouse gases but also of the water to be conserved, the control of the chemicals being used and the health of the workers in the denim industry.
Jean Modification – here is how your sustainable clothing can help you be a part of the sustainability movement
The amount of greenhouse gases emitted from each and every manufacturing unit of jeans of every company was noted years before us ordinary beings got concerned about it. They took great effort to create innovative ways to suffice and cut short the harmful processes. Moreover, with the ever-evolving trends of this clothing (phrase alteration), the workers are at the constant risk of tuberculosis or silicosis during the sandblasting process. If that’s not enough, the higher risks involved are the use of chemical dyes that can affect the environment as well as the skin too.
Denims have a long history spanning centuries. The sales never go down, being a must-have decision in the wardrobe of all genders and all ages.  It renders a casualness provided so gracefully and yet gives a tinge of comfort, a companion that seldom gets ruined, one rarely knows about the pain and resources used up behind the production of a single pair of jeans. Nearly 70 liters of water is required for producing a single pair of jeans, 10,000 Litres of water is required to cultivate 1 kg of cotton. Connecting the figures, it is easy to make out the reasons as to why urgently eco-friendly jeans is required and why the companies are striving to create sustainability under their labels.
There are a lot many companies working towards creating a sustainable world in the jeans industry –
Kilim denim (Turkey) uses an innovative technique of recreating jeans from post-consumer jeans. The yarns are treated and made into new jeans, thus reducing a lot many processes and saving up the need to use a huge amount of water for cotton cultivation. The company is trying to distribute the “recreate” concept for conserving the resources. It sure is one of a kind methodical sustainability procured in a raw form.
Arvind Ltd. (India) manufactures jeans from 100% organic cotton without having the need to use bleach. They replace the pumice stone by abrasive drum coating and hence they save on chemicals, enzymes and detergents used to produce the stone washed denims. Mainly there are two types of processes involved to get the precise designed look – wet process and dry process. In wet process, the company uses simple enzymes to cut short water wastage. The dry method uses various techniques such as scraping, whiskering, grinding and distressing. Organic dyes are used to replace the chemical dyes. Thus, the company ensures sustainability measures in all directions.
Naveena denim (Pakistan) has regrouped its innovations of sustainable ideas into a single brand – Allydro to emphasise the idea and the goal set to be achieved.  The Allydro has four variant product lines- H2N0, Ecolean, Allydro Plus and Eternal Colours.  H2N0 product line is known as ‘thirst free denims’. The process conserves up to 90% water by using only 12l of water for one pair of jeans. The end chemicals that are produced are greatly reduced. The major sustainable method is the use of ozone as a replacement of steam, chemical or water necessities in the denim production’s process. Ecolean in collaboration with DyStar (chemical manufacturer), reduced the effluent output (sentence structure) through a series of specialised processes. The goal is to get the water contamination reduced to the greatest extent possible. In a method much sought after, Allydro Plus brings about a change by conserving water and energy at the same time by reducing the effluent waste. Naveena collaborated with Lenzing (a fiber manufacturing company) to create the Eternal Colors product line. The kind of jeans that never fade, a constant color that remains throughout the era of the jean’s lifeline. With more added fiber, it uses 50% less energy and a much smaller percentage of water comparatively.
Soko Chimica (Italy) uses specific techniques that allow the washing process to be more sustainable by using lesser water and energy. The permanganate is eliminated from most of the washes and the stone consumption during the stone washing process is reduced. Thus, imbibing the label of sustainability.
A denim might be the lifeline of the casual wardrobe (sentence alteration) in this speeding world, but the amount of water and energy consumed for the production and along with it the emission of chemicals and greenhouse gases are serious issues to be dealt with. Spending a bit more than the usual for a safer future on just a regular single pair of jeans isn’t a big thing. There is a lot more innovation to be made in the fashion industry, a lot more messages to be spread on sustainability and conservation.  It isn’t just about the jeans, it is about the steps that various companies are following just to achieve a better tomorrow. Through insights on articles and advertisements, one can understand that sustainability exists in a pair of jeans too. So next time you wear a pair of jeans, ask yourself if you are ready to walk in a fabric that has conserved the resources.

Source: Flairtales
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