

Our history is our identity , its our belief , and our respect . In this world we all are divided by our cast , culture and religion , Some praise to god , some worship for Allah , some go to church and some go to Gurudware. Indeed all have different blood but one thing is very common in this world is devotion for their country. Is it not true ? Most trending countries known for its war , differences , Kashmir and yeah ! how can we forget religion. Can you guess about these countries . Pakistan and India most co-friendly countries in this World is now sharing very special bond . Bond of fashion , bond of culture and bond of business.
Wondering how can this possible , don’t think too much , there is a inspirational entrepreneur who is a citizen of Jammu, his parents are his motivator and this MBA guy create a beautiful network between two countries by his venture name : Fashion People and Indian glamour network . This entrepreneur Sheikh Naasir riyaz import ladies designer brands from Pakistan so the collection of lawn, chiffon and silk is best exported through Pakistan, and in india we provide people and our clients most affordable clothing range at their doorsteps at most competitive pricing and his clients are mainly ladies between the age group of 20- 55 mainly in india, UAE, and some other countries like Malaysia, Qatar, Canada and Australia.Indian glamour network is a first kind venture in India wherein all new budding fashion designers, aspiring models.and makeup artists will get a platform to make their.dreams come true in this glamour world with internal collaborations.
Don’t you think this is so much interesting ? This guy not alone see his venture but his mother fully support and participate in this with me , she selects designs, catalogues of all imports. Firstly you know a women can easily understand the style and feeling of other women , secondly taking advice of her mother is really a blessing for this venture and him .
Women is very sensitive creature of this world and maintaining their trust and confidence is very tough task for anyone and if it’s a matter of fashion and lifestyle , you should take it seriously because we women are very severe about our style and lifestyle. By this you can easily figure out that this venture is successful by keeping trust of our Queens by offering best brands at most competitive pricing with top quality and moreover for customers trust and building their confidence they offer 100 percent money back guarantee if our product is not upto mark or any other technical fault.
So , Ladies what are you waiting for order you best dress and carry yourself as elegant as you can ,surely you will take many hearts and be admirable for everyone. Ahaan ! atlast don’t carry to forget your best thing which will increase your grace and it’s your lovely smile 🙂
1.What is the Name of Your Venture? Any specific reason for this name?
Name of my venture is Fashion People (Online) but fully I am registering it as Fashion people lifestyle and exhibitions.

2.Who is your target Audience/clients?
My target audiences and clients are mainly ladies between the age group of 20- 55 mainly in India, UAE, and some other countries like Malaysia, Qatar, Canada and Australia.
3.Where is your venture based (city, state, country) & What are your geographical target areas?
Mainly I’m based in Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir state, I operate from their but since we are online so reach is in india but have larger clientele in Kashmir, Jammu and further now we are targeting New Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Kerala , Chennai, Chandigarh, Ludhiana, Jalandhar etc etc.
4.What problems does your venture resolve? What are your products or services?
Since we mainly import ladies designer brands from Pakistan so the collection of lawn, chiffon and silk is best exported through Pakistan, and in india we provide people and our clients most affordable clothing range at their doorsteps at most competitive pricing
5.Share the idea or story behind the venture. How did it came to an existence? What motivated you to start your own venture?
Actually it was 3-4 years back when for the first time I purchased a Pakistani designer brand dress for my mom, my mom who is my inspiration, my mentor, my support encouraged me as to why not provide and offer this service to her friends, colleagues and relatives, so soon I got the idea lets gets into it and moreover as I’m into business since last 14 years in Jammu with my own College, Computer institutes, Immigration firm, Event management company and travel management company after completing my MBA IN Finance I wanted to start my own business coz” I love to be my own boss” hahahah
6.Who are your biggest competitors and how do you differentiate yourself from them?
As such I don’t have many competitors though some people are doing same business in market but my main USP is offering best brands at most competitive pricing with quality top priority and moreover for customers trust and building their confidence we offer 100 percent money back guarantee if our product is not upto mark or any other technical fault
7.How did you identify your co-founder? Tell us some thing about your co-founder/s
As I am the main concerned person who started it but yes my mother son of the co founders in my venture who selects designs, catalogues and all
8.How did you hired your first team members? What skills Do you want in your employees/team?
As I mentioned I’m into business since last 14 years so I have ample nook employees working with me but yes I gave the training related to imports, billing, supply , dispatching and customer related queries handling teams.
9.What expansion plans are you looking for the next 2 years, next 5 years?
I am planning to open franchisees in the cities mentioned above by me which will cater to international fashion brands as well as our own designer and bridal collection coming soon, so people get most of the latest happening fashion at their door steps for which they feel proud.
10.Where do you want to see yourself in next 10 years?
I want to be top importer and supplier of international fashion at every Indian doorstep.
11.What are your goals over the next 1, 3, 6 and 12 months?
Simple expansion reaching more and more peopled giving them quality stuff at most competitive pricing with assured support from us
12.Have you raised any funding? Or have any plans for the funding?
No till now I have invested my own but yes I would like to have some angel investor, venture capitalist who finances me so we make our dreams more fulfilled with having working capital, best raw materials, best trained people and its need a good amount of finance in a planned way as we will be starting our manufacturing and stitching facility so the cost of manufacturing is reduced
13.What were the problems you faced during the starting days and how did you resolve them?
As such by god grace I didn’t find any such problem yes importing and arranging and making it available in india was a short problem but hardly it affected as it got solved with contacts and all.
14.What was the most challenging part of your journey till now? How did you overcome those challenges?
Life itself is a challenge so it continues but I’m ready for any challenge coz I have blessing of god, love and support of my family ,my dad my mom and my younger brother who always are behind me and what I’m today is all due to their support, love, guidance .
15.Are you married, single or in a relationship?
I am single but hope to get married this year only rest god knows best as he is the best of planners.
16.What are your hobbies? What do you do in your non-work time?
I love music especially Kishore Kumar, Nusrat Fateh Ali khan, and latest aright Singh, songs of Kishore da and Nusrat Fateh Ali khan are encouraging and mood improving it touches soul
17.Whats your favorite food & holiday destination?
Being. Muslim and a foodie too hahahah, I love biryani, kebab, Kashmiri wazwan ( cuisine)
18.Whom do you consider your idol or biggest motivator?
My biggest motivator are my parents they believe in me and they always say do whatever we are with you , my brother is my morale booster so enough of motivational, emotional, mental, financial support hahahahaha
19.What do you feel is the major difference between entrepreneurs and those who work for someone else?
It all depends upon ones perception as in my case I love to be my own boss and in other cases people think they are safe working for others as atlas a fixed salary is expected at end of month but here in our own entrepreneurship we have to earn hard
20.If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?
I could just like to say to my friends who want to start own venture whatever you wanna do study the market first, know proper and adequate technical know how, do SWOT analysis as all MBAs know it, make a proper backend support don’t just jump into anything without proper pros and cons.
21.How has being an entrepreneur affected your family & Social life?
Yes many a times mostly I’m into travelling for lifestyle exhibitions but my family and friends like it and support me atlas I’m giving my best towards my work yes bt when friends meet we party a lot
22.Anything, you would like to say to our readers or upcoming entrepreneurs?
I answered it earlier.
23.Tell us something about your education & family background.
I have done MBA in finance from Jammu, Post graduate diploma in business management, Bachelor of commerce , my Dad is a retired senior bureaucrat he retired as Secretary JK industries, my mom is a businesswoman who looks and manages our college and computer institutes in Jammu and my younger brother is a super model / actor leading villen South Indian movies and a super model, he’s also MBA in International business from Arizona, phoenix USA.
24.What is your USP which makes it unique & different from other start-ups in similar domains.
My main USP as I mentioned above also is giving people of India the best of international fashion at most competitive pricing with best quality and money back guarantee, its all due to my full hold and confidence on my suppliers I’m able to make a niche in market, we have kept our margins very low so a common man can also afford the best of brands for which they can only dream of.
25. What do you think is the biggest threat to the success of small businesses & Start-ups today?
Firstly and fore mostly lack of resources, working capital, proper market survey, technical know how are main threats and yes off course competition in the market as law of Darwin states survival the fittest
26. Do you consider yourself successful and by what means do you measure success?
Yes I think I’m successful because of the niche I have made in the market with help of my colleagues and team, I measure success by the smile of my customers , their references , their satisfaction for what they bought from me and obviously by my bank figures too
27.Please share complete name, address, phone number, email id & website of Your Business & Contact Person
Sheikh Naasir Rriyaz
CEO Fashion People Lifestyle & Exhibitions
Jogi gate , DPS school road,
jammu 180001
[email protected]

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