
Rekla Helping Users Find Right Talent At Right Time & Right Place

Time is so important in life. Every year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second even milliseconds has it’s great importance to one or other’s life. It is rightly said
If you want to know the importance of time in life the ask few people given below :
• 1 year – ask to that student who get failed in his exams.
• 1 month – ask to that mother who has given birth to a premature baby.
• 1 week – ask to that person who knows that only 1 week is left to him to die.
• 1 day – ask to that labour who have to work somewhere daily (without a gap) to feed his family & one day he doesn’t get work.
• 1 hour – ask to that lover who is waiting for her love in a mall for 1 hour.
• 1 minute – ask to that person who misses his train.
• 1 second – ask to that biker who just got a second life ( because of rash driving he is gonna lost his life ).
• 1/100 th of second – ask to that Sprint runner who got silver medal in 100 metres Sprint race in Olympic.
Today we are presenting the exclusive interview of founders of Rekla. Rekla give a common platform to the seeker and the provider. Their services Include Electrician, Plumber, Home Appliances, Home Tutor, Saloon@Home, Outstation Cab, Chartered Accountant, Legal Assistance, Renovation, Event Management, Disc Jockey and Many more.
Lets go through the interview of founders of Rekla and see what they have to offer to their users.
1.What is the Name of Your Venture? Any specific reason for this name?
Ans: is the name of the venture. Rekla is Bosnian word that means “said” and our motto is “what is said that should be done”.
2.Who is your target Audience/clients?
Ans: Our target audience is everyone from household, corporate office, builders, small enterprises, Government office and many more.
3.Where is your venture based (city, state, country) & What are your geographical target areas?
Ans: Our venture is based at Hazaribag, Jharkhand will be operational in Ranchi by the end of Feb. Our targets are all the tier two cities which have equal potential as compared to any metro cities.
4.What problems does your venture resolve? What are your products or services?
Ans: The biggest challenge in today’s time is “Time”, people find it difficult to find right set of people for their work at the time they want. We give a common platform to the seeker and the provider. Our services Include Electrician, Plumber, Home Appliances, Home Tutor, Saloon@Home, Outstation Cab, Chartered Accountant, Legal Assistance, Renovation, Event Management, Disc Jockey and Many more….
5.Share the idea or story behind the venture. How did it came to an existence? What motivated you to start your own venture?
Ans: I was working on this idea since March 2016, I used to constantly read and research about the household service market of India and its contribution from different geography. The problem that I was trying to solve was not only limited to metro cities but it prevailed over all the cities, and this gave me the motivation to start the venture. And I started the pilot on 2nd march 2017 and commercially launched the product on 7th Oct 2017.
6. Who are your biggest competitors and how do you differentiate yourself from them?
Ans: Urban clap is the biggest competition we will have, but the geography that we are targeting is still unexplored.
7.How did you identify your co-founder? Tell us some thing about your co-founder/s.
Ans: My co-founders were on board since the inception of the idea, so I didn’t have to do lots of hard work to find right set of people.
There are two co-founders
Kunal Hansh – Computer science engineer with exp in aoutomation and service delivery.
V.P.Bakshi – She has the vision to create an environment of ease in availing and providing household services.
8.How did you hired your first team members? What skills Do you want in your employees/team?
Ans: It was through reference, I look for people who understands the basic process of business and are willing to get out of their comfort zone to achieve goals.
9.What expansion plans are you looking for the next 2 years, next 5 years?
Ans: Expansion is the key to the growth of our venture, so our focus is to expand in atleast 5 location by the closing of FY2018-19. And in next 5 Year to be in the list of top 3 Service start up in India.
10.Where do you want to see yourself in next 10 years?
Ans: I want to encourage research in every field, I see myself involved in some innovative reseach. I can’t State the specifics.
11.What are your goals over the next 1, 3, 6 and 12 months?
Ans: Our goal for next one year is to Just expand our territory from 1 to 5 cities all across India.
12.Have you raised any funding? Or have any plans for the funding?
Ans: We are running on bootstrap, but looking for right funding opportunity.
13.What were the problems you faced during the starting days and how did you resolve them?
Ans: When I used to talk to people about the idea it was a bit difficult to make them understand the complete process of business. Later on it was not much difficult because when one understands they make others too. So what I used to do was to talk to one guy who can talk to his peers.
14.What was the most challenging part of your journey till now? How did you overcome those challenges?
Ans: Co-ordination with the service provider is the most challenging part of the journey till now, but slowly the process and policies were framed and things became professional than personal.
15.Are you married, single or in a relationship?
Ans: In a relationship.
16.What are your hobbies? What do you do in your non-work time?
Ans: I try to read about entrepreneurs from all over the world and like to play cricket.
17.Whats your favorite food & holiday destination?
Ans: I like Khichdi and for holidays anyplace with friends and family is the best destination.
18.Whom do you consider your idol or biggest motivator?
Ans: Shah Rukh Khan.
19.What do you feel is the major difference between entrepreneurs and those who work for someone else?
Ans: Decision Making is the biggest difference.
20.If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?
Ans: Nothing.
21.How has being an entrepreneur affected your family & Social life?
Ans: I am not able to give time to everyone, but not try to miss occasions to spent time with family and friends without hampering my work. Everyone understands that this is the demand of the hour.
22.Anything, you would like to say to our readers or upcoming entrepreneurs?
Ans: Knowledge is the key to success, and knowledge comes by observing and reading. So read as much you can who knows you can be the next Steve Jobs.
23.Tell us something about your education & family background.
Ans: I am a computer Science Engineering graduate with 7 years’ experience in business analytics and campaign management. I belong to Hazaribag a district in Jharkhand, I have my Parents Mother (Home-maker), Father (Professor), Brother ( IT Professional) I my family.
24.What is your USP which makes it unique & different from other start-ups in similar domains.
Ans: We are here to solve problems so our focus is to give end to end resolution to any issue faced by the consumer. We are different because we don’t sell services we provide services.
25. What do you think is the biggest threat to the success of small businesses & Start-ups today?
Ans: Lack of support from the big business houses of the country.
26. Do you consider yourself successful and by what means do you measure success?
Ans: To be successful is just the state of mind and I am not a person who measure things in success my unit of measurement is satisfaction of everyone be it consumer, service provider, Employee. So when everyone is satisfied around you in one way or the other then its success for me.
27.Please share complete name, address, phone number, email id & website of Your Business & Contact Person
Name: of Anusewa On Call Service Private Limited).
Address: Shop no:3, Market Complex, Beside Ranisati Mandir, Bada Akhara Chowk, Hazaribag, Jharkhand – 825301.
Phone Number: 7903059811
Email Id :
Contact Person: Kumar Animesh

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