
Exclusive Interview With the Simple Indian Founder Archit Bansal.

The Simple Indian: Your go-to Shopping Aggregator

The Simple Indian is an online platform specially designed to juxtapose different products against each other ranging from different categories of health and fitness to electronics and shoes, by producing an unbiased review and helping a ‘Simple’ Indian select the best option for himself or herself. The company believes in unwinding the complexities of life into an effortless and Simple lifestyle.


  1. What is the Name of Your Venture? Any specific reason for this name?

We want to welcome you to “The Simple Indian” family. Yes, ‘Simple’, you read that right. In a world that celebrates the unending complexity of life, our vision is to untangle this complication! We strive to provide you with well-researched, easy-to-follow, and authentic opinions on a variety of products and services which make your life ‘Simple’ and better.


The Simple Indian | A Space for all Indian


  1. Who is your target Audience/clients?

Our target audience is Indian consumers with access to the Internet, specifically those who want to compare their options before making their purchase decisions. 


  1. Where is your venture based (city, state, country) & what are your geographical target areas?

We are based in India, and we represent the entire country. We are limited as of now by our ability to communicate in English. However, we do wish to diversify and try other languages in the future. 


  1. What problems does your venture resolve? What are your products or services?

We solve a very Simple problem, where can I get the best bang for my buck? Or, in other words, answering the perennial question, is the price justified for a product? We do the research for you and present you with the necessary facts to make your purchase decision.


  1. Share the idea or story behind the venture. How did it come into existence? What motivated you to start your venture?

When buying something, I always want to know different products’ quirks, advantages, and limitations. However, most information is heavily biased or needs more in-depth thought. Thus, I realized that Indian consumers need unfiltered, thoughtful knowledge of the products and services they spend their money on.

Shoes Archives -


  1. Who are your biggest competitors, and how do you differentiate yourself from them?

Many traditional media companies like The Times of India and The Hindu are trying to transform themselves into relevant modern-day online media companies. However, their user experience could be better, and their lack of interest in the subject matter they are writing about is quite evident. Therefore, we present a simple alternative that people can relate to!


  1. How many co-founders are there? Tell us something about your co-founder/s.

My brother is my Co-Founder because he faces the same issues as an Indian consumer who has grown up with the Internet. He strongly believes in the Internet’s power to provide adequate and accessible information to many people and has a strong interest in e-commerce. 


  1. How did you hire your first team members? What skills do you want in your employees/team?

Well, hiring our first team members took much longer than we expected. Our priority is that they are loyal to the company’s vision and eager to explore the unknown with us. However, we found our founding team to reflect those qualities and have been strongly expanding. 


  1. What expansion plans are you looking for for the next two or five years?

Well, since we are an online media company. Our goal over the next two years is to penetrate the entirety of the English-speaking consumer market in India. In 5 years, we hope to create our medium available to internet users in other local Indian languages as well.


  1. Where do you see yourself in the next ten years?

We see ourselves at the frontier of India’s collision with disruptive technology from Silicon Valley, namely artificial intelligence in search and the normalcy of the metaverse or some form of virtual reality. 


  1. What are your immediate goals over the next six months or the next year?

We are focused on creating crisp, informative articles for our readers and expanding our marketing efforts to reach more and more eyeballs. 


  1. Have you raised any funding? Or do you have any plans to collect funds?

We are a completely bootstrapped company and have yet to raise any money. We might do a round in the future to scale our capabilities. 


  1. What problems did you face during the starting days, and how did you resolve them?

An entrepreneur is like a fireman with a hose which works occasionally. Your job is to put out as many fires as you can each day being rest assured that no matter how many you extinguish, new ones are being created simultaneously. Meanwhile, you have to take care of the hose, aka you!


  1. What was the most challenging part of your journey till now? How did you overcome those challenges?

Being true to your vision when you see no visible results is the hardest. It is easy to lose hope in the short term, but your sight always depends on what is ahead of you.


  1. What are your hobbies? What do you do in your free time?

I love engaging in activities around music, whether listening to it, dancing to it, or playing it. Other art forms, like sculptures, literature, and movies, interest me too.


  1. Whom do you consider your idol or biggest motivator?

My father does take up that gauntlet for me. He has always supported me no matter how wild my ideas are and how many failures I have faced. 


  1. What is the significant difference between entrepreneurs and those who work for someone else?

Entrepreneurs ask different questions to themselves than people who someone employs. For example, an employee will get lost in the grandeur of a concert while an entrepreneur will be observing the demographics of those who attended the event, the sponsors, and the logistics. 


  1. If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?

Try more things and make more mistakes—greater the learning, greater the chances of future success.


  1. How has being an entrepreneur affected your family & social life?

Well, you spend long hours each day in the office, and more distracting than that is that you do not have an off button. Every detail and every problem in your company is in the back of your head. I particularly enjoy that because I find answers when spending time with family and friends in totally unrelated settings!


  1. Would you like to say anything to our readers or upcoming entrepreneurs?

Give your dream a shot, and you will learn much more by working on it than preparing to take the first step.


  1. Tell us something about your education & family background.

I have an undergraduate degree in Business administration and come from a family of engineers turned into businessmen. 


  1. What is your USP which makes it unique & different from other startups in similar domains?

Our USP is our customer-driven approach to content. The 2 C’s, Consumer and Content, are the pillars of every decision we make. Also, we do everything we can to ensure we take in all feedback and improve ourselves constantly.


  1. What do you think is the biggest threat to the success of small businesses & startups today?

The biggest threat is giving up too early and not differentiating yourself from others since the beginning. Also, you need to build your own personality and not just act differently to differentiate yourself. 


  1. Do you consider yourself successful, and by what means do you measure success?

I succeed because I am content with myself, but I also keep pushing myself daily to break down my mental and physical barriers. As long as I can sustain that balance, I will be successful.


  1. Please share your complete name, address, phone number, email id & website of Your Business & Contact Person, and pictures of your founder, co-founder, team(if any), and logos.

Founder- Archit Bansal

Co- Founder- Arnav Bansal 


Contact us at-



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