
Making IELTS easier to crack – GILL SIR

As technology has expanded, so have the career opportunities for today’s generation. Along with the opportunities came the widened choices. The choice to follow one’s dream of studying abroad for higher education seems no longer a distant reach. In today’s tech-savvy world, students are flooded with resources for preparing for an exam. The internet of things has made things simpler not only for the students but for their parents also. But amongst all these virtual “offerings”, one can never fail to appreciate the need of a mentor who can guide us through our preparations.
Well, students of Maninagar, Ahmedabad have been blessed with one such mentor.  Mr. S.S. Gill started his career in teaching. However, he could not match the frequencies with the current system of teaching and hence decided to take a leap of faith to start Gill Sir. Gill Sir is a coaching for English and IELTS. They have been providing the students seeking correct guidance on preparation for filtered foreign colleges to get through the same.
Mr. Gill after completing his education from Punjab University and Ph.D. from SACAR followed his passion for teaching. After a few years into the profession, he realized the existing system fails to meet the expectations of the students. He went on to find a solution offering mutual growth to students as well as teachers. Gill Sir’s Maninagar branch offers coaching/tutorial for IELTS. They are also an expert with TOEFL/PTE and Visa counseling. With their unique teaching method and an innovative approach towards preparation, they are far ahead in terms of quality education as compared with others in this business. Their modus operandi differs from others and includes a provision of best study material, biggest IELTS classroom and best counseling to match your education needs.
Their way of teaching has spread a positive word of mouth amongst the students. Let us know more about this one man’s entrepreneurial journey in this exclusive interview.

  1. What is the Name of Your Venture? Any specific reason for this name?
    Gill Sir
  1. Who is your target Audience/clients?
    Students from age 16 to 25
  1. Where is your venture based (city, state, country) & What are your geographical target areas?
  1. What problems does your venture resolve? What are your products or services?
    Coaching for English and IELTS- Filter foreign colleges, admissions abroad and student visa.
    Our presence brought better quality, good practice and better approach.
  1. Share the idea or story behind the venture. How did it come to an existence? What motivated you to start your own venture?
    S S Gill started his career as a teacher and found that there was much to be changed in the system, he decided to find mutual growth for himself and students
  1. Who are your biggest competitors and how do you differentiate yourself from them?
    Biggest competitors are IDP – distinguish by better counseling, transparency, clear-cut approach.
  1. How did you hire your first team members? What skills Do you want in your employees/team?
    We always look into the character of our employees and want them to be honest and hardworking.
  1. What are your goals over the next 1, 3, 6 and 12 months?
    In past, our students got 9/9 in reading and listening in the IELTS. In the coming years, we want to upgrade in terms of better services and infrastructure.
  1. What are your hobbies? What do you do in your non-work time?
    In my free time, I study and practice music.
  1. What’s your favorite food & holiday destination?
    I love Indian traditional dishes. My favorite holiday destination is the hills.
  1. Whom do you consider your idol or biggest motivator?
    I have learned from many people but I can tell you about no role model. We try to implement the philosophy and practice of Sri Aurobindo in our work.
  1. What do you feel is the major difference between entrepreneurs and those who work for someone else?
    There is no difference if any person makes sincerity as the benchmark but the previous one gives you a lot of freedom, and the freedom to experiment.
  1. If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?
    The fact it that it cannot be otherwise but in imagination, I would change my approach.
  1. How has being an entrepreneur affected your family & Social life?
    When I started I was not able to strike any balance between things and I am still learning the art.
  1. Anything, you would like to say to our readers or upcoming entrepreneurs?
    I would advise the upcoming entrepreneurs that they should never stop and keep on working even if they fail or even if they do not have resources.
  1. Tell us something about your education & family background.
    I completed graduation and P.G. from Gujarat University and Ph.D. from SACAR. My grandfather was in police from whom I learned ethics and my father was in business which inspired me to dream.
  1. What is your USP which makes it unique & different from other start-ups in similar domains?
    We have been able to deliver what we committed, we have the deeper sense of client need and empathy.
  1. What do you think is the biggest threat to the success of small businesses & Start-ups today?
    Every business has threats but many young investors do not realize them. Well, the biggest threat is greed, philosophically and practically there are over ambition, wrong judgment, etc.
  1. Do you consider yourself successful and by what means do you measure success?
    I succeed in many things but it does not mean I have not failed in any other area.
  1. Please share complete name, address, phone number, email id & website of Your Business & Contact Person along with the pictures of your founder, co-founder, the team(if any) as well as your logos.
    Gill Sir, Opp Good Luck Soc, Beside Indian Bank. Daxini Soc, Maninagar, Ahmedabad. mob: 9898334999,


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