
Light!! Camera!! Action!! Meet Boom Man Studios from Amchi Mumbai

A picture says more than 1000 words & a video tells the entire story, many a times, we might have heard this or read in books. In this Digital Era Content is king and content must be made and presented in a way that it touches our heart and soul. We might have seen many ads & commercials in the TV which are highly emotional, sensitive, dramatic, funny and sensual.
In the crowd of media today, there are only very few ads which we memorise and also like to watch, You can not sell a product to someone until you touch his heart and soul with your presentation. The feel, the acceptance of the audience makes a product or concept sell-able in this world.
That is why it is said, what ever the product is, if you are able to present well, you are able to sell well.
Meet Nishant Rana, Shivendu Kudalkar & Jasmine Chabria. Their start-up Boom Man Studios is one stop solution to all your marketing & advertisement needs. This team of three- young, energetic, professional & talented entrepreneurs heading a large professional team of people will make any product, service or concept presentable and sell-able. I am sure, if you check their concepts & ads, you will just fall in love with it.
Their venture Handles entire Conceptualisation, End-to-end production, Post-production & Broadcasting. Meet this trio of young but very smart & professional people from amchi mumbai and explore their venture & their journey so far.
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1.What is the Name of Your Venture?

We’re Boom Man Studios.

You may have come across the word ‘Boom’ in Superman comics, or across the universe’s Big Bang theory.

It’s all about making an ‘impact’ : making a ‘Boom’.

Making a boom with our stories & video productions for brands while exploring beyond set styles to aim higher; which is why our brand identity incorporates a galaxy-themed design.

2.Who is your target Audience?


You are the target audience of millions of brands and digital agencies who want to reach you with their product and offerings every single day. We work with those brands and agencies, to convey their product story to you – in the most entertaining, appealing, touching, budget- efficient manner.

3.Where is your venture based ( city, state, country) & What are your target areas?

Our core-team is based in Mumbai. But we’ve carried out productions of digital videos in other states/ countries as well such as Delhi, Bangalore, Gujarat, Canada and Iran.

We’re looking to work with more digital agencies that realize that a brand’s digital film on the web is more about immersing the audience in the ceremony or style of the story. The other segment is sports agencies; sports videos do make us buzz with energy.

Jasmine has three names on her checklist with whom she is keen on associating as video production partners: Brandmovers, Saints & Warriors, Engage Sports Media.

4.What problems does your venture solve? What are your products or services.

Audiences are smart, and wouldn’t want to spend a lot of their attention on a brand. Fair enough! So how do you take any brand’s offering & services to its target audiences- in the most receptive manner? How do you make the brand’s target audience view the brand proposal at the target’s time & convenience, when he is tucked into his blanket?

Our answer is a visually appealing video. The ‘desire-to-watch-behaviour’ of humans is incredible. This is the very reason as to why platforms like Facebook, Youtube, Amazon have invested major portions into video-content & streaming.

This is when we come in as creative video-production partners.

We offer 4 types of services which we address as ‘ACTS’:

Act I: Conceptualization & script writing services suggesting novel treatments per video production.

Act II: End-to-end production [high-scale shooting, direction, line production, etc]

Act III: Post-production [Live-shot & animation]

Act IV: 360 Degree videos, Livestreams

Few of the brands for whom we have created digital ads are: U Mumba Star Sports Pro Kabaddi League Team sports film, Kohinoor Basmati Rice digital films, Abbott India, Mentos,, Food Food, SonyLiv, Tropicana Juice.

5.Share the idea or story behind the venture. How did it come to an existence?

None of us can work at 9-5 or 9-3 or even 9-11 jobs owned by anyone else.

The only option left was to work at our own venture [laughs]

We were very clear on the fact that all the co-founders have to be fairly well mastered in one of the filmmaking fronts [be it direction/ cinematography/ Scriptwriting/ Art/ Production] with a 60% knowledge of other filmmaking aspects that they’re not fairly well mastered in. We wouldn’t want to have owners who are solely MBAs. The idea is if the owners can understand the essence of making creative videos, the results will be beautiful.

The idea of Boom Man Studios is to make varied sorts of videos that incredibly please the viewers.

6.How did you identify your co-founder?

We didn’t really go around identifying each other. If you madly want to start a business & desire to have co-founders, forces make you meet your business partners somehow or the other.

And how we met is a very dramatic story altogether. You can choose to assign each of us to whichever of the below phrases you would want to:

One of us was driving on the Bandra-Worli Sea link in Mumbai.

The other was fixing a pole-wire at the Bandra-Worli Sea link in Mumbai.

The other was filming at the Bandra-Worli Sea link.

We met.

7.What expansion plans are you looking for the next 2 years?

Apart from executing productions for digital ads, we’re building a full-fledged, creative wing for 360 degree videos. We’re investing the best of our resources to learn about the new technologies, approaches in non-fiction as well as fiction based 360.

8.Where do you want to see yourself in next 5 years?

“’We’ll need a 77-page coverage if you really want us to answer that”, joke Shivendu & Nishant.

We can assure you that you’ll see more of our works is all we’ll say for now.

9.Have you raised any funding? Or have any plans for the funding?

We haven’t raised any funding as yet. We may seek investment on a certain types of films we’ve in mind, at a later stage.

10.What were the problems you faced during the starting days and how did you resolve them?

We see it as kaleidoscopic experiences – some awesome, some challenging, some bitter that seem funny today.

And at the end of the day, it’s the mindset that no one can really stop you.

11.Are you married, single or in a relationship?

Is anyone interested to know about our personal lives? Go chase the guys infront the camera!

12.What are your hobbies? What do you do in your non-work time?

Films & Workout.

We watch films or ads [Don’t brands just love us for passionately, effortlessly, self-evoked watching of ads on TV, web, phone?], film-technique related tutorials, or workout.

13.Whats your favorite food?

Home food.

14.Whom do you consider your idol or biggest motivator?

A lot of fantastic talents around to inspire – LOT! Difficult to name so many now but there is so much to learn from literally every person around us. You never know who is it that will inspire you in your next project.

15.What do you feel is the major difference between entrepreneurs and those who work for someone else?

It’s difficult to take leaves when you work for someone else.

It’s super difficult to take leaves when you have your own company.

16.If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?

Never. Not even if someone gives us an actual time-machine.

17.How has being an entrepreneur affected your family & Social life?

We pledge by the habit of a balanced life, even amongst all our employees.

Somehow all of us prefer parks to partying. Work definitely takes precedence to our anyways-nominally-nearly absent social life.

18.Anything, you would like to say to our readers or upcoming entrepreneurs?

Do we really come as the people who can advice? Or blurt big quotes?

Well, here’s out attempt:

Aim only and only for the best since the best is the best is the best.

Common we all are just below 26!

19.Tell us something about your backgrounds.

Nishant Rana, at the age of 12, was assigned the job of carrying a bisleri bottle for an international crew filming in India. This is when he was struck to learn more – about editing, direction, music. He went onto make his first short film at 17, which bagged the winner at the U.S Shortie Film Awards. After his graduation from Jai Hind College in Mumbai, he went onto study film & philosophy in Canada. He has directed & edited over 40 digital films for brands like Kohinoor Rice, Pepsico,, StarSports ProKabaddi, Reliance.

Shivendu was Nishant’s batchmate in college. He has shot over 50+ digital videos for brands like TVS scooty, ISL, Kohinoor Rice, Kabaddi etc, he directed & shot the making of feature Film Neerja. He has assisted cinematographers on feature films like Crazy Kukkad Family & television commercials.

Scriptwriting & creative direction started for Jasmine when she was 4. When her mother told her fairytales, she visualised the entire story, set & costumes, how did Snow-white’s bed look, what if Cinderella’s shoe was found by Jimmy Choo? She moved from Iran to India, penning for webseries, brand films like OLX, Kabaddi League, Thomas Cook, She believes her stories are magical, or ‘damn magical’ as she addresses them. With her fondness & expertise in creative approaches & strategies, she heads creative direction as well.

20.Please share complete name, address, phone number, email id & website of Your Business & Contact Person

Nishant Rana, Director/ Editor

Shivendu Kudalkar, DOP

Jasmine Chabria, Scriptwriter/ Creative Director

You can contact any of us at [email protected] or drop in a line at 9987290418.

If you’d like to meet us anytime, our location pin is dropped on Google



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