
Femality – A Women’s Digital Clinic At Every Doorstep

Femality – A Women’s Digital Clinic At Every Doorstep

As you age, you run the risk of developing certain health issues, especially in the women’s body from hormonal changes to physical appearance. Women may begin to notice her life is changing as her body changes along with it. They experience unintentional weight gain despite any dramatic changes in existing habits. The main concern for modern women nowadays is clothes, it don’t quite fit the same as they used to even though the scale reads the same.


After the age of 40, you lose muscle mass. The major calorie-burning engine drop 1% every year. It’s that time of your life when you may begin to experience your first hot flashes and By the time you reach the average age of 51, you can get hot flashes as early as 10 years before menopause. However, with modern technologies there is no need to worry. We have a perfect platform for you – Femality.


It is a Women’s Health Startup founded by two sisters Amrita Hundal and Kavita Hundal. The first digital clinic providing the menopause treatment for the women of age above 40. Menopause is a problem faced by every woman worldwide. It begins when the menstrual cycle finishes. However, it is not a health problem – view it as a time of liberation.

But still, it causes various hormonal changes and level of discomfort. This platform helps to improve the sexual, physical, mental health of a woman who is going through this life phase.

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They offer a long-term continuity of healthcare with minimal price as compare to other traditional care. Femality brings support and care in the woman’s life when they think that no one understands them with personal and holistic treatment plans such as diet and medications, natural supplements. They provide the availability of various lifestyle-changing activities such as exercise.

Women live their whole life working for their family fulfilling the responsibilities as daughter, sister, then-wife, and mother. Now it’s the time to prioritize yourself in mid-life and more. Let’s wait no more and see how they help us with their platform. Here is the interview we had with the founder (Amrita Hundal) of Femality Health. The women who started this platform to support other women.

Inventiva: What is the name of your venture? Any specific reason for this name?
Femality Health: Our venture name is known as Femality Health. Femality means Female + Vitality as we are focused on bringing vitality back to female lives as they passed their reproductive years.

Inventiva: What is your target audience or clients?
Femality Heath: Our target audience is women who have begin their transition from perimenopause to post-menopause and doesn’t have proper guidance. We help them to figure out the ways to treat their symptoms and take care of their wellbeing throughout menopause and beyond with long-term continuity of care.

Inventiva: Where is your venture based? And What are your target geographical areas?
Femality Health: We are located in the United States covering 10 geographical locations – Maryland, Virginia, Florida, New York, California, Washington DC, Illinois, Ohio, and more.

Inventiva: What problems does venture resolve? And what are your products or services?
Femality Health: We resolve the lack of care in women when they are transiting through menopause. The holistic approach is used for women dealing with menopause. The treatment is done by a gynaecologist – Hsin-Pei Liu having 25 years of experience. Menopause affects women’s entire body and we believe that the treatment should be geared towards the entire body through exercise, diet plans, nutrition, etc.


Inventiva: Share the idea and story behind the venture. How did it come to existence? What motivated you to start your venture?
Femality Health: I (Amrita Hundal) and Kavita Hundal are the two Co-founders of Femality Health. I am a physician who has worked with underserved women of the menopausal age range through a renowned clinic in Virginia known as Every Women’s Life Clinic. This was where I first noticed that women in the above the age of 45, often get overlooked as they are no longer reproducing.

Menopause is still treated as “taboo”, and this leads women not only feeling isolated but also undertreated. Kavita, who was working with the tech background helped bring the vision to life. We merged our skills to create Femality, bringing medicine and tech together, to create an innovative, cheap, and digital accessible option to help women with their transition.

Inventiva: How did you identify your Co-founder? Tell us something about your co-founder.
Femality Health: Kavita Hundal is not only the co-founder but also my sister. We know each other’s skills and strengths far better than any other could. With a lifetime of the relationship, no doubt combining our skills could create something great.

I’ve watched her working hard on her Artificial Intelligence skills for years and her dedication was awe-inspiring. Likewise, she has seen my hard work and perseverance in a medical career. There was no doubt in choosing her as my co-founder and vice-versa. There is no other person I can trust and believe as much as I do for her.

Inventiva: How did you hire your first team member? What skills do you want in your employees or team?
Femality Health: We want our team members to be passionate about women’s health, especially menopause. It is important that employees can see our vision and can contribute to problem-solving and bring innovative ideas. We look for leaders in the field like gynecologists specializing in menopause, nutritionists, and expert advisors who can properly guide women.

Inventiva: What expansion are you looking for in the next two-five years?
Femality Health: We would like to expand our clinic all over the nation, as develop our firm as a first of its kind, and at the end, we would like to earn some revenue. We plan to become a holistic name for menopausal women. We see our platform to become a one-stop-shop for – gynecologist care, nutritionist, customized supplements, diets, and lifestyle adjustments.

Inventiva: What are your immediate goals over 1,3,6, and 12 months?
Femality Health: over the next month, we will be launching our app for a live symptom tracker which makes it easier to access our treatment plans for our patients. Our goal for the year to outreach to women and create trustworthy menopause digital health clinics.

Inventiva: What are your hobbies and what do you do in your non-work time?
Femality Health: My hobbies particularly are traveling and reading, and usually I spend time with my family in my post-work hours.

Inventiva: Whom do you consider your ideal and biggest motivator?
Femality Health: My father is my biggest ideal and motivator. As a first-generation American, I have seen my father come to this country without knowing English. He gained full understanding of American culture without any prior education and created a dream for himself and his family. His hard work and perseverance was engaged into us from a young age.

His values have taught us that you can start from the ground without a dime, and can build your empire with a dream and hard work.

Inventiva: What do you think is the major difference between entrepreneurs and those who work for someone else?
Femality Health: The difference is in the vision, the ability to dream something, and create. To become an entrepreneur there is a need to step outside of your comfort zone and do not be afraid of failure. Entrepreneurship is 100% pick yourself if you fall. But it is important to understand that it is all about symbolic relationship, the person can only be a successful entrepreneur when they have a team who believe in their visions and the way they work.

Inventiva: If you had the chance to start your work over again, what would you do differently?
Femality Health: I wouldn’t do anything differently. All I have learned at this point – my skills, my goals – have gotten from my experience. Life is a learning process, that is why here I am with my vision and goals.

Inventiva: How has been an entrepreneur affected your family and social life?
Femality Health: I learned the skills of balance through rigorous years of med school and residency. The transition was quite easy not only because of my med background but also having my sister as my co-founder helped to maintain the balance.

Inventiva: Anything you would like to say to our readers or upcoming entrepreneurs?
Femality Health: For any upcoming entrepreneurs, just know that you will have to pivot. When you hit a blocked road that does not mean that it is a dead-end, instead you take another road. This goes similar for any entrepreneur, if you find any problem, stop – rethink and then move forward. If you believe in your plan, keep working at it!

Inventiva: Tell us something about your education and family background?
Femality Health: I am a physician and completed my graduation from the University of Mayland, college park, and went down to St. Maarten for Medical School at the American University of the Carribarien, then I started my residency in Internal Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School. I am an internal medicine physician and worked at the community hospital after finishing formal training.

Once my sister and I started with Femality, there was no brainer. This startup quickly became our every waking thought. Despite being a physician, our family background is all tech. Not only Kavita was a data scientist, so is our father and brother. I grew up with the lingo and learned the latest technology advancements through the environment in our home. I always knew someday I will be going to merge these two backgrounds, and finally, here I am now with Femality.

Inventiva: What is your USP which makes it unique and different from other startups in a similar domain?
Femality Health: Our USP is different as we are using technology and data to develop a superior experience.

Inventiva: What do you think is the biggest threat to the success of small businesses and start-ups today?
Femality Health: Lack of funds can break or make any startup. To be successful as an entrepreneur, you have to budget and know how to maintain your funds. We were lucky to start with some funding and have ourselves financially placed in a position where we can dedicate 100% to our work. It is very difficult without the proper balance of time and money.

Inventiva: Do you consider successful and by what means you measure success?
Femality Health: For us, success is measured by happiness. If we spread happiness, we found success. Whether that’s through personal ventures, and endeavors or personal relationships.

Amrita Hundal

Kavita Hundal

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