
Exclusive Interview with Isha Kampani,CEO of “Intellistall”-A Fully Digital Marketing Company to Help Your Business Grow Rapidly

In the wake of COVID-19, digital epidemiology rose rapidly. Thus, the pandemic coronavirus crisis seemingly provides a swift glimpse into a future world, in which digitalization has become the core of every interaction, forcing both individuals and organizations to further up the adoption curve almost overnight. Currently, in this world, digital channels have become the main customer engagement model, and automated processes have become the main driving force of productivity and the foundation of a transparent, flexible, and stable supply chain. A world in which agile methods of working are essential for meeting seemingly daily changes in customer behavior. 

At this stage of reorientation, where digital technology plays a key role, CEO, Isha Kampani, whose company, Intellistall (OPC) Pvt Ltd, has been providing a variety of digital marketing services to enhance your business and increase your ROI.

Intellistall is an Indian IT company that provides Web Development and Digital Marketing Services. Through its SEO services and various on-page and off-page activities, it helps your business show higher rankings in online searches. In a very short period of time, Intellistall has become the number one digital marketing company in India. “Intellistall” marketing services help optimize the brand’s digital footprint and help improve clients’ search rankings.

They believe that online platforms are so extensive and complex that you can’t stick in one place, and online expansion is essential. Therefore, Intellistall develops everything that your business needs by targeting the right audience, specific regional markets, maintaining social media profiles, website development and maintenance, thus providing all the ways to increase and grow your business.

The best part of this company is it provides – 100% Client Satisfaction; Reliable and Cost-Effective Services; Excellent Code and Service Quality; Stellar Maintenance Support; Security and Integrity of Data; Strong Technology Competency.

Intellistall company helps businesses to expand through digital marketing services (including SEO, PPC, SMO, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Website Design and Development, Amazon marketing and Business Planning) in a very cost-effective manner.


Intellistall company values its client’s time and investment. Therefore, a company believes in on-time delivery. The company’s foremost goal is to “provide 100% client satisfaction with its work”. Therefore, Intellistall only aims to provide customers with its business value in terms of leads, transactions, traffic, conversions, and visitors.


The company team is full of dedicated professionals who develop strategies that deliver results. They present the client’s business to the world in such a way that business develops rapidly. They demonstrated a customer-driven attitude. Thus, their advertising and web development are very strong. They are also customer-centric. Their professionals and experts in the field use data-driven strategies, which sets them apart from other companies.

They believe that a unique business requires unique marketing goals. Thus their “Intellistall ” digital media marketing company by putting 100% of its efforts to make your business famous all over the world.


Let’s dive into the interview we had with Isha Kampani, Chief Executive Officer of “Intellistall”, to know more details about her and her company.


Inventiva: What is the Name of Your Venture? Any specific reason for this name?

Isha: My company name is “Intellistall” which is a combination of two words “intelligence and stall“. I want to emphasize that whatever we do in the company, we do with intelligence.

Inventiva: Who is your target Audience/clients?
Isha: My company provides Digital marketing and Website Development Services. So, we don’t have any specific audience. From small to large businesses, every business is our target. We really want to work with various companies and help them to grow digitally.

Inventiva: Where is your venture based (city, state, country) & What are your geographical target areas?
Isha: My company is located in AMBALA(HARYANA) in the north part of our country. If we talk about the geographic target areas I want to target, then it will not start or end anywhere, because every company that can achieve digital growth and has goals for its brand is my target, and I would be happy to help them achieve their goals. So basically I target the whole world.

Inventiva: What problems does your venture resolve? What are your products or services?
Isha: My company solves the problem of not having adequate business someone desire to have and we help people to make their products a brand. With the help of digital marketing, we provide direct assistance to people that help them to generate more return on investment (ROI).

Inventiva: Share the Idea or Story behind the venture. How did it come to existence? What motivated you to start your own venture?
Isha: It’s all started when I started creating my own blog and started digital marketing for that. I like the way Facebook ads helped me to grow and I was so surprised to see how fast and easy it and the convenience of stepping up to the audience and getting participation, the best thing is that you can target any location and choose a niche interest. So, when I was doing things, I found that I was interested in marketing and started to work as a freelancer. After 4 years of experience, I established my company.

Inventiva: Who are your biggest competitors and how do you differentiate yourself from them?
Isha: No one is my competitor. I have a rule “Never compare your start with someone’s middle.” Therefore, big companies are my inspiration and small companies are my motivation. Yes, I must say I am my own competitor, I always try to find out what I can do better today since yesterday.

One thing that differentiates my company from other companies is that we promise the things which we can actually do and we don’t make any false promises to get projects. If we feel that this company can not grow, perhaps because of low-quality products or other reasons, we refuse to work for them immediately.

Inventiva: How did you identify your Co-founder? Tell us something about your co-founder/s.
Isha:  My company has no co-founder. This is OPC (one person company) and I am the sole founder of this company.

Inventiva: How did you hire your first team members? What skills do you want in your employees/team?
Isha: When I was a freelancer, I found that I needed someone to do things that I shouldn’t spend a lot of time on. Since these tasks are very time-consuming, I hired personnel with learning and management qualities I want a team who has ideas and can dedicatedly work for my company, people who don’t work to spend time, people who spend time to deliver good results. I must say that I always hire those people who have more ideas than me because only a good team can help you achieve your goals quickly.

Inventiva: What expansion plans are you looking for in the next 2 years, next 5 years?
Isha: I am not the one who can live tomorrow, I believe to live in the present. I do things that can give me more business. Yes, I plan to deliver the projects and other tasks for tomorrow but I don’t make any plans nor do I think about where my company will be after 3 or 5 years. Because honestly, I didn’t even think of starting a company. But it’s been 1.5 years now, and I just go with the flow.

Inventiva: Where do you want to see yourself in the next 10 years?
Isha: Again, I have the same answer as I really don’t think of it. I just do karma and let’s see where it will take me in the next 10 years. 

Inventiva: What are your immediate goals over the next 1, 3, 6, and 12 months?
IshaMy goal for 2021 is to help more than 1000 businesses to grow with me, and I actually want to be the reason for someone’s business success. Because I believe that when your client’s business grows automatically, you will grow.

Inventiva: Have you raised any funding? or Have any plans for the funding?
Isha:  I have not raised any funding yet. But yes, in the future, if we will connect with good investors, I will be happy to invest in marketing and grow my team.

Inventiva: What were the problems you faced during the starting days, and how did you resolve them?
Isha: In the beginning, I faced some financial problems because I belong to a middle-class family, and I was the only one who did all the tasks related to my work. I had very rare support from my family because everyone is busy in their jobs. Then I figured out the problems and started to engage more in business development instead of completing all the tasks myself. I hired two freshers and started teaching them which solved both Management and Financial issues, I was facing.

Inventiva: What was the most challenging part of your journey till now? How did you overcome those challenges?
Isha: The biggest challenge I faced was business development and defeat the competitors. As we all know, now there is a huge competition in the Digital Marketing and IT sectors. I know how to grow a business, but it is the hardest thing to switch the lead and beat the competition because it requires a lot of effort to close the deal and win the project. The second thing was to have an experienced team. Luckily, I have it now.

Inventiva: What are your hobbies? What do you do in your non-working time?
Isha: My hobbies are surfing social media, watching movies, and reading inspirational books. In a non-working time, I love to spend my time with my family. I usually watch movies and videos on youtube to learn something new on weekends.

Inventiva: Whom do you consider your idol or biggest motivator?
Isha:  There are many people in my industry and I have learned a lot from them, but there is no one who is my idol. The time comes when I feel down, I feel like giving up because everybody can not go same every day, the time comes when you feel low and that’s the time when you need something or someone to boost you up and fortunately, I have few gems in my life who boost me up and motivate me by saying positive words “ Isha, We are so proud of you” and this words won’t let me stop. Moreover, there are some influencers in the same industry and I watch them, which inspires me a lot.

Inventiva: What do you feel is the major difference between entrepreneurs and those who work for someone else?
Isha:  I have experienced both things, so the biggest difference is dedication. When you work as an employee, you know your job will end at 6 o’clock, but as an entrepreneur, I can say that your job actually starts after 6 o’clock. Because till 6, you are busy with the existing business but after 6 o’clock; you make plans to get more business leads and manage the things for the next day. When you work as an employee, you have only a single task or maybe 2 or 3 tasks while an entrepreneur is dealing with multiple tasks. At the same time, you need to compromise your friends, family, and sometimes even yourself to complete your entire work and you answer yourself for each minute you wasted on useless things.

Inventiva: If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?
Isha:  I started my company after getting experience in Digital Marketing for 4 years as a freelancer. When we work as a freelancer, we learn to handle different tasks individually, but things we rarely understand include team handling, leadership qualities, business development, and customer handling. But I did not work in a company to learn these qualities which I have learned now but still If I have an opportunity to start my career again, I would like to work in a company and learn a few things that I lacked at the beginning of my business career.

Inventiva: How has been an entrepreneur affected your family & Social life?
Isha: It affected my life actually, Before that, I used to hang out with my friends and family on weekends. I used to talk to my friends on call and chat on WhatsApp. But after becoming an entrepreneur, it changed my life. I started finding excuses not to go out and spend that time in learning, Before that, my weekend was actually a weekend but now I am busier than usual because I spend my time learning, managing things and making new plans or workflow for projects.

Inventiva: Anything, you would like to say to our readers or upcoming entrepreneurs?
Isha:  Yes, If you are thinking of starting a business, then I must recommend you to must have at least a blueprint for the next year. You need to have a plan copy for the next one year and financial resources or savings for one or two years. Because I have learned one thing, not every business can start to make profits at the beginning. So, when you face financial problems in the early stages of your business, it will reduce your productivity. Understand the reason why you started this business and how to solve the problems of your customers which they can not solve themselves. Hire the smartest people so they can understand your vision and can work on it as you work.

Inventiva: What is your USP which makes it unique & different from other start-ups in similar domains?
Isha: We always try our best to make public relations with clients and provide them with 24 * 7 services and we also give the best suggestion to customers to make the project successful. We always try to figure out the problems our customers face in exploring their business and educate them on the ways we can work for them. There is nothing hidden in our company. Before customers purchase our services or plans, we will try our best to make things clear as crystals.

Inventiva: What do you think is the biggest threat to the success of Small Businesses & Start-ups today?
Isha: I guess the biggest threat is not having an investment plan for the business. I think that businesses in starting expecting a lot without investing. To get the fruits, you need to water and nourish it for a period of time and yes, start-ups must develop a blueprint for a one-year plan which I think businesses are lacking in.

Inventiva: Do you consider yourself successful and by what means do you measure success?
Isha: Yes, I think I am successful because I am happy and satisfied with what I am doing. Moreover, I am learning so many things and generating revenue for my company. According to me, success is being happy and satisfied with what you do and generate enough income to fulfill your requirements and company needs.

Inventiva: Please share the complete name of your company, its founder,managing director, phone number, email id & website of Your Business & Contact Person.
Company Name: Intellistall (OPC) Pvt Ltd
Contact: +91-8396880001
Email Id: 
Managing Director– Mr. SAURABH KAMPANI
Contact : +91-8529398135






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