
Deesha Foods- The Real Joy In Spreading Happiness

On your birthday, you are turning 12. You are walking inside the class as every classmate comes running to you wishing you a good birthday. But their eyes are waiting for something and as you realize and take your box out, they beam with joy! Yes, this overwhelming joy can only be caused by one thing, and that’s chocolates. Chocolates are a girl’s best friend; it’s a favorite place, a mood swing partner, a crying pillow, a Dopamine pill, the reason for siblings to fight each other as well as a medium they learn to share. They are candy to eyes, and pleasure to the soul. Chocolates are just pure bliss! There is definitely no human being who cannot melt in its taste. But, how much is it healthy? Is it chemical-free? Or are you just eating sugar? Is there innovation behind them? Hardly, any few we can name. But here is one such venture that is dedicated completely to provide you with eco-friendly chocolates with innovation and passion and they are Deesha Foods.

Deesha Food is an Indian chocolate company that works with innovative technology to bring value-added products to the world. They are a Pune based venture that aims to redefine the chocolate world. One of the special products that is gaining a lot of attention and praise for innovation is Eco-friendly chocolate Ganesha. They have invented a specially designed shrink wrap, which tends to be suitable for Indian temperature and can even be used in poojas. The main concept of their venture is to give the most innovative, economic, and best quality products. Their products come under ‘Made in India’ patch, which is a pride thing for us, Indians, to see such innovations coming through. Their thoughts are new; their methods are new, so their products are new. Chocolates are everyone loves, and people who are the reason we have love in our lives, deserve praise and recognition and we have found Deesha Foods to be that venture that will redefine the chocolate world and be the seed for the innovative roots to grow!

Let’s wait no more and dive into the interview we had with the founder of Deesha Foods, the man who saw his innovations spreads love and smile:

Inventiva: What is the Name of Your Venture? Any specific reason for this name?
Deesha Foods: My venture’s name is Deesha foods. Deesha means right direction Indian chocolate company.

Inventiva: Who is your target Audience/clients?
Deesha Foods: The target audience is from a child to the oldest person in the world. As we are into the manufacturing of chocolates, therefore it’s for kids to the elders. My target audience comprises everybody who comes as kids, adults, women, and men.

Inventiva: Where is your venture based (city, state, country) & what are your Geographical target areas?
Deesha Foods: Our company is based in the city called Pune which is in Maharashtra and I am the CEO of the company Deesha foods.

Inventiva: What problems does your venture resolve? What are your products or Services?
Deesha Foods: We are into the manufacturing of many products but today I would like to talk about eco-friendly chocolate Ganesha. In this era of pandemic and COVID, we have come up with a new concept called eco-friendly chocolate Ganesha. This chocolate Ganesha comes in nine flavors, it has got what we have designed as per the Indian temperature, its also shrink wrapped . You can do Pooja with it for 8 to 10 days, 20 days, till 45 days, and then you can Remove the shrink wrap and do visarjan in Hot milk and can distribute that chocolate milk as Prasad. So this is how we have this concept of eco-friendly chocolate Ganesha.
With this we help to reduce pollution, Carbon footprint and also maintain social distancing

Inventiva: Share the idea or story behind the venture. How did it come to existence? What motivated you to start your own venture?
Deesha Foods: Most of the brands or the products in the market are maybe caramel based or they are very few best products, so I wanted to add some value to this chocolate industry. We have done a lot of innovations in the chocolate industry so we have been trying to add value to each product we innovate and to each product we sell. The main concept of our venture is to give the most innovative economic and best quality products.

Inventiva: Who are your biggest competitors and how do you differentiate yourself from them?
Deesha Foods: Actually, we do not have competitors. Only people who will copy us or who can copy our concept may try to be in competitive reach because every product is an innovation and every innovation , and every concept add s value to each of our products.

Inventiva: How did you identify your co-founder? Tell us something about your Co founder/s
Deesha Foods: Deesha Foods does not have any co-founders. We have a team of people who support us- meaning in media or social media and, who helps in manufacturing and packaging.

Inventiva: How did you hire your first team members? What skills do you want in your employee
Deesha Foods: Deesha Foods hired first few members who have fantastic grasping power and who have a passion to learn because we knew we have to train them for they are not aware of the innovative technology and we chose people those who have the passion and deliver so that is the way we hire the people

Inventiva: What expansion plans are you looking for in the next 2 years, next 5 years?
Deesha Foods: At present we are selling online but now we are looking for channel partners in many countries and many cities in India. So yeah, we want to expand our self in most of the states in India and many countries.

Inventiva: Where do you want to see yourself in the next 10 years?
Deesha Foods: In the next 10 years, we would like to have our presence in more than 100 countries and we want to have manufacturing in at least 5 countries.

Inventiva: What are your immediate goals over the next 1, 3, 6, and 12 months?
Deesha Foods: In which three to six months, we are targeting to be there on every E-Commerce portals, and also we are going to have channel partners in most of the cities so that we can expand and so that the product reaches to the maximum number of people of the country.

Inventiva: Have you raised any funding? Or have any plans for the funding?
Deesha Foods: We haven’t risen any funding so we are doing on our own. Yes, definitely we are looking for anybody interested in such kind to fund for expansion especially to Pan India and out of the country also.

Inventiva: What were the problems you faced during the starting days and how did you resolve them?
Deesha Foods: Initially, it was a challenge because a lot of established brands are there in the market so to accept our product it was a challenge but slowly and steadily as they came to know about our quality and about our innovation, people started to accept and word-of-mouth started spreading around the public.

Inventiva: What was the most challenging part of your journey till now? How do you overcome those challenges?
Deesha Foods: challenges are many; we had to think out of the box. Getting skilled people in packaging, designing packages that can be accepted in the market are first innovations. So these are the things but research in the products and exploring the packaging world helped us overcome this and now we know the pulse of the people what they like and we design as per that.

Inventiva: What are your hobbies? What do you do in your non-work time?
Deesha Foods: instead of a hobby I can see the passion in social work. I am also associated with rotary international so I do a lot of social work. One of the personal projects is when I find old cycles that are lying in the building take them and repair them and then donate them to the girl child in the village who usually walks 5 to 10 kilometers for the school. Apart from this, I would like to be fit so I spend my time in fitness.

Inventiva: Whom do you consider your idol or biggest motivator?
Deesha Foods: The biggest motivator is Bringing smiles to humanity by adding value-addition and innovations is the passion that I would like to do. I would like to innovate more and more so I always see innovators and passion etc as the idols for inspiration and motivation.

Inventiva: What do you feel is the major difference between entrepreneurs and those who work for someone else?
Deesha Foods: There are many things, those who worked for others are responsible for the certain particular department for the work profile but as the entrepreneur, we are wholly responsible for everything. An entrepreneur is like a doorman, a chairman from innovation to execution to reaching people in entrepreneurship.

Inventiva: If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?
Deesha Foods: I would like to go the way I am today with innovation, passion, and adding value because that is what I would like to have and even if I get another chance I would like to have the same thing and spread across the universe as much as possible.

Inventiva: How was being an entrepreneur affected your family & Social life?
Deesha Foods: As an entrepreneur for the entire family, it’s an inspiration because entrepreneurs are one who does something different, something innovative from others so that gives inspiration to the family and also entrepreneurship is passionate and this is the way we have to leave in. Social life entrepreneurs are always respected and also you get a chance to mentor others for this is the social effect.

Inventiva: Anything, you would like to say to our readers or upcoming entrepreneurs?
Deesha Foods: Yes, first and foremost as the readers please try to take the best products from the market or the product with innovation and value addition ,to buy that and for the young generation I would like to suggest, please do add value to whatever you do whether it is a job or a business please do add some value to so that its like some passion .

Inventiva: Tell us something about your education & family background.
Deesha Foods: By education, I am a postgraduate in pharmaceuticals and a Ph.D. As family-wise, I do have two children and my wife is a lawyer and my mother is always with me.

Inventiva: What is your USP which makes it unique & different from other start-ups in similar domains.
Deesha Foods: There is a huge difference between others and us, our every product is a research-based product so we try to add value and innovation to our products so we would not like to compare with any other manufacturer of similar products.

Inventiva: What do you think is the biggest threat to the success of small businesses & Start-ups today?
Deesha Foods: Consistency in everything that startups and others do should be maintained whether it is R n D for packaging or marketing, everything should be consistent that is the success for every entrepreneur and businessman.

Inventiva: Do you consider yourself successful and by what means do you measure success?
Deesha Foods: For me, success is my products being accepted by the public and getting real-time testimonials from the public and also adding some value to products and contributing to the country’s pollution and other social effects are my success.

Deesha Foods: Deesha foods
Venkatesh residency Kothrud Pune 38

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