
Chinmayee Abbey Empowering Senior Professionals, CXOs & Entrepreneurs Enhancing Their Career & Business Growth Through Professional Career & Corporate Coaching

India is a huge country with a population of 134 Crore also known as Regional Power and inclined towards becoming a Super Power by 2025. We have enormous Human Resource from diverse backgrounds and hence a lot of Competition in every single field. In recent years there has been a swift decline in career growth rate due to excess demand in specialised fields. It’s not just a degree that makes your career but an overall education and specialised skill/expertise in the chosen field, which sets you on the vertex of your career.
The stress levels are growing to the highest ever rates and it is disturbing to see how generally people are dis-satisfied in their professional lives. The findings of the ‘Job Satisfaction 2016’ survey by revealed that 60 per cent employees are not satisfied with their current job, while 80 per cent said they are looking to switch jobs which means 4 out of 5 people are looking for a change. May be this is the reason that even after possessing a huge 134 Cr population and 70 years of independence we are still a developing country.
Wrong career choice, wrong industry, wrong job, wrong team, wrong reason, wrong opportunities, lack of motivation, interest and also many a times lack of right inspiration. We are Human Beings and we always need the right mentoring to move on the progressive path. We all need Mentors/Coaches to assist us in choosing the right path- our right path! Here comes the role of Career Coach to help us find the meaning to our lives.

Today we are happy to introduce  you to Chinmayee Abbey, who is a Certified Career Coach and has coached more than 1000 people. She has also conducted Workshops coaching professionals across levels including the C-Level Executives in various SMEs as well as Corporates.
She has widely travelled across countries and has received several accolades and recognition for her work and the results that she has accomplished.
Chinmayee aims to dig the true potential in people and bring out the best in them, thus helping companies to utilise the best of their human capital.
She truly believes that a company’s strength depends on its human capital and companies must invest in their people and their well being to bring out their best performance and productivity.
Let’s meet Chinmayee and see what she has to tell our readers about her experiences and journey till now…
1. What is the Name of Your Venture? Any specific reason for this name?
Change Ur Story, because it is meant to change the stories of people making a meaningful difference to their lives.
2. Who is your target Audience/clients?
Our target audience are mid to senior level Professionals and CXOs between 30-55 Yrs. of age, who may-

  • Be unhappy & unfulfilled in the current role and not clear about the next career move
  • Wish to change job/role
  • Wish to change career
  • Be on a sabbatical/maternity break and now wanting to get back to the industry
  • Aspiring Entrepreneurs/Start-Ups not clear about the next steps

3. Where is your venture based (city, state, country) & what are your geographical target areas?
We are based in Noida, India but have clients across the country and abroad. The target is to reach to as many people as we can and we can achieve it simply because our delivery is not dependent on a specific location. We coach people remotely and our sessions take place over Skype/Zoom calls.
4. What problems does your venture resolve? What are your products or services?
We empower people to discover meaningful professional goals and get there faster, stronger and happier! Our services are-

  • Discovery Session
  • Career Coaching- including Coaching, Resume Writing, LinkedIn Profile Rebranding, Professional Networking & Branding For Entrepreneurs
  • Corporate Coaching
  • Interview Coaching
  • Speaking Engagements

5. Share the idea or story behind the venture. How did it came to an existence? What motivated you to start your own venture?
I was happy in my corporate job- managing HR for an IT company, until I began to notice a strange pattern in people across levels & positions. I noticed that everyone is in a rush to get to a certain point. What really intrigued me was that most of these people didn’t even know as to where that point is and what is that they are running for…
That’s when I said that someone has to address this at the fundamental level and that’s when I decided to take action and start up.
6. Who are your biggest competitors and how do you differentiate yourself from them?
Well, I don’t really think much about competition honestly. There are 7.3 Billion people on this planet and all of them have some or the other challenge in their life. I am happy to see the Coaching Community growing and the number of Coaches coming into existence. More Coaches means more people being served and that means a better and happier world! Its’ like this one community serving people at large and I get to contribute to the similar mission.
How I differentiate myself- Well I am unique as a Coach and my methodologies are extremely personalized and that is our biggest strength.
7. How did you identify your co-founder? Tell us something about your co-founder/s?
I do not have a co-founder yet, I am running this venture all by myself.
8.How did you hire your first team members? What skills do you want in your employees/team?
In the team members, one always looks for people who can buy in the same vision and support you in your pursuit. In my opinion value system plays an important role and so I always look for people who possess the similar values and can be called to play bigger game in life.
9. What expansion plans are you looking for the next 2 years, next 5 years?
In the next few years we have set some aggressive targets for ourselves and we wish to scale up our business to be able to reach out to more people. We wish to make a meaningful difference to the lives of 1 MN people by 2020.
10. Where do you want to see yourself in next 10 years?
I see myself as one of the most sought after Career Coaches in the world!
11. What are your goals over the next 1, 3, 6 and 12 months?
Our goal is to focus more on the Corporate Sector and launch a few breakthrough products that will address the challenges that Professionals face during their career journey.
12. Have you raised any funding? Or have any plans for the funding?
Not as of now however, looking at the plans to scale, we may contemplate for the same in the near future.
13. What were the problems you faced during the starting days and how did you resolve them?
Well, a few problems that I faced during the initial days and I still do are answering the questions dealing with the right Strategy, the right niche, the right audience and how to tap them.
How I resolve these problems is by not giving up- no matter how big the question is. Not giving up also means that you are giving yourself permission to make mistakes and not be perfect all the time. I have always believed in investing in learning and moving ahead. As an Entrepreneur, in my opinion, once you take the plunge there is no looking back. So it leaves you with no choice but to keep resolving the problems at hand and expanding oneself to solve bigger and better problems.
14. What was the most challenging part of your journey till now? How did you overcome those challenges?
The biggest challenge for an entrepreneur is to win over his/her own limiting beliefs and I have been no exception. There are days where one wakes up –doubting oneself and the journey, but what really helps me during those days is my inner work and bringing back my focus on my vision.
15. Are you married, single or in a relationship?
Married and Happy!
16. What are your hobbies? What do you do in your non-work time?
I love to listen to Music and play Musical Instruments!
When I am not working I love to read, travel and spend time with my family.
17. What’s your favourite food & holiday destination?
I love Chinese and love Las Vegas and Prague for a holiday destination.
18. Whom do you consider your idol or biggest motivator?
My biggest idol has been my father who has not only taught me but shown me to always be positive no matter how hard life gets. Since, he always led by example, I am glad that I have inherited some of his qualities and I always look up to him as an inspiration.
Another person who motivates me a lot is Oprah Winfrey- someone who I really admire and wish to emulate. What I love about her is that she never forgets her roots and now that she is so successful- she wants to empower others to be their best versions possible.
19. What do you feel is the major difference between entrepreneurs and those who work for someone else?
Well, the major difference is in their purpose, vision and mind-set.
20. If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?
I believe whatever happens- happens for the best and I wouldn’t trade that off for anything. Every event and every career move has helped me learn and move forward towards my goals. I can just look back and see how the dots joined for me to get better as a human being and move closer to my dreams.
21. How has being an entrepreneur affected your family & social life?
Well, the family life has stayed constant and for that I am blessed. I believe that the biggest success is to have a balanced life and have time for everything that is important to you! Infact, as an Entrepreneur I enjoy the flexibility to decide my own work schedules & priorities.
As far as my social life is concerned, initially there were a lot of doubts. But with time I have seen people recognising me and respecting me, for now they see me as a successful entrepreneur!
22. Anything, you would like to say to our readers or upcoming entrepreneurs?
This ain’t no race so stop running one!
Figure out your purpose and strengths and let your passion fuel the journey to reach your vision! Remember, it takes time so be patient. There will be ups and downs so be ready for it and once you start-then don’t look back.
23. Tell us something about your education & family background.
Given that my Dad was in the Army, I have travelled a lot and got an opportunity to be independent quite early in life. Having had the best of parents, there was nothing more that I could ask for. I consider myself as really blessed and am grateful for the way my parents brought me up especially for instilling the right values, courage to stand up for one’s thoughts and a never dying spirit.
By education I am a Hotel Mgmt. Graduate and an MBA (HR). And just like other important decisions in life, my parents always gave me the freedom to pick and choose my career!
24. What is your USP which makes it unique & different from other start-ups in similar domains?
Our personalised approach to serve people- be it Coaching or creating a Resume, we believe there are no short-cuts and we thrive on excellent Customer feedback and satisfaction and that is what differentiates us too!
25. What do you think is the biggest threat to the success of small businesses & Start-Ups today?
The biggest threat to the small businesses is their struggle to balance and choose between creating their niche by standing out VS jumping on the bandwagon and ending up being ‘yet another start-up’!
26. Do you consider yourself successful and by what means do you measure success?
Yes, most certainly I am successful as I live life on my terms and conditions. I get to do, be and have everything the way I want…and that is immensely liberating and satisfying and this exactly is what Success means to me!
Chinmayee Abbey
Mobile: 9810602955
Twitter: @Changeurstory

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