
Big Tree Resource Management Pvt Ltd Providing Jobs To The Youth And Productivity To The Companies

Big Tree Resource Management is a Tech based Start Up, which is into HR staffing, PAN India. India’s staffing eco-system, though formally not recognized as an Industry, is helping millions to get a job and earn their livelihood. Big Tree Resource came into existence to help thousands of people get a job they deserve. We understand that technology should play a pivotal role in helping people earn their livelihood and on the other hand, help companies get the much important Human Resource support both in quantitative and qualitative terms.

We have to accept, what is evident. There are lot of job opportunities and shortage of manpower at the same time. Big Tree Resource is on a mission to bridge this gap by tapping the untapped. Every company depends on its human resource strength to expand and diversify. Helping them with a pipeline of skilled manpower, will help us grow with them.

Here is a full-length interview featuring Big Tree Resource Management, by Mr. Karam Keshav Bharadwaj, Co-Founder & MD, Big Tree Resource Management Pvt Ltd.

Inventiva: What is the name of your business? Is there a particular reason why you chose this name?
Karam: My Company is Big Tree Resource Management Private Limited. It is very evident from our Logo and our name, why we have chosen it. We firmly believe in going up and at the same time, laying our foundations strong. We always wanted the name to convey a message of our work.

Inventiva: Who is your target audience?
Karam: We are the bridge that connects the Employer with the Employee. For all those companies, which need Technology driven Human Resource support to increase productivity and for all those people, who needs a job with satisfaction in it, we are there. That’s where our products, fipple and #rozgaar come into place. Fipple is a video interview platform and #rozgaar is an unique QR code, where candidates can simply scan and apply for a job from anywhere in the country.

Inventiva: Where Big Tree headquartered at and what are your geographical target areas?
Karam: We have our Headquarters at Gurgaon, Haryana. We serve clients in almost all states and UT, We have an ambitious plan of physically opening offices in all the four major regions in India, being in our 2nd year of operation. This will further help us in tapping more and more candidates and help us in serving our clients more efficiently.

Inventiva: What problems does your business resolve? What are your services or products?
Karam: We deal with people. That is the most exciting and challenging part, at the same time. Jobs for the youth and productivity for the companies has been our focus. Companies are venturing into Tier-3 and Tier-4 cities in India. Catering to them with the right human resource support and enabling the youth there to get a job and sustain their families, is what we have been specifically doing. Our technologically driven approach helps us to solve it.
Big Tree Resource is primarily into hiring Flexi staff and Permanent staffing. Along with these services, we also offer Payroll Management and Compliance Management to companies, enabling them with a smoother and error free functioning.

Inventiva: How do you differentiate yourself from your competitors?
Karam: The business in which we are is a crowded place. But there lies the opportunity. Although there are many staffing companies, small and big, still there exist a lot of loop holes. We came into existence just to fix those. We are here to create Fans; not customers, that is only possible, if we focus and fix, small things, which matter and has been existing since long. It has to be two way approach that is by the aspirant and the company both.
We, as a Start Up, have a super energetic team, which is an exciting blend of experience and ambition. We focus on attitude and skills other than Qualification, while hiring in our Team.

Inventiva: Share the story or idea behind Big Tree. How did it come to existence? What was the motivation for starting your own company?
Karam: The story is quite interesting. I came to Delhi from Odisha, to expand my family business, which I was a part of for 6 years. But I always wanted to start something of my own. I and my friend, who was one of the Co-Founders, thought of an opportunity in fixing the loopholes in the staffing eco-system and how technology can actually bring a revolution here. That was the start of the journey of Big Tree. But as I had mentioned earlier, challenges are a part of StartUps. In the month of September 2019, my friend, who was the other Co-Founder, quit, succumbing to the pressure. It was turbulent. But I am a believer and Hope is my biggest strength. Difficult times throw greater possibilities. Here I would certainly like to introduce Ms. Jaya Pant, who was always behind the screens from Day 1, and now my better half. Although she was not officially in Big Tree, but the time had come to formally welcome Jaya , now Co-Founder, into the Big Tree Family. Things took a sudden positive turn. There has been no turning back since then.

My Motivation has always been the struggle in my earlier days and my belief of doing something profound. I am a believer. A believer of great things to come and bringing on a positive change by touching millions and millions of lives.

Inventiva: How did you hire your first ever team member? What skills do you want in your team or employees?
Karam: I believe in hiring myself first and being the first team member to be hired. To start thinking of an idea and believing in it and conceptualizing it and turning it into reality, needs conviction. We started with a very dedicated team, which had experience in it. But most importantly, the Team believed in the idea and themselves. That made the difference.

Our interviews are not the conventional ones. We believe that with the right attitude towards work and life, anyone is capable of doing anything. That is the most important qualification for us to hire anyone. We also hire freshers, and I personally believe that, freshers have that energy and risk appetite, which is very important for any company to excel.

Inventiva: What are your expansion plans for your company in the next 2-5 years?
Karam: I personally believe that AI will play a major role in the way ahead. We will be coming up with our own AI enabled platforms, which would certainly help both the companies and the aspirants. In the next two years, our focus will be to increase our footprints organically in the country. Creating a strong network of BTPs (Big Tree Partners), who are freelancers, who help us in increasing our reach and hiring. We understand that, to have a successful leap forward, the foundations of our company have to be strong. But we would certainly see ourselves expand to overseas in the next 5 Years, tapping the foreign markets. That would be exciting!!

Inventiva: Do you have any plans for the funding? Or have you raised any funding?
Karam: Till now we are a bootstrapped StartUp. Expanding would certainly need funds. Our expansion plans post Covid-19, is ambitious and organic at the same place. We are looking for funds.

Inventiva: What were the problems you faced during the starting days, and how did you resolve them?
Karam: As a StartUp, challenges coupled with opportunities are the gift that one gets. It was the same with us as well. I would certainly replace problems with challenges. During our starting days, our challenge was to instill confidence in companies, that, they can onboard a StartUp, as their Human Resource Partner. However, we are thankful to some of our clients, who did. The market usually looks at experience as a qualification and I agree with it. But we also have to understand one thing, every successful company, was once a newbie.

The mathematics is very simple. The more the number of contacting, the better is the conversion ratio. Being a StartUp, the last thing we would expect is to be complacent. Hard work has no substitute. But hard work along with smart work is lethal. Competitive pricing with smarter tools, helped us.

Inventiva: What do you do in your spare time? What are your hobbies?
Karam: Gardening is a stress buster to me. I love Watering plants. Reading books help me in improving my knowledge. Spending time with family and having fun with them is what I enjoy the most.

Inventiva: How has being an entrepreneur affected your family and Social life?
Karam: Staying away from your family is one of the toughest decisions one has to make, in this journey. But that is the sacrifice one has to make. I am fortunate that my family has been very supportive of my decision. I love to socialize. I love to spend time with my Big Tree family, when we are not working. It helps me to know them better. I love the recreation things we do in Big Tree.

Inventiva: How has Work From Home changed things?
Karam: Work from Home for us was new. I would accept one thing, that WFH has brought our team together and closer. It is tough times and this pandemic has caught everyone off guard. We have to accept things and realize that everything is not under our control. But how we react to this, is certainly on us.

We have regular meeting on hangout and have frequent water cooler sessions. As a startup, we expect our team to perform many things and responsibilities other than the fixed ones. And during this time and working from home, many people are taking and performing duties, which they were not specifically hired for. I should thank my Team for being very adaptable, and that is how we at Big Tree take up challenges. Head On.

Inventiva: What do you think is the biggest threat to the success of small businesses and Startups today?
Karam: In my opinion, someone’s biggest threat is he himself. We have to accept, that running a StartUp is challenging and this will demand a lot out of you. People have a lot of ideas, some very unique. But the real challenge is turning that idea into reality and further believing in that idea. I personally don’t think that funding is the biggest challenge. The biggest challenge is believing in your idea for long.

Inventiva: Do you consider yourself successful, and by what means do you measure success?
Karam: Success is never any destination; it is a journey. In my opinion, Success for me is defined by how many people are better off, because of me. That is what I work for and that is what gives me that ultimate satisfaction.

Inventiva: How do you think Coronavirus will affect the entire HR Staffing gamut in India?
Karam: The pandemic has surely affected the way India goes to work. It has hit us during the most crucial time of running a business, during the end of the financial year and the beginning of a new one. Everyone had all their plans at place; how to end the year and the start of a new more promising one. All projections were done, new policies, new budget, almost everything was in place. And then came this hammer.

The lockdown, though was good for saving lives, but was not at all generous for livelihood. But lockdown was need of the hour. Work from Home (WFH), was a new thing for many of us. The staffing eco-system had never tasted total Work From Home, before. But we had to adapt it.

Staffing has been affected both by the present situation and due to the ambiguity that awaits. No one can correctly predict what is in store ahead of us. Our business entirely depends on how our clients behave. As many businesses were shut down and many others working partially, business was hit. Many clients wanted the pricing to be slashed, furloughs, layoffs happened, contracts ended.
But we launched our newest product, fipple-A Video Interview Platform, during this crisis. It helped reduce the time of our clients and helped job aspirant apply for a job from any corner of the country. The staffing place will never be the same again, but we believe this will bring better opportunities in staffing. Jobs will return, but technology will surely play a better role in ensuring it.
I personally believe that in this crisis, staying afloat is a profit in itself.

Inventiva: Please share complete name, address, phone number, email id and website of Your Business and Contact Person
Karam: Big Tree Resource Management Private Limited
812,8th Floor, Emerald Plaza, Sector-65, Gurgaon, Haryana.
Name: Karam Keshav Bharadwaj
Contact No- +124 426 5664/8260622333
Mail ID-

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