Even after the lockdown is over, everything will not be the same. A lot will change, one of which is banking. The Indian Banks’ Association has instructed that banks can become operational in the Green Zone after the lockdown. But in view of Coronavirus continuous spread, State Bank of India has issued a number of guide lines at its branches. Other banks are also preparing to follow these instructions.
The team of four senior officials will decide whether the banks are following the rules for protection from Corona. The card given by the bank will not attract attendance. Under the ‘Touchless’ process, the presence of bank employees will be recorded through RFID tags. That is, the tag kept in the pocket will make its presence felt. The concept of work from home will be implemented for the first time in banks.
In addition to cash transactions, banking related operations which can be done from the system and are not security threats will be also done through homes.
What top bank officers has to say
UP Bank Employees Union Minister Rajneesh Gupta said that the guidelines are good but in practice it will be a big challenge. Anil Kumar Mishra, general secretary of the PNB Officers Association said the risk of corona infection is likely to be prolonged. In such a situation, there is a need to be vigilant with adequate arrangements for the security of the banking staff.
These will be the rules
- Staff will not go to each other’s cabin or meeting stops.
- Ban on mass lunch.
- Will bring Tiffin from home.
- No entry to bank without sanitation and thermal check up.
- The cafeteria and canteen will remain closed, try to distance yourself.
- Social distancing is mandatory among customers.
- The bank’s entry gate, building, currency chest, office, ATM, parking and e-lobby etc. will be continuously sanitized.
- Sanitation or water-soap-washbasin will have to be arranged at the entry gate.
- Employees will be asked to come from their vehicles only, a suggestion to avoid public transport.
- The advice to avoid manual forms transactions, will work only on e-copy.