Forgetting your credit cards payment has become common these days. Your busy lifestyle combined with numerous bills and their due dates makes it quite difficult to keep track of what to pay and when. If you have to make only one or two payments every month, you may not have much of a problem. However, the problem compounds if you have multiple bills to pay every month.
Missing your paymens more than once can have serious repercussions. For example, you will have to incur a late payment penalty of up to 2% every month on the outstanding amount. Furthermore, a bad repayment history will also hurt your credit score. If you miss your payment, more debt will accumulate on your credit statement and cause financial stress.
And if it’s any relief, the piling up debt anxiety is shared by all of us. Well, the good new is credit card debt consolidation companies can become your go-to to manage your debt and help pay it off easier and faster.
And, you can pay off your credit card bills without any hassles to avoid hefty charges or harming your credit score. Here are the top ways to pay your credit card bills. 
- NEFT Payments
The National Electronic Funds Transfer Systems (NEFT) is one of the popular modes of payment. It enables you to make credit card payments from your bank account within a day or two. You can avail of NEFT services if you have activated online banking services. All you have to do is click on Fund Transfer and choose NEFT.
You will then have to add your card details under the payee details. Enter your credit card number, the name of the issuing bank, IFSC code, etc. If you do not know the IFSC code, you can contact your issuing bank to know their bank branch IFSC code. After putting all the details in, the required amount will be transferred from your bank account to your credit card.
- RTGS Payments
Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) is a mode of payment that allows you to transfer funds from your account within the same day. You will, however, need to ensure that the payment is initiated before the cut-off time. RTGS payment allows you to make large payments. So, if you have to pay a large credit card payment, using RTGS makes more sense.
The process of transferring funds from your bank account to our card is similar to that of NEFT. You will need to pay your credit card details under payee details and transfer the funds almost instantly.
- ECS Payments
Electronic Clearance System (ECS) is the best online payment system that you can avail of to make regular card payments. For instance, if you have to pay credit bills regularly, you can set up an ECS mandate. Your credit card issuer will send a payment request every month to your bank, and your bank will make the payment from your bank account to the credit card company.
- Online Bill Payment Services
It is also known as electronic bill payment. It is one of the best ways to make on-time credit card payments online. You will need to choose your bill payment service provider, enter credit card details, contact details, such as mobile number or email address, the bill amount, the bank, and the bank account number. It processes your payment within a day of making the payment.
The best part about the online payment services is that it sends reminders when the payment is due, making it easy to keep track of the due dates. Also, you can schedule payments in advance by allowing the bill payment company to make automatic payments one or two days before the due date.
- Mobile App Payments
There are several apps available through which you can easily make credit card payments on time. These online apps are Paytm, MobiKwik, Freecharge, etc. All you have to do is enter your credit details in the app, and the app will transfer the bill amount from your account to the credit card. It is worth noting that you will have to enter your transaction ID and OTP in most cases to complete the transaction.
Furthermore, most banks have come up with mobile apps to assist customers to pay their credit card bills on time. The process of sending money from your bank account to the credit card issuer is similar to those of UPI-based apps.
- Standing Instructions
Standing instructions are ideal for regular credit card payments. To pay your credit card bill, you will have to issue standing instructions under which your bank will pay the total outstanding amount on your credit card. If you wish to set it up, you will need to check with your and submit the documentation required.
Therefore, if you make a particular amount of purchase every month, you should set standing instructions with your bank to pay the amount every month before the due date.