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The Exodus of Millionaires from India: An In-Depth Analysis. The Largest Number Left India During Modi Era

1. How Many Millionaires Have Left India in 2023

In 2023, India witnessed a significant outflow of high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs). According to data from the Henley Global Citizens Report and other wealth migration studies, approximately 8,000 millionaires left India.

This trend reflects a growing desire among India’s wealthy class to seek better economic opportunities, lifestyle benefits, and security abroad. The number marks a substantial increase from previous years, driven by a combination of factors including economic, social, and political uncertainties.

2. How Many Millionaires Are Planning To Leave India in 2024

Projections for 2024 indicate an even higher number of millionaires planning to leave India. Surveys by wealth management firms and immigration consultancies suggest that over 10,000 millionaires are considering emigration in the coming year.

The motivations behind this planned migration include concerns about economic stability, taxation, quality of life, and global business opportunities. This projected increase underscores ongoing trends and emerging issues within the country’s economic and social landscape.

3. Why Are So Many Millionaires Leaving India

The reasons behind the increasing exodus of millionaires from India are multifaceted:

Economic Factors

  1. Taxation Policies: High personal income taxes, wealth taxes, and a complex tax regime are significant deterrents for HNWIs. Countries with more favorable tax regimes, such as the UAE, Monaco, and Singapore, are attracting Indian millionaires.
  2. Economic Stability: Concerns about economic volatility, inflation, and regulatory uncertainties in India push millionaires to seek stable environments to protect their wealth.

Quality of Life

  1. Healthcare and Education: Access to world-class healthcare and educational facilities for their families is a significant motivator. Developed countries provide superior healthcare systems and prestigious educational institutions.
  2. Safety and Security: Personal safety and security are paramount for the wealthy. High crime rates, political instability, and social unrest in India drive many to seek safer environments.

Business and Investment Opportunities

  1. Global Business Expansion: Many Indian millionaires are business owners looking to expand their enterprises globally. Countries with favorable business climates offer better opportunities for growth and diversification.
  2. Investment Opportunities: Access to diverse and sophisticated investment opportunities, including real estate, financial markets, and venture capital, is another draw for Indian millionaires.

Lifestyle and Personal Preferences

  1. Lifestyle Amenities: The allure of a higher standard of living, including luxury real estate, recreational facilities, and cultural amenities, is a strong pull factor.
  2. Travel Freedom: The ability to travel visa-free or with minimal restrictions is highly valued by millionaires. Citizenship or residency in countries with strong passports offers greater global mobility.

4. Where Are Most Millionaires Settling Down

Indian millionaires are primarily relocating to countries that offer favorable economic policies, high quality of life, and robust investment opportunities:

  1. United Arab Emirates: The UAE, particularly Dubai, has become a top destination due to its zero-income tax policy, excellent infrastructure, and luxurious lifestyle. Its strategic location as a global business hub adds to its appeal.
  2. United States: The US continues to attract Indian millionaires with its strong economy, diverse investment opportunities, and prestigious educational institutions. Cities like New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco are popular choices.
  3. United Kingdom: Despite Brexit, the UK remains a preferred destination, offering a favorable business environment, high-quality education, and a vibrant cultural scene. London is particularly attractive to wealthy individuals.
  4. Australia: Australia’s high quality of life, stable economy, and business-friendly environment make it a popular choice. Cities like Sydney and Melbourne are home to growing Indian millionaire communities.
  5. Canada: Known for its high standard of living, excellent healthcare, and education system, Canada attracts many Indian millionaires. Toronto and Vancouver are particularly popular due to their multicultural environments.
  6. Singapore: With its strategic location in Asia, low taxes, and business-friendly policies, Singapore is a top destination for Indian millionaires looking to expand their businesses and enjoy a high standard of living.
  7. Switzerland: Switzerland’s reputation for political stability, safety, and luxury living makes it an attractive destination. Its favorable tax policies and privacy laws are additional incentives for millionaires.

5. What Will Be The Impact Of This Exodus

The migration of millionaires from India has several significant impacts, both domestically and internationally:

Impact on India

  1. Economic Impact: The departure of high-net-worth individuals can lead to a reduction in domestic investment and entrepreneurship. Millionaires often play a crucial role in economic growth through their businesses, investments, and philanthropic activities.
  2. Tax Revenue: A significant loss of tax revenue is another consequence. Millionaires contribute disproportionately to the country’s tax base, and their departure can lead to a fiscal shortfall, impacting public services and infrastructure development.
  3. Brain Drain: The exodus includes not only wealth but also talent and expertise. Many millionaires are successful entrepreneurs and business leaders whose departure can create a vacuum in innovation and leadership within the country.
  4. Real Estate Market: The luxury real estate market can be affected by the migration of wealthy individuals. A decline in demand for high-end properties can lead to price corrections and impact the overall real estate sector.

Impact on Host Countries

  1. Economic Contribution: Host countries benefit from the influx of Indian millionaires through increased investments, business activities, and job creation. Their entrepreneurial ventures contribute to economic growth and innovation.
  2. Cultural Diversity: The presence of Indian millionaires adds to the cultural diversity of host countries. Their contributions to the arts, culture, and philanthropy enrich the social fabric of these nations.
  3. Real Estate and Luxury Markets: The demand for luxury real estate and high-end services in host countries often sees a boost due to the influx of wealthy immigrants. This drives growth in these sectors and supports related industries.

6. A Detailed Comparative Analysis of Millionaire Exodus from 2003-2013 and 2014-2024

2003-2013: The Early Trends

During the decade from 2003 to 2013, India saw the beginnings of significant HNWI migration, though the numbers were relatively modest compared to the latter period. Key factors during this time included:

  1. Economic Liberalization: Post-1991 economic reforms gradually opened up the Indian economy, creating new wealth among the entrepreneurial class. However, as these individuals sought to protect and grow their wealth, they began exploring opportunities abroad.
  2. Taxation and Regulation: High tax rates and regulatory challenges started pushing some HNWIs to consider more favorable jurisdictions. However, the migration was not as pronounced due to relatively better economic conditions in the early 2000s.
  3. Quality of Life: The growing awareness of better quality of life abroad, including healthcare, education, and personal security, began influencing migration decisions.
  4. Global Mobility: Increasing global connectivity and the rise of global business operations made international mobility more appealing and feasible for India’s wealthy.

2014-2024: Accelerated Migration

The period from 2014 to 2024 saw a significant acceleration in the migration of millionaires from India. Key differences and driving factors include:

  1. Economic Factors: Economic slowdowns, demonetization in 2016, and other financial reforms created uncertainty among the wealthy. The rise of stringent tax regulations and compliance measures further incentivized HNWIs to seek tax-efficient jurisdictions.
  2. Political Climate: Political changes and perceived instability, along with rising concerns about social policies, influenced many to seek more stable environments. Issues such as religious and social tensions contributed to this sentiment.
  3. Global Business Environment: The increasing globalization of business meant that HNWIs could leverage international opportunities more effectively. Countries offering business-friendly environments and better infrastructure attracted many Indian entrepreneurs.
  4. Quality of Life and Lifestyle Choices: Improved awareness and access to information about global living standards made the wealthy more inclined to migrate. The desire for better healthcare, education, safety, and lifestyle amenities became stronger motivators.
  5. Pandemic Impact: The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the disparities in healthcare systems and government responses globally. Many HNWIs moved or planned to move to countries with better healthcare infrastructure and crisis management capabilities.


The exodus of millionaires from India is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon influenced by economic, social, political, and personal factors. While it presents challenges for India, such as loss of tax revenue, talent, and investment, it also offers opportunities for host countries to benefit from the influx of wealth and entrepreneurial spirit. Addressing the root causes of this migration, such as improving economic stability, taxation policies, and quality of life, is crucial for India to retain its affluent and talented individuals.

At the same time, fostering strong ties with the Indian diaspora can create avenues for continued collaboration and mutual growth. The comparative analysis of the periods 2003-2013 and 2014-2024 highlights the evolving dynamics and increasing intensity of millionaire migration, reflecting broader changes in global economic and social landscapes.



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